How to create a redbubble account
In my last post I shared how surprised I was with how good my art looked on a dress. Read on if you are as inspired by it, as I was, and want to make something of your own like this:
Here is a tutorial:
you need: e-mailadres, paypal account and a post adress
Go to
1 click on the menu
2 read careful, here you decide if you agree with the protocols
3 If you agree that this is a good idea for you, sign yourself up here. You need the e-mailadres, your adress and your paypal here. It is very easy, there will be some verification so be sure to give real information.
When you have your account you can click on menu again and choose: add new work and then upload to all products.
Now you have your art work on the product. You can play with it by clicking on edit. here you can change size, repetition, background color and placing. My advise here is have fun!
Extra tip is to make sure your image has enough pixels. Look for more information
Let me know your account so I can look you up. If you want to follow me look for Bevelien (they only allow 15 letters for your username). If you have a favorite I would like to ask you to leave it in a comment here. I am just trying out this myself and need to know what works. I have not enough knowledge yet to know the ethics of this site...... take that please in consideration.
all pictures and screenshots come from
Great article!
Thank you
Tof, @barbaarseevelien! Vanaf de afbeelding lijkt de kwaliteit van redbubble me uitstekend. Ik zoek al lang naar een dergelijke site. You got me all excited!
Yaay, nog meer to-do's on my list :'-D
Wat gaaf!!!! Op Redbubble kan je ook de reviews van de klanten lezen over de producten. Niet alles is positief maar dat maakt het positieve natuurlijk alleen maar geloofwaardiger :)
Voeg je me daar toe als je een account hebt? Het lijkt me leuk om elkaar te volgen en ik ben benieuwd hoe het er van jou uit ziet.
I'll let you know...
Nice article. Good walkthrough and exploration of the different options. I don't have a redbubble, although I've heard of it I didn't really know what it was until I saw your post. So thanks :)
Thank you, I think there is a lot more to learn for me there. But for now it is a lot of fun to see how a different presentation/product changes the art.
Upvoted ☝ Have a great day!
embracing & great!
Or is it?
You are identified as a bot who leaves two random positives words. Please don't do that. You don't gain anything from it long term. I have read in your replies more and more people are starting to get irritated by your behaviour. There will be a point you get some retaliation especially while you are warned so many times.
The time it took you to build a bot, you could have made meaningful connections. I hope you will stop the bot and be truly supportive to other people.
Unfortunately I doubt they'll ever see this :(
I don't think it either. But that doesn't free me from my human duty in case there is a human at the other end.
I have some nightmarish thought every time I am confronted with spam and no-good-do-ers. What if it is a person who is just starting out and is as lost as I was, trying to mimick what he/she sees.... What if the first couple of things seen are bots with typical both behaviour. Like ducklings choose the forst living thing as their mommy. Just my typical overthinking.