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RE: My Life's Journey - Finally rebuilding our home with my father after it was ravaged by war.

in #tsufamily7 years ago (edited)

When I read your story, it is with sadness that anyone should have to go through this understanding of what war means in their lifetime, even for a moment.

The heartbreak and the certain defeated feeling that your father must have felt upon returning to the house would have been more than a wife could bear. As the head of the household, I cannot imagine the responsibility of keeping everyone safe and having the task of starting all over – actually worse because cleaning a mess is harder than beginning new, but, the pride of being in the same familial home of your ancestors…. I would have to rebuild as he did.

I am trying to put myself in your shoes and wonder if I would be that person that rises above it. I hope I would. Would I survive this feeling of having so much taken away from me? Not material things, but, the peace, the safety, the love of my neighbors? You are very brave to me.

To step up and assist in the repairs is such an admirable thing to do. Something that can only be done in the purity of love. I cannot imagine how your father feels every time he looks at you. I am sure that he is so proud of the man you are becoming.

I admire you and I do not even know you. You have my thoughts and prayers as you continue to rehab and put your parent’s life back to where it once was. God bless you and your family. Truly.

Wonderful writing. Please keep it up! I apologize for the length of this response. Upvoted, Resteemed and Following


First of all, thank you for an amazing response. It makes all my writing and sharing my experiences all worth it.

As I was a little kid when the war was happening I do have some memories of it, but not too many. Most of my memories are after the war, and when we returned to our home. The persons who were hurt the most by the war were my parents.

I can't even imagine how they felt. I mean having it all set up for life, to start from zero in a very short time. I would not wish it to anyone. I mean everything you ever worked for all your life was taken from you. I can't imagine the feeling. I mean I can, but not to the extent my parents felt it. They had a great life before the war.

In order to go through all of that and constantly worry about the safety of your family is not easy. You have to be a strong person to do so. It did leave scars for sure, but it made us all stronger because of it. I truly believe in the saying "what does not kill you, it only makes you stronger."

I think you really can't know how strong you are until you are put in this kind of situation in life. I believe when it comes to protecting our loved ones we would all find the strength to do what is necessary. Including you my friend. Even though I do not wish to anyone to be put in this kind of situation to find out.

The war is over a long time ago, and I am just happy I finally have the means to rebuild what we lost during the war. It has been my silent wish for years. By doing so heal some of my father's scars, and return at least part of what he lost. All the "reward" I need from this is when I see my dad work with such a passion, and love. I know it means the world to him.

With every board and bucket of paint, we will heal some of the pain a war left behind. Plus I will create some great memories with my father. There will always a memory of me working on with my dad every time I pass the things we repaired. I will tell the story to my future kids. :)

Thank you for all your wonderful wishes and prayers @dswigle. You have truly made my day brighter. In order to write such a passionate response, you have to be a wonderful person. I wish all the best to you and your entire family.

I will keep you posted on our progress.

Much love,


Duro, Exactly. It is your mother and father that truly have my heart. After all, it was their responsibility to take care of their family. Can you imagine their whispered, hurried conversations on what would be best and where in the world could they go? How many people lost their livelihood? Everything they ever worked for? Not only things, but, this shakes the very core of your inner peace.

I will tell you that my parents were frightened to be kicked out of a country and threatened with being arrested, the whole family. Although it was Communist at the time, we had the proper visas to visit relatives there. Years later, I still shake at the thought of my father and mother being threatened with being thrown in prison.

The lesson has not been lost on you. I admire you much for that. You are using this horrific experience in the most positive way. You are working as a team with your dad, helping him as he ages, showing him that you are there for him. The memories you make will be yours forever. Of course I hope you are taking pictures as you work, they make great memories.

As for your parents, my heart goes out to them. How different their life would have been? But, under Communism? Have they gained anything? I am not sure. I do know that war never solved anything. I have always said that if the Generals were in the front lines leading the troops, there would be no wars. It is the truth.

Thank you for keeping me in the loop with the progress. I look forward to the next installment. You are, indeed a remarkable individual. Your parents really did a great job instilling family values in you and certainly curbed what could easily have been hatred for all the loss. Your love shines through.

Shine on!

Much love back,


PS... Your English is better than most Americans. Bravo.

I can't even imagine their state of mind at the moments all was happening. I mean if you make a wrong decision, all can go the very very wrong. I am just glad they were strong enough to make strong decisions. It literally saved all our lives.

Well, with this rebuilding I am hoping to return at least a bit of inner peace to my father. I am really hoping it slowly erase, or at least cover up all the bad memories from those times. At least destroyed wall will not remind him of the thing lost, but rather of the times we worked together to fix it all. That is my goal.

I can't even imagine what your parents were going through. I mean it is basically being a stranger in your own country. Even, though you had all the paperwork. It is sad to see sometimes what people can do to each other.

I know one thing. All the wars are started by a handful of individuals. Next time we are about to go to war I would lock those individuals into rooms and let them kill each other instead millions of people.

Actually, I can only speak from what my parents told me about the time before the war. They actually told me back then people had opportunities, they had good salaries, and lived good lives. If you worked hard, you would have a good life. Today, from my personal experience in Croatia people are living hard lives. Politicians have destroyed our economy. We import more than we produce. Farmers and workers are miserably paid. Corruption is at all time high. From my parent's experience, they lived a much better life before the war.

Well, my parents always taught me to never hate anything or anybody. Treat everybody, like they treat you. I have many Serbian friends. Why should someone be judged by the mistakes of their past? I don't care about your race, color, nationality or anything. If you are a good hearted human being it is all I need to know. That was their lesson to me, and I believe it is a correct one.

Thank you again for a wonderful comment. I really enjoy having this amazing conversation with you Denise. It is priceless to have someone you can really express your feelings, and opinions with. :)

P.S Well, I am cheating a bit since I spent 6 years in the US. I graduated from Sacramento State University with a diploma in International and Intercultural Communications. :)

Here is the link to my Introduce Myself post so you can get to know me a bit better.

Plus another great story of my basketball experience in Italy last season. I believe it is worth reading if you have time for it. :)

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