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RE: The Fake Government & Big Business Green Energy Revolution: Power To The People!

in #truth6 years ago (edited)

After the shoot the WWF’s first international appeals director Ian MacPhail later told a BBC camera crew that Prince Philip shot and killed an elephant whilst her calf ran in terror, stating that "he helped to cover up the incident because the WWF was about to be launched and he believed the Fund would benefit wildlife conservation."

“In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus to solve the overpopulation problem”. Prince Philip.

Philip killing an elephant reads like a Monty Python skit... it's truly ridiculous.

Sorry, Prince Philip you and your ilk are already a virus involved in 'trying to solve the overpopulation crisis'.

It runs in the family -

Whilst energy resources are the buzzwords of our age, a sad fact remains that the greatest untapped resource is the collective ingenuity of humanity. The U.S patent office alone has over 5,000 private inventions that are held under secrecy orders. Equally we also have mega-corporations with entire departments dedicated to buying up patents that may impede their business practices. It certainly makes you wonder how many patents relate to energy?

This is something that is very troubling, we can also add Monsanto/Bayer seed banks to this conversation putting patents on the natural world (!!!) but that's another topic all together.
Last night I watched a documentary on Nikola Tesla and I couldn't help but be reminded of it while reading this post. How different would our world be if scientific innovation was allowed to flourish and was separate from business/finance?

Alas, instead of freeing our creative spirit, we're being strangled by an ever tightening noose of red tape and regulation.

We would see true ingenuity that would revolutionize our world, I'm sure of it. Our world would be more enlightened, exciting, and bizarre in the best ways imaginable. Instead, we have a control grid that smothers our creativity and that actively suppresses solutions to the worlds most pressing issues.

Love your work mate! Excellent read :) resteemed


Hey my friend, alw2ays great to see a comment from you .. thanks for stopping by, I hope you're having a great weekend.

Philip killing an elephant reads like a Monty Python skit... it's truly ridiculous.

Yes I agree, it's ridiculous and disgusting .. royal and elite shooting parties have been responsible for the slaughter of literally thousands of animals, some of the African shooting parties would take hundreds of animals a day .. it was a bloodbath and an outward display of their greed and arrogance, and yet people still think they're good custodians of our wildlife?

Sorry, Prince Philip you and your ilk are already a virus involved in 'trying to solve the overpopulation crisis'.

It runs in the family -

Yes it's almost as if Philip and William are operating a good cop/bad cop routine .. same shit, different delivery .. equally with an ever expanding Royal family it's advice they don't appear to be taking. In this day of inter-connectivity and social media it's easy cast the illusion that there are too many of us .. in reality what there is too much of is greed .. and the Royals personify that problem! What were really need is a seismic perceptual change, the demise of our vapid consumer culture and our inverted definitions of success .. if they were to change we would realise that there is enough space for us all to live in perfect balance with the world. Indeed, in our world where children starve to death whilst others are worshiped as kings, it's sobering to note that we produce (and throw away) ten times more food than the whole planet could consume.

I left the Monsanto connections a little ambiguous, because like you say .. that web is a post in itself, and equally one I'll write at some point. As I mentioned on another comment, a few years back they were exploring standard definitions of food, i.e only certain seed types (brands of apples etc) would be licensed to be sold .. like you allude to, this would increasingly open the door for the patenting of food and seeds.

Yes I often think about Tesla and ponder hope many of his patents are hidden away or have been inverted and used as weapons :( It's so sad .. for many years the U.S government (among others) has been scouring the world for the brightest minds and then drawing them into scholarships that eventually lead to them working in compartmentalised departments within black budget projects, in turn stifling the creativity and the gifts that these people could have brought to humanity .. the Einsteins are still out there but sadly they're hidden away and subverted. My hope is that eventually, geniuses will be born at such a rate that the system won't be able to keep up and thus suppress them .. I feel that they really fear such an awakening and this is a key reason why the construct of our society impedes the individual and the maverick. These people are like ticks and it's time to shake them off and reclaim our destiny as a species.

Thanks again for all the support @v4vapid it really helps me to keep pushing forward and I very much appreciate it.

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