There are many positions, as a way of perceiving or establishing, what reality is, there are authors who have determined that reality is a cognitive situation of appreciation of an "INTELLIGENT" observer aware of the different interactions that can be developed at the cognitive level or metacognitive from and to an individual or living being in their environment. Now this is a very broad concept of what we could determine as reality, however if to palpable reality, here we are diluting with respect to what concerns the very existence of the human being, there are innumerable, the philosophers, scientists, poets and prophets and humanity of the human species who have worked from the beginning and the trees of existence, aware of the analysis of this circumstantial situation that like us or not, we are immersed in it.
The reality of conscious existence is determined intrinsically to the degree of development, intellectual, or natural of the individual who reaches consciousness to the point that this type of question is asked, who are we? How are we? What are we? ?, Where are we going? because we are? Why do we exist? These are questions that humanity has been asking since before when we climbed trees.
When we reason with respect to reality, we make the mistake of thinking and ingesting that humanity is everything, when in reality we are surrounded by a great variety of living animals and plants, and yet each one of them perceives time as space In a very peculiar way each one, this type of circumstance, is necessarily superdited at the level of reasoning and at the level of stay or stay as such within the nature.
Place a very descriptive example: IMaginence A tree in the middle of the forest (A SECOLLA), where there is no trace of animal life, only vegetable, and suddenly a lightning bolt falls, split the tree in two, the serious question; How did that event sound? Many will try to describe what they imagined of noise, others will imagine an unpleasant event seeing the tree split in two, and some fire, others, according to their perception they could explain or argue what they could think, however, it is my assessment, in my opinion, it never really sounded because if there are no rational living beings that hear the noise, the sound does not really exist.
From this example we could determine:
- .- That things really do not exist if there is no one who persuades them.
- .- Both the quotient and the non-rational beings do not exist without the existence of nature, both depend on the other.
- .- Reality has a lot to do with the interpretation of a conscious being.
Now we could determine that reality is nothing more than an intrinsic causality of fortuitous events, chained to each other, as a whole and that this is developed according to an independent observer of such an event.
However, it is a very complex situation since this leads us to reason and think about why nature itself must create or condition situations of events in interaction for herself to self-observe and make or construct reality. It seems that we live in a kind of factory events, experiential, fortuitous, unplanned.
So much so that I would dare to say that reality does not really exist, only that we must be constantly creating it, so much so that the reality we live is the reality that at a certain moment was created by people before us, and natural events , of a cognitive, metacognitive, and incidental nature, which has led to living this environment in which we develop.
Conclude, Reality is created, and is destroyed at the moment in which it ceases to be perceived by an entity of natural perception. The pure reality in nature does not exist, it must be created and be constantly created, that makes us and constitutes us in proportional proportions to custodians of existence.
Until another next article, I hope you liked it.
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