#STWT Show 10 - #TruthForChris, Truth For Chester, Charlottesville, March On Google
#STWT Show 10 - #TruthForChris #TruthForChester #Charlottesville #MarchOnGoogle

This is the tenth Spitting Truth with Titus Show. This is my weekly live stream hangout here I invite guests and go over many various topics.
The first topic covered was #TruthForChris the Murder of Chris Cornell and the uncovering of the Hollywood Satanic Cult. Seems Johnny Depp is a highly influential satanist and is tied into the Chris Cornell situation. This is all tied into the #TruthForChester as Chester Bennington the possible bastard son of John Podesta, was killed on Chris's birthday. Supposedly Chester gave Chris a "black book" of elite pedophiles to expose. Article: http://themetalden.com/?p=59302
I also went over how Peter Thiel, of FaceBook, Paypal, and the Ethereum Alliance, uses blood transfusions from young children for live extension technologies. Article: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-3718758/amp/Peter-Thiel-believes-blood-transfusions-young-key-living-forever.html
I showed all of you a new video uploading platform that could one day rival YouTube. It is called "DTube" for decentralized YouTube, it is based on the Steemit Blockchain, and is the first video uploading platform since YouTube that monetizes your content. Article and platform by @HeiminDanger: https://steemit.com/video/@heimindanger/introducing-dtube-a-decentralized-video-platform-using-steem-and-ipfs
My DTube Channel: https://dtube.video/c/titusfrost
I answered the AMA Steemit / Patreon Questions for Week 10: https://steemit.com/stwt/@titusfrost/submit-your-steemit-ama-questions-for-stwt-show-10
I was having very very strange audio issues all night, I had to end the stream early due to it. I have no idea why other than Google was manipulating my bandwidth and causing me issues. Still I do not support the fake alt right SJW's March on Google, instead just don't use YouTube and tell people to switch to other platforms. Driving traffic away from Google will hurt them more than whining outside their HQ. Furthermore the people putting on the protest have not been censored by Google as I have, they are just whining because their view counts therefore their ad revenue is down. It's pathetic. In fact this very video has been demonetized for no reason, but I don't care.
I also covered the ridiculous divide and conquer nonsense that is going on in Charlottesville, the car attack and the protests over a damn statue as if that matters. How often during your day does the existence of a statue make a difference? It doesn't, and the same people protesting this don't protest events and things that matter like PizzaGate or Bilderberg. They are useless sheeple stuck in the fake left vs right paradigm.
I covered the Car Attack that some criminal did, here is the link to the video: https://twitter.com/OHIsBack/status/896430538692624384
I also covered how the car attack suspect was arrested, here is the photo: https://twitter.com/nicholasgraffis/status/896447248661331968
I did a follow up Periscope because my audio got messed up by Google for no reason: https://twitter.com/ImperatorTruth/status/896555357270491136
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good post.
follow me @goga
Caught on camera
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