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RE: The Georgia Guide stones. - Malevolent or Benevolent? - NWO or Philanthropic Ideologue?

in #truth7 years ago (edited)

I am really digging your posts good Sir. I think this is a Free Mason object. It must be. The numerology is there with the repetitive measurements. The reference to the North Star always has a Luciferian connotation. Also there are ten in "Modern Languages" which leads me to believe this was made by someone who thought these languages and the people that live in them are now under some form of control by this group and also it is an affront to the Bible's Ten Commandments and almost entirely the opposite of the words of Jesus Christ. The first one speaks on population for which God said multiply and be plentiful, he did not say hit the breaks when you get to half a Billion. The second is also very specific and not in accordance with Judeo-Christian Dogma. God makes no references to how people should choose to multiply other than to Praise Him, diversity seems very "Leftist" and fitness very "Communist". The third, God dispersed the people from the Towel of Babel, who all spoke the same language and for their sins, of trying to reach heaven from Earth, they were separated to different lands and given different languages (tongues) so they could not communicate with each other. Also they say a "living language" but then contradict themselves by inscribing "dead languages" in abbreviated form, duality. The fourth, "passion" is mocking Christ and The Passion, and also it is the opposite of what God wanted. One should never let reason overshadow the full faith in the Lord. Faith on its face is without reason so one cannot and should not temper it,not, unless they want to control everything a person believes giving no power to things which are not already laid out for us. Also tradition is the Covenant with God. Breaking this Covenant by using logic/reason is an attempt to move us away from God. The fifth, Jesus states that one should follow no law but Gods law but also to give God what is Gods and to give to Caesar what is Caesars. No Government or system of laws will ever supersede that of the Holy Covenant which is to "love thy neighbor". If a land can impose laws that are more followed than that, such as in an authoritarian dystopia than Gods Law is forgotten. Also they state to protect people with fair laws and courts which is on its face once again against the Dogma of the Judeo-Christian faith. Who will protect the people? There must be some overwhelming authority to do so like Pike and the Masons have been planning for ~300 years. What is fair and what court will decide what is protecting people and from what? The sixth is a clear wish for a One World Government, with Nations simply as inferior parts of a larger, World Rule of Law. This is classic NWO. Seventh, avoid petty laws and useless officials? This is to suggest that the Ten Commandments and the law of God, the Supreme, is imperfect. What is a petty law and who defines it? What is a useless official? To me that is saying be part of the One World government and destroy nations and submit to authoritarian, singular rulers of your lands. The world will be split, according to them, in only so many forms that there are languages present. Who else would this be for if they cannot read these stones? The dead languages are a mockery of these stones itself and anyone who follows these rules, as they are a blatant contradiction to its own words. Eight, balancing Rights with Duties. Sounds like Communism and definitely not a Democratic Republic, where people's rights are Inalienable, God Given. Everything on this list is in opposition to the Holy Bible and especially the Ten Commandments, the Holy Vovenant of the Hebrews/Israelites, and the Gospels, the words of Jesus Christ. What if ones duties conflict with our perceived rights? What if a duty is to stifle dissent at the cost of freedom of speech? What if it is to enforce one language at the cost of the freedom to assemble and the freedom of religion as in the United States Constitution and elements of the Magna Carta. Very much Orwellian Double-Speak. New-speak. Who defines a persons rights other than God himself? What duties does a man (human) have other than to serve God and serve man, as serving man is serving Christ (when you serve man you serve the Lord). Ninth, to place in order what one should focus on. Truth which is anathema to blind faith, Beauty, which is subjective and wholly superficial and lastly Love, which can have many forms,but is placed last on this list and yet is the penultimate rule of the Lord. Love is eternal, for God sent his only begotten son to die for OUR sins so that we may have eternal life in heaven. I am, of course, paraphrasing John 3:16. The sacrifice of Jesus was to be the final blood sacrifice, ushering man into a new age where pagan traditions were not to be observed or acted out. Jesus said this is my body, this is my blood, as all polytheistic religions before Christianity had always made animal sacrifices to their "gods". Like when God tested Abraham, he sent him up to sacrifice to the Lord and was told that God would provide the sacrifice. His son was to be sacrificed to test the faith of Abraham and his lineage would bear the future religions of the world. Now we have the Abrahimic faiths which do not sacrifice animals. Generally the Western World recognizes One God. Although we do still follow Roman traditions in honoring Pagan holidays such as Christmas and Easter and replacing their meaning with Christian ones. Obviously a slight to the final Covenant of Jesus which is to repent your sins, for he is the truth, the light and the way (to heaven, the eternal) in direct opposition to Lucifer. Many people recognize that when people have near death experiences they are told to "come to the light". We also know that the North Stat, as shown in these stones, represents a guide in life. However no one that has had a near death experience (NDE) has ever gone into the light, they have always returned to Earth, for it was not their time to die, God had a different plan. The light is the Morning Star, once again Lucifer, begging you to give up your life, as it has suddenly been taken from you without the opportunity to repent your sins and thus you would not be going to heaven if you follow the light. (As an aside if you are ever in this situation, however warm and peaceful it feels, you are being tempted into the pits of hell, hence the warmth and the light (Lucifer, the light bearer). Yes I am going for the gold here. Onto #10: Clearly there is the repeating of the last phrase. And we are being told not to be a cancer to the Earth. But Earth is simply a temporary dimension to our overal existence and we, as humans, made by God himself in His Own image, can NEVER be a cancer to Earth. We are made from Earth, from clay and water. We are not a cancer and we are nature. What is natural? We control nature so if we are to believe this last rule than we would be giving up a "Right" given to Adam in the Garden of Eden. All this is yours to rule over, the land and the beasts (birds in the sky, fish in the seas) are yours to do what you want, you are the ruler of this Earth. Once again an affront to the story of the Holy Bible and Genesis. I think this is total Masonic, NWO goals here to break religion and to enslave people into a One World government. Everything is against the Bible. Everything isn't against the teachings of Jesus Christ. Numerology is throughout the Free Masons and the fact that these are in stone it also shows a spit in the face to the tablets of the Ten Commandments. These were created by man, with no divine intervention, no prophet, no divine law. This is man-made and had the intended goal to to split man from God. To part us from our opportunity to live a life prescribed in the Bible and to reach Heaven. It emphasizes the rule of man and the laws of Nature. God is the only authority and our nations are meant to have different languages and we are meant to multiply and not stop and try eugenics like Planned Parenthood or the Nazis. This is obviously my opinion and I also agree with the quotes from Gates. Maybe the Gates of Hell. Vaccines to limit the population? That is exactly why my children will just get normal exposure to certain things and not get every vaccine, especially modern vaccines, on the planet and created in the most modern times like the HPV vaccine etc. I think this is a very interesting topic and I could probably go on and on with the pagan symbolism and get into the numerology but that is Kabalistic and not in my own belief system which is to follow the word of God, my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. There will be many false prophets in the last days. The anti-Christ will not be one person but anything that is ANTI to CHRIST. Paganism, Luciferianism, One World Government, an unnatural hierarchy imposed upon a controlled mass. These are all obstacles. I hope someone crushes these stones one day. They should fall like Sodom and Gomorrah. But I am a man of faith and not everyone will see it this way. Many "new age" people will think this will be "Utopia" but heaven on Earth is not to be. Earth is Satans realm. He was cast down from Heaven and given the opportunity to win souls from God, tempting us on Earth, in this form of Life. But it is advisable to know the Bible because you can be easily convinced of something while not realizing it is the exact opposite of what God and his only Son have brought to the people of this world. His rules first and then the words of Christ. The last shall be first, follow the Lords words and repent. Do not celebrate pagan holidays. Jesus died for our sins so we could live eternally at his side, all we must do is praise God and repent our sins. False idols like this are meant to steal us to the bottom of hell. Crush this abomination! Rant over. . .


Don't think that my first reply was trite, it was needed.
I'm not Christian or any other organised religion but do have a sense of spirituality. I will keep my views on 'God' to myself as they are different to many however I will say I have read all of the holy books of the Abrahamic faiths as well as the Vedic scriptures, Popul vuh and others.
The books of the New Testament that were edited out at the Council of Nicea in 325ad by the early Roman/Christians and discovered in Qumraan on copper scrolls are of particular interest to me as they give a fuller picture of the beliefs of the Essens of which Jesus was a part of.
The truth is very difficult to decipher with so many centuries passing and competing groups of secret societies, religious leaders and politicians changing past history to suit their current belief/ control systems.
All you can do is trust whatever faith you have, prepare yourself and your loved ones for the worst wjphilst hoping for the best.
But more importantly you have to enjoy life, it's precious, short and so wonderful.

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