Email I Sent To Max Igan

in #truthers7 years ago

If you watched the video from my last post by Max Igan, this topic will make more sense. I sent Max the following email, but I would also like to know what Steemit users think. Please let me know any constructive thoughts you may have.

I can't agree more with you when you talk about how the lack of unity in the truther community keeps the #PsychopathsThatBe in power. Here are a few points that might be helpful when you are explaining the topic:

  • Real truthers have a built in resistance to monkey see monkey do behaviors in general. This is a tremendous road block to unity. I cringe when they do the wave at sporting events. Organized religion? See what happens when people decide to work together! If truthers aren't aware of this cognitive dissonance, they will continue avoiding the only behavior (unity) that can free them.
  • Perhaps another way to speed this process along is to coordinate a simple #MonkeySeeMonkeyDoPsyOp to demonstrate how easy and powerful it is to unify. I am familiar with your idea of "opting out" for one day a month, but I suspect it is doesn't provide a quick enough reward that would cause the participant to re-evaluate their beliefs about unity. How about something more simple and immediate to get the ball rolling? I recently saw a tweet suggesting that truthers should change their screen name on twitter to, "Just Another Slave." It can be whatever, just as long as it happens soon; the hour is getting late.


  • We all know what happened to the Native Americans, their failure to unify left them all but extinct. In 2017, things aren't all that different, we have:
  • Ignorant Tribes (Conservative Tribe, Liberal Tribe, Democrat Tribe, Republican Tribe, Trump Tribe, Sanders Tribe, Clinton Tribe, etc)

  • Muddy The Waters Tribes (Flat Earth Tribe, Transgender Tribe, BLM Tribe, etc)

  • Chemtrail Tribe,

  • Fluoride Tribe,

  • PedoGate Tribe,

  • Alien Tribe,

  • GMO Tribe,

  • Cannabis/Hemp Tribe,

  • Fukushima Tribe,

  • 9/11 Inside Job Tribe,

  • Free Energy Tribe,

  • Zionist Tribe,
    etc. (sorry if your tribe was not included.)

  • Aka: Truther Tribes. The geography is different, but make no mistake, these are very real divisions and people will identify threats primarily relating to the tribe they are from. The common denominator is the common enemy, but that is as lost on the Truther Tribes as it was lost on the Native American Tribes. The question remains, how do you make the Truther Tribes understand that they have the same enemy?


Hello databasedna

I have made the same observation and view it as a continuation of the very successful campaign of "divide and conquer". It is probably as old as humanity but still works perfectly.

Keep us all separated and the issue that creates the division doesn't even matter. We will splinter off in regards to just about anything, colour, social status, haves/ have nots, political preference, choice of football team. As much as we have advanced, we still do not have the maturity to accept another point of view that we don't agree with or one that challenges our engrained perspective.

It can be an uncomfortable feeling to disagree with or challenge the herd. As a herd animal we need acceptance and we also want to please others. This obviously isn't a bad thing, but it has been exploited like many of our inherent human traits.

This is where the elite/ rulers/ controllers have gained the advantage over us as they know these traits and have manipulated them for their own ends. They are organised and appear to have an unquestioned hierarchy and agenda so while we squabble over the earth being round or flat, they are making global decisions of population size, eugenics, war, economic boom/bust etc.

Many have learned to let the mainstream media do all their thinking for them and have gotten lazy. I understand this as I was one of them for a long time. For me, turning that television off was like turning on to the truth. But I can't turn all of the TV's off. If they aren't watching the ones on the wall, they are watching the one in the palm of their hands.

And we have the greatest responsibility of them all as we know and the beautiful thing is, if we can achieve harmony amongst ourselves, then we have a chance with them.

We need to realise that it is ok to have different opinions and views and that we need each other. We have to get together and organise ourselves, then work harder than we have ever worked before to grow and gain support of those around us. Until we work this out, we will be stuck herding cats.....

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