Making Steemit better a minnow at a time (X) - Bandwith and other stuff

in #tutorial7 years ago (edited)
Hello fellow Minnows,

I see minnows complaining about bandwidth daily, especially in the hours when most accounts are online. You can tell that the newcomers with small accounts, by small I mean with low SP, get into this problem very quickly. Steem delegates 15SP for the new ones but that's not enough for the new ones who would like to use everything on the page.

The bandwidth depends on the SP you have because the bandwidth is shared by the total SPs and everyone gets a % to their SP's bandwidth. This bandwidth and the resulting brake on the platform was introduced for two reasons, as I see:
1. So that people buy SP and thus the value increases. Not everyone does that or is able to by SP and some good accounts are lost here.
2. So that the spam is slowed down. The people who have more SP appreciate their investment (be it time or money) and would rather spam less often. Many of the spammers are very low SP accounts. They do not understand or they do not want to understand that spam is harmful to everyone. I'm sure there will be people who will spam this post here, just like last week.

Hallo Minnows,

ich sehe täglich Minnows die sich beschweren über die Bandbreite, insbesondere in den Stunden wo die meisten Konten online sind. Man merkt das die Neulinge mit kleinen Konten, also klein meine ich mit geringer SP Zahl, sehr schnell dieses Problem bekommen. Steem delegiert 15SP für die Neuen aber das reicht nicht die Tage wenn sich ein Neuling tobt.

Die Bandbreite ist abhängig von der SP die man hat, weil die Bandbreite wird geteilt durch die gesamt SPs und jeder bekommt % zu seiner SP die Bandbreite. Diese Bandbreite und damit entstehende Bremse wurde eingeführt aus zwei Gründe wie ich sehe:
1. Damit Leute SP kaufen und somit auch der Wert steigt. Nicht jeder leistet sich das aber und hier werden ein paar gute Konten verloren.
2. Damit das Spam gebremst wird. Die Leute die mehr SP haben wissen ihr Investment (sei es Zeit oder Geld) zu schätzen und würden eher seltener spammen. Viele der Spammer sind Konten mit sehr geringem SP. Die verstehen nicht oder wollen nicht verstehen das Spam für alle schädlich ist. Bin sicher das es wieder Leute geben wird die hier diesen Beitrag spammen werden, genauso wie letzte Woche.

What can you do?

Buying SP would be the simplest option. But as mentioned before, not everyone has resources for this solution.

You should actually convert the first SBD directly into the Steem and then into SP. It's the smartest solution on the long run.

Another tip I can give is that you think through all the actions you do. Every single action eats up on the bandwidth, so at the beginning you should ask yourself twice if the action will do any good. One should concentrate on a good post than on 10 weak ones from quality point of view. The comments should also be thought out. A "follow4followupvotebroSirplease" will not help. If we are already here I would say better what kind of actions to avoid.

Most important, as already mentioned, are the countless comments. Here I am glad that these bandwith problems exist because many are spared from spam.

One should not mindlessly follow all people who are on Steemit. It makes no sense and every click on the Follow button eats up bandwidth. If I see accounts follow people in 5-digit range I just have to shake my head. It does not help, on the contrary, many who have more SP will not follow you for that.

If you see that problem persist, just ask politely someone to delegate some SP. But you have to write very good posts and be involved in the community to even think of that.

To test the bandwidth, I recommend you, the best tool on the market developed by @steemchiller.

Was kann man machen?

SP kaufen würde die einfachste Variante sein. Aber wie schon erwähnt, nicht alle haben Mitteln für diese Lösung.

Man sollte eigentlich die ersten SBD direkt ins Steem umtauschen und danach ins SP umwandeln. Es ist die gescheiteste Lösung auf Dauer.

Ein anderes Tipp was ich geben kann ist das man alle Aktionen die man macht auch durchdenkt. Jede einzige Aktion frisst von der Bandbreite, also sollte man am Anfang sich zwei mal Fragen ob die Aktion etwas bringt. Man sollte sich auf ein gutes Beitrag konzentrieren als an 10 schwache von der Qualität Seite aus. Auch die Kommentare sollten durchdacht sein. Ein "follow4followupvotebroSirplease" wird nichts helfen. Wenn wir hier schon sind würde ich besser erwähnen was für Aktionen man vermeiden soll.

Am wichtigsten sind wie schon erwähnt die unzähligen Kommentare. Hier bin ich froh das es diese Probleme mit der Bandbreite gibt weil viele werden so verschont von Spam.

Man sollte nicht hirnlos alle Leute die es auf Steemit gibt followen. Es macht kein Sinn und jeder Klick auf den Follow Knopf frisst Bandbreite auf. Wenn ich Konten sehe die Leute in 5-stelliger Bereich folgen muss ich nur den Kopf schütteln. Es bringt nichts, ganz im Gegenteil, viele die mehr SP haben werden euch deswegen nicht folgen.

Wenn ihr sieht das das Problem besteht, schreibt Leute einfach an um euch SP zu delegieren. Dafür musst ihr aber sehr gute Beiträge schreiben und auch in der Community involviert sein.

Um die Bandbreite zu prüfen empfehle ich euch, das beste Tool das von @steemchiller entwickelt worden ist.



Thanks for that advice. I think I need to buy some SP to solve this bandwidth problem.

You should buy only with the money that you can afford to lose.

Yes, you are guiding on right way. I have solved that bandwith problem with buying some SP and it really has relaxed me. Thanks for sharing for minnows. Hugs from Spain.

Like I always say, invest online what you can afford to lose. Buying some SP changes the user experience at the start,

Tbh, I didn't know that merely following someone eats bandwidth...

It eats, mostly it has been introduced to avoid the follow4follow as I follow you guys. There are a lot of guys who start following ten thousands of users.

I have found now that my SP is up above 30 I rarely run into the bandwidth issues like I used to. It used to be most of the day I was locked out. Now it is more like twice a week for a very short period of time. I use steemd to keep track of my voting power and bandwidth. This was a very good informative post on an issue that many new users are facing.

Thank you for the comment. Yes, it is an issue. I find it bad because the users who post good content are runing with the pulled hand brake because of this. But this is the toll the platform takes to avoid scammers.

This post has great advice! I am grateful to you for taking the time to explain some things that I have been contemplating. I am fairly new to all of this so I am still feeling my way through some things. I should invest some resources into building up this account and taking it more seriously. Thanks again!- Ivy

Hi Ivy, thanks for droping by. Only invest what you can afford to lose. The platform has definitely potential but the communication is quiet weak from Steem Inc. If they will improve it, this can grow faster than expected.

Hey Alex. I love how you've laid this out.
I'd like to see this become the standard for bilingual posts.
Great work.

Thank you. I do this to get a bigger coverage and to improve my writing in both languages.

Guter post. Aber zu deiner Information es sind paar Fehler im deutschen Text vorhanden.

Danke. Wenn du Fehler siehst bitte die im Discord melden. Es freut mich wenn ich solches Feedback bekomme weil ich nur so mich schnellen verbessern kann.

Ok mach ich nächstes Mal.

Great article. I hadn't extensive problem s with bandwidth up until recently and it drove me nuts. I'm not sure at what point I crossed the SP threshold, but I haven't had any in quite some time now.

I got really, really frustrated when I would be in the deep negatives for hours on end after having been inactive for over a day. I thought to myself "there must surely be something wrong" but there wasn't.

So my advice to any fellow minnows who may be reading this, I know it's frustrating, but it will be solved once you get you're SP up :)

Great article!

True, I've seen that after reaching 30SP it shall be all fine. Maybe some seldome problems on some very crowded days.

I have grown very fast STEEM using SBD. Thank you @alexvan for advice (a few days ago ) !

It was a short spike for SBD this couple of months. I think it will drop in the near future to 1$ so the ones that used have an advantage to this.

Until then profit moment !

Thanks for this. It's been a bit of a journey truing to understand the complexities of steemit and teeing to figure out the most productive methods to grow an account with little money to invest in it. This cleared up a couple of things I'd been mulling over, much appreciated.

I post mostly on Wednesday some tips regarding Steemit.

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