Caravan of Illegals Heading Towards U.S. Border Releases List of Demands
The caravan is now issuing demands.
Via Diamond And Silk:
Where do these people get off issuing demands? The United States doesn’t owe them anything. Yes, we are a country that benefits from immigrants. That doesn’t mean we just blindly accept everyone who walks across the border illegally. This whole situation is just an admission that the laws don’t matter to the Democrats anymore. Federal immigration law doesn’t matter. If you support a migrant caravan just walking across the border and setting up shop wherever it pleases then you support open borders and it’s hard to think of anything less practical or patriotic than that.
Check out how Texas is preparing themselves… See Full Article
Hmm,empty barrel makes the loudest sound
Illegals who probably have zero rights in their countries, are usually the loudest on claiming rights. It's a crazy World
Great post. thanks for sharing