William Binney A Former N.S.A. Whistle-Blower Tells You What You Should Already Know About Your Wireless Tapping

in #truthnews8 years ago

They are wire-tapping all American citizens, and all at once, and all at the same time.  This should be enough treason to stop what they are doing.  However, this information that comes out doesn't stop what they are doing.  Instead, it only gets worse!  "Following 9/11 the N.S.A. began a top-secret surveillance program to spy on Americans without a warrants."  The code name Stellar Wind was the name given to "the program" by the National Security Agency and has never been made public.  

Even though there are whistle-blowers and insiders telling the details of the crimes, there is still no publicity on the information that these people are coming forward with, and the Americans lives that are being hurt by these programs are causing families to further from each other, and causing people to lose jobs, lose their pay, and ultimately lose their livelihoods - in some cases, their actual lives are lost.

In July of 2007, Binney and two other whistle-blowers were raided by the F.B.I. asking Binney with guns drawn what crime that he knew about so, he explained to them the extensiveness of the wrongdoing that was going on within the government.  "Tell me something that will implicate someone in a crime..." is what the F.B.I. was asking, so Binney told these men, "George Bush, Dick Cheney and others conspired to subvert the constitution, the constitutional process of the constitution and any number of laws, and this is how he did it, and how they were planning to go through with it all."  So he told all the F.B.I. agents on his back porch about "Stellar Wind," who weren't cleared only because it was domestic spying on American "Binney" in this case, and this is the crime that he knew about.  So, you see, this is reason for him to be raided by the F.B.I. of course because they knew that he knew something that he wanted to tell, and knew that he was telling the people in America these things, even though most Americans don't pay any attention at all to the truth in detail, want to know the truth... you have to study it for yourself and you will find that there is something scary going on here in America with the lives of people who are true to you, and true to the people who uphold the values and morals of the constitution and want the correct people to be prosecuted for their demoralization of power in this country, who are getting away with hurting a remarkable amount of people, under the law, and who will stop at nothing to get their relentless agenda's under-weigh and moving in their direction subverting rights everywhere, and the rights of the people.

You see, most people don't think about these things, because they either aren't paying attention, or aren't looking in the right places to pay attention to, and if they are - they think that it's all being made up, for someone to make money on in YouTube.  But, these people aren't trying to make money on a YouTube... rather, they just are using YouTube as the outlet to get information out to the public and those who are willing to listen to the truth that they have to tell you.  But, in my opinion, these people are trying to get the average American person to think about what is going on, in a deeper and more meaningful way, to understand that their rights, and their lives are abruptly missing some pieces of truth in order to put some things into perspective.

And, like most people... no one wants to think that something so horrific could ever take place, so most people shut it off and carry away into their next adventure into the entertainment world that they are living in, while living a complete lie - they continue to be brainwashed by the society, and doing and saying what everyone else thinks that you should be saying and doing.  People just go along with the doctrine, and the indoctrination of their worlds "full of crap" speeches and entertainment, because they don't want to think that they are ever going to have to fight such a horrible beast of a system that doesn't want you and your people alive, rather it wants you dead or to play dead.  It wants to make sure that you are willing to go along with this or that, and that you aren't going to speak out about it, because - they don't want a people that thinks for themselves, or has minds of their own... They want obedient creatures all willing to go along with their plans to torture you at any given moment that they find it necessary to torture you and pull you away from your families, your incomes and jobs and your rights to travel as a free person in a free nation.  Like I've stated before that people aren't free.  They are free as long as they are willing to be the Devils play thing, and be the toys of a society that doesn't want you to be free, but will allow you to be, so much as anyone else that doesn't know a thing about what they are doing.  But, once you figure out what they are doing and you are the type of person to ask questions and question authority, then you are playing the role of a person that is thrown into dissidents and otherwise going to have a tarnished worldview, by the experiences that these people will falsify for you.  You can't drive, can't hold your job because they'll make damn sure that you can't get there, and you will be under attack through covert and otherwise hard to prove mechanisms that they've created for themselves to play with your lives.  And, it all starts with collecting and mining data from your internet, your telephones/cellphones, and your banking and card usage.  They collect everything about you and enter it into a data base, where they then created a software to be able to tell these people who you are, and what you're all about.  Artificial intelligence is making it's own mind up about who you are and what you will go along with and what you won't.  This is important stuff because soon everyone is going to be affected by it, and the brainwashing techniques that they have already created for mind-control and total surveillance of you and your families and all your friends.

Go team America!  For ruining the constitution and for ruining the lives of so many people.  I give you a kudos for doing so much hurt in a supposedly free society of people, while at the same time drawing their minds away from the truth, distorting their minds with your fake truths and masking behaviors of that truth, so that you can continue to do what you do best, and that's hurt innocent people for commercial gain.  Instead of helping people help people - you are hurting people to continue to hurt people, and getting other people who are willing to hurt people simply because they've been so hurt that they are willing to sell their souls to be a people like you, who hurt other people for mere profit!  You're a scum-bag America!  I loathe what you do and what you are going to continue to do.

Did you know that illegally wiretapping America is a crime?  Did you know illegal wiretapping is against your privacy rights as a citizen in this country?  Yet, most Americans think and speak as though this doesn't matter, when it does.  They can demonize or criminalize anyone that they want to, and for whatever reason that they make up as they go without telling you the truth behind what they are doing.  You might even think that you are still living in a society that is a free and open society, that has a free press, and that your freedoms are protected.  While this would be a nice thought, this is not the truth.  There is a HUGE Pandora's box to be told about American lives, and the surveillance that continues to this day, without warrant to hurt innocent people and make the criminals the victims and the victims criminals.  

What your government is doing is getting away with multiple felonies and on a wide range of people who are affected daily because of the things that they are doing with psychological operations within the United States.  Are you protected?  Or are you free?

You can't be protected by a legal system that highly runs things in its own benefit.  Like, I was shot at by a guy who became a cop, so I cannot trust police are going to protect me in the fashion that they should knowing that their sons and daughters are being protected, in what they are willing to do... shoot at innocent people and become cops?  Doesn't that violate the ethics that being a cop was designed to be about?  Same goes with surveillance on American citizens, if you want a world that is spying on its own citizens illegally, then maybe we should start to think of a new way to live, as I cannot trust that these people running the machines of today are for me, when everything I've lived through, seems more that they are against me.  It's outright betrayal by my own government and the people that I was told to trust with my life and my rights.  But on the contrary haven't protected a single thing that's ever happened to me, and even with proof being made - it's just a no brainer to me to not be able to trust my own government seeing as to what I've lived through and what I've experienced on my own.  Now, I'm a writer and a journalist and I'm under attack from the government to not be able to even do what I am doing to fight the oppressive state that I've been made to be in.  I've been made into someone that I'm not, and my abilities are far better off and far more reaching then this government is allowing me to live.  I'm not and have never been able to live up to my own expectations of self, and all because of what these people are doing to ruin my life, by subverting my rights and by taking away my privileges to drive when I need them most, and to continue to pay child support.  I was not allowed to continue to pay child support and my license was suspended for non-payment, even though I was paying it...  and now my life has been altered so many times by this government that I know that I'm not living my own mistakes here, but the mistakes of the men who have created them over me, ruining my life in any way, shape or form that they can now do, with the information that is obtained.  

To me, the things that are unfolding as truth unfolds are telling of a world that I don't want to live in anymore.  I don't want to live as an American, while my soldiers go fight wars that are designed by the CIA, and I.S.I.S. being designed through indoctrination of these people to continue to kill people for unGodly reasons.  I cannot and will not say that I am an American citizen, over saying that I'm a human fucking being with some real human boy emotions for the ways that this world is brushing off the responsibility of their oaths of office and their moral culpability of holding these official positions.



upvoted, thanks for what you are doing ☺

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