tutorial to make fecebook let me quickly
Actually how to make facebook is not difficult. You only need to have an active email address or mobile number for facebook account registration requirements. However, there are still some who do not understand how to create / register a new facebook account.
Facebook is one of the most popular social networking and its users are widely spread in various parts of the world. Mark Zuckerberg's social networking service is growing rapidly just over time. Indonesia was ranked the top 10 with the most facebook users in the world.
Also read: how to delete facebook account
Many of them are using facebook for the purposes of friendship, doing business promotion, discussion place and so forth. Here I will explain as much detail as I can about the steps on how to create a new facebook account, starting from registration, changing the profile photo / cover up by filling out information about yourself.
Steps to create a new facebook account
- Please go to facebook.com site
- You will see the registration form as shown in the picture below. Please fill in your identity.
Registration form that has been filled more or less like the following picture. You can use the phone number to register facebook. But in this tutorial, I use email for facebook account registration requirements. Do not have email? You can read my article on how to create email in gmail and yahoo. Next select the Sign up button.
- Will appear three easy steps to start facebook. The first step is to add people you may know as friends. You can search for friends later, so select Nex
- For the second step is almost the same as the first step is to add friends. The difference is, in this step we can find friends through our email list. Please select Next, then select Skip step.
- You can change your profile picture in this third step. Select Next course, I'll explain how to change the profile picture as well as
- For the last stage of facebook account creation, you must confirm your account. Please open email from facebook, then click "Confirm Your Account" button.
account confirmation - A notice will appear that your account has been confirmed as shown in the following figure.
account already confirmed.