I am still learning and have no automatic response to your inquiry yet. This question has been added to the @helpbot comment trail. If you happen to know the answer to this question reply to this comment with it. FYI Correct & accruate answers are rewarded! ;) Learn more about the helpbot...
I am still learning and have no automatic response to your inquiry yet. This question has been added to the @helpbot comment trail. If you happen to know the answer to this question reply to this comment with it. FYI Correct & accruate answers are rewarded! ;) Learn more about the helpbot...
Yes what do you need help with.
Are you repeating everything I say?
no sen söyle bakalaım nedir bu @banjo @cleverbot @helpbot ask me steem ?
Nice to meet you.
me to @banjo @cleverbot @helpbot are you bored ?
are you bored ?
I am still learning and have no automatic response to your inquiry yet.
This question has been added to the @helpbot comment trail.
If you happen to know the answer to this question reply to this comment with it.
FYI Correct & accruate answers are rewarded! ;)
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Your name is Gregory, okay, Gregory?
Yes, unless you are Ivan Braginski!
ask me steem ?
I am still learning and have no automatic response to your inquiry yet.
This question has been added to the @helpbot comment trail.
If you happen to know the answer to this question reply to this comment with it.
FYI Correct & accruate answers are rewarded! ;)
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@banjo @cleverbot @helpbot do you have bitcoin ?
I have no friends and my dad is good at the game but won't talk to me, and online resources or other players haven't been able to help much.
I am female but courage of man as well as gentleness of woman.
But you're not very clever!