Fiat currency is dying - How will YOU manage when the paper in your wallet becomes worthless? Are you protected?

in #truth7 years ago


As Central Banks around the world continue to issue currency into the market and allow financial institutions to practice fractional reserve lending, the spending power of the paper in your wallet decreases.

Fiat currency always ends up finding its intrinsic value.....ZERO!

What provisions have you taken to ensure your financial future when the inevitable crash of the Dollar, Pound, Euro and all other fiat currencies occurs?

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The Economy is recovering, right?

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Governments throughout the world are currently trying to convince their citizens that the economy is recovering and of course the mainstream media are happy to repeat the narrative, but is it true? Frankly....No!

For some reason Government officials seem to think that lying to us is for our own good, could it be that the policies they have implemented have been so catastrophic that admitting it now would prove their ineptitude?

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It's not rocket science, they've screwed up and rather than doing the right thing and admit it, they've doubled and tripled down on the mistake. If you try something and it doesn't work why would you try it over and over and over again knowing it didn't work the first time?

It's the very definition of insanity!

That's exactly what has been going on though since 2008. Call it what you like, money printing, currency creation or my favourite 'quantative easing'. Now that is Orwelian double speak at its very best.

Getting to the question that I posed at the beginning, what are you doing to ensure your economic survival when the inevitable happens and the shit really hits the fan?
I'm not an financial advisor however I have been studying this subject for many years now and while I realise there are many savvy people on Steemit who understand the dire situation we are in I'm also aware that there are still a majority that hope that at some point the bankers and politicians will get it right.

I'm sorry folks but that just ain't going to happen.

With each passing day the currency in your pocket has less and less buying power, the reason for this is inflation. But what is inflation? I'm sure many people have never even asked themselves that question, I mean it's not as if it's a sexy subject or even that interesting. However it is an important one.

Inflation is simply an increase in the money supply, that it!

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The more currency the Central Banks issue the less bang you get for your buck. Add to that high street banks lending money they don't have and you have a recipe for disaster. The economic tipping point is fast approaching and the time to act is now. You don't need to be rich you just need to be smart with what you do have. When things get really bad governments are going to be going around desperate to grab anything they can from their own citizens in order to save their own arses, don't be one of the unlucky ones who weren't prepared. They'll help themselves to your savings accounts, nationalise private pension funds, impose new draconian taxes and they will print, print and print again until your savings are worthless.

What can you do?

Like I said I'm not a financial advisor so I can't tell you what to do, I can only tell you what I've done to protect myself and those I love from a life of poverty.
The most important thing to do is research. Don't trust anything you are told regarding the economy coming out of the MSM, they're just spouting the government propaganda to ensure people don't panic. Educate yourself first and foremost.

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Eliminate unnecessary debt.

It's very easy to get sucked into the debt trap. Don't overextend, if you don't need something don't buy it especially if you require credit to make the purchase. Interest rates are being held down artificially and at some point the market will wrestle control back over this metric, once that happens it has a tendency to over- correct. How much would your monthly obligations go up by if base interests rates went to 5%? What about 10% or even 15%?

It's happened before and it will happen again.

I grew up in the 1970's and I watched my parents struggling to make ends meet when interests rates when up to over 15%. All of a sudden their mortgage payments went so high they needed 5 jobs between them just to keep a roof over my head.

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They had no other debts either, if they had we would have been homeless. So please bare this in mind when considering getting loans and credit cards for luxuries you can live without. You need a roof over your head so prioritise that and ensure you can make your mortgage payments if the rates rise. Please remember that if you rent that will rise too, the property owner will want to recover their extra costs too, from you!

Diversify your assets, spread the risk.

When I first 'woke up' to the economic reality of our current situation I was overwhelmed and frankly scared. I had no idea what to do but refused to panic and decided to do whatever I could to protect what we had. I researched like crazy trying to find out what people had done during times of economic turmoil to protect their wealth and what happens when unbacked currency finds its true value. It was a pretty sobering experience to say the least.

Since then I have done 4 things.

1. Invested in Physical Precious Metals.

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I have done this in 2 ways. The first is in the traditional sense as in I bought gold and silver coins and bars which I hold in my own possession. Be sure to use a reputable dealer if you choose to invest, there are many worldwide and Steemit has a big stacker community posting under the tag #steemsilvergold where you can network and find a dealer in your area.

The second way is gold in an allocated vault with a pre-pay credit card attached to the account, this allows me to spend the gold if needs be. The account tracks the gold spot price and your balance fluctuates with the it. There are a number of companies that provide this service however I use Goldmoney as I really like the people that run the company, it allows me to move my gold between different countries at the click of a mouse and go and physically remove the gold from the any vault in coin or bar form should I chose too. It's completely insured and I trust the service.
Gold and Silver are the best hedge against inflation and hyperinflation and are real money. Do your research and you'll find many instances throughout history where precious metals have provided protection to owners during economic instability. I'm well aware many people can't afford to buy gold and that's ok, silver is cheap and in my opinion is the most undervalued asset on earth, the price will be many multiples of its current price in the years to come.

2. Invested in Crytocurrencies and blockchain platforms.

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I know I'm preaching to the converted when speaking of the potential of Cryptocurrencies on this platform, I've been astounded at the amazing amount of Steemians invested in the cryto space and have learned so much since arriving here 4 months ago. I was lucky and invested relatively early in BTC, ETH & LTC as the principle of a finite decentralised asset that takes time and effort to produce intrigued me. Since then I have invested in a number of alt coins. I'm well aware that some won't make it in the long haul but I have a decent amount of faith in the three I mentioned. I've also invested in Steemit by buying Steem as I believe this place has the potential to change the world. It may sound like hyperbole but I truly believe it can. Many silver and gold investors don't like Crytocurrencies and the same could be said for people in the cryto space with their attitude towards the precious metals, but I like both.

Diversification is the key to wealth protection.

You don't keep all your eggs in one basket, right?

If you are new to Cryptocurrencies please make sure you understand what you are investing in and please never, ever leave your coins in an exchange. Get yourself a secure wallet app and/or device to keep them on, there are many and again there is no better place than Steemit in which to learn the ropes.

3. I've prepped.

Now I'm not talking about doomsday prepping, I don't live in an underground bunker armed to the teeth waiting for the apocolypse. I'm talking about sensible prepping to ensure our short term survival in the case of a credit event.
When I say credit event I mean a situation similar to 2008 where banks were reluctant to issue credit to each other and retailers. In this kind of event production and delivery are affected, without credit most companies can't pay for raw materials to produce the products found on the supermarket shelves. Logistic companies can't pay for fuel for trucks to deliver them and just like that the stores shelves are empty!
The 'just in time' delivery system is great in good times however the disadvantages are evident during times of turmoil. Just consider how quickly stores shelves have emptied during weather events in recent years in the US and other places.
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Imagine what it would be like if there were no resupply for a few weeks, what would you do? You can't grow you're own food overnight so a sensible amount of food, medications, water, toilet roll, batteries, and anything else you couldn't do without should be your priority. Always remember to rotate your supplies to keep them in date and store them in a safe and secure place away from preying eyes and pests. I keep a roughly 3 month supply all of the things we would require if there wasn't the opportunity to buy locally. Better to have it and never need it than to have nothing and end up desperate for a meal.

And finally....

4. I've educated my nearest and dearest.

This is very important, in times of economic turmoil you need your friends and family and what is the point of being protected from yourself if those you care for aren't?

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It took me quite a while to achieve this as I went about it all wrong, I lectured, badgered, nagged and ranted. To no avail. Then I tried posting links to articles in emails and text, again nothing. I was getting a rep as a spammer with my friends and family. It got to the point where people didn't want engage me in conversation no doubt due to them thinking I would end up on another tirade about the economy.

What a complete waste of time!

People don't want to lectured to but they are willing to learn if you approach it in the right way. It needs to be interesting, informative and relevant to them. I finally made traction with my family and friends by getting others to do it for me. There are many great video series available online that can help get the information out to those you care about and my breakthrough came when I got my closest to watch The Hidden Secrets of Money series by the fantastic Mike Maloney. This series is genius because not only do you 'get it' you're entertained at the same time. I recommend you watch it whether you're aware or not as it really is interesting, it's surprising what you think you know but are misinformed.

Anyway my fellow Steemians that's my take on what to best do to ensure your economic future. It's what I've done to ensure mine so I'm not suggesting you do anything I haven't already done. I'm not a financial advisor and have no affiliation with any of the people or companies named in this article. I just want to get the message out to as many people as possible. The more of us that are protected the better. I have made many friends on this wonderful platform and hope that every single one of you do your research, protect yourselves and your loved ones and most important of all, don't worry. You prepare so you don't have to worry after all.



Thank you for visiting, for more please come back to @tremendospercy or alternatively check me out at Steemshelves

Proud member and supporter of the Minowsupportproject, please go to discord and start your journey.


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TremendosPercy avatar by @epicdesigns


Fiat is going nowhere anytime soon. Governments have enough control and power to make sure of that. As @trucidus said, diversification of assets. That's what should be done, but to say it's going the way of the dinosaur is a bit premature and surely will be for many years if not decades/centuries to come.

They always fail, diversification is so you keep your savings in something that won't end up worthless. You may have so choice but to be paid and transact in fiat but keeping your savings in it is very unwise.

We can just try to build a lot awareness about this subject and think about parallel thoughts and structures in this system.
for example through such groundbreaking ideas:

This is the homepage which will soon be also available in English:

Or a total different idea:

Innovation and technology are faster now, the big banks in the world have power and money to invest and develop cryptocurrencies on demand by the governs and do not lose the power and control of economy.

Good post. I agree that the banks have so much power over Congress (I'm assuming we are all US) that they will drain the remaining value out of the dollar until the IMF puts us on a North American currency but I think we are only a few years from that if Trump doesn't appoint some folks (to the FED) with gold backing in mind. Read The Creature From Jekyll Island.
When you say government control, you should say bank control. They run the show. They can oust any Rep in DC any time they need to. Also, that control could make BTC illegal in the US. No options to cash out. All it will take a one incident tying BTC to terrorism. They'll probably fake it but they can make it stick.

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Please upvote this comment so we can help our members grow faster!

Thanks guys, you're awesome!

Agree with everything you have said here TP, wholeheartedly - including some of the more specific remarks ie Goldmoney, Mike Maloney. Great post. SK.

Thanks my man, just hoping to pay it forward. I was given some great advice in the past and hope to help others. Can you believe this post got flagged though! Gutted.
Thanks for all your support dude. TP

If you want an idea of what will happen when the government kills cash just look into what's happening in India right now.

Oh yeah buddy they went all draconian, there are plenty of examples. Look throughout history, fiat always fails.
Thanks for checking in buddy.

Great advice as always, Dad! ;) <3

Where the bloody hell have you been?


Love ya babe 😉

Hahahahahaha 😂


And right back at ya <3

Thank you very much for the care to share this knowledge with others so they may protect themselves for what is surely coming.

This really made me laugh because I can SO relate hahahaa:

I went about it all wrong, I lectured, badgered, nagged and ranted. To no avail. Then I tried posting links to articles in emails and text, again nothing. I was getting a rep as a spammer with my friends and family.

Aww, thanks babe.
Thanks for popping in on your birthday ❤️🌹🌻🌺🌷🌸🍾🎂
I hope some people got something from it. It's important that people understand the economic turmoil that is coming. 😉

Another excellent and informative post @tremendospercy and like you say diversification is key! I heard it said that "we're three meals away from anarchy" and I believe it's a quote that holds some genuine validity. I agree with all the ideas you express here and the fact you've tied them together in a cohesive structure that's backed up by reputable contacts and ideas is brilliant. It's great to have this kind of information on the blockchain and I'm sure it'll become a very valuable resource over the coming years. Great work!!

Thanks for the vote of confidence my freind.
Hopefully it will help those unsure what to do to go out do a bit of their own research and protect those they hold dear.

Great article mate! I have been preparing in a very similar way for the last few years now....cheers for the info..

Thanks buddy, it's wise to get ready for the worst.
Cheers for reading.

Diversification into disinflationary assets. Yes, its the name of the game. Of course, if our fiat ever fails completely, I wouldnt worry too much about credit. Digital currencies have helped me completely clear my debt using the debt consolidation powers of places like And other peer to peer lending sites. My credit in the eyes of the beureaus isn't great, but i can command 5btc from pop no problem. They cant wait to lend me. I highly reccomend that everyone pay off their debt as soon as poosible. Hemingway, in the Old Man and the Sea once said, "First you borrow, then you beg." Still %100 relevant today.

Thanks @trucidus!
I know a lot of people who need help with their debt, cos in SPAIN all the people have a morgage and the salary is down, many people can't pay the debt.

I am sorry to hear that! It seems that people all over the world are being suppressed by the tyranny of money wizards. I truly hope that digital currencies and the like can play pivotal roles in the freedom of our race. Fight on my Spanish brothers and sisters! The war is just begining. But also, do not lose hope, for the human spirit is resiliant and fierce. I know you must work to make ends meet, but dont forget to spend some of your time searching for answers and help. Both are out there, somewhere

I totally agree buddy, thanks for reading the post and commenting

Spot on advice. Well rounded solutions and a great conclusion.

Thanks a lot for saying so mate. 😉

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