EOS - A coin named for Lucifer, led by a highly questionable Brock Pierce, with a very dubious ICO, and a still unknown outcome

in #truth6 years ago (edited)

So I'm certain that this article is going cause a lot of religious EOS fans to start hyperventilating. Of course no one that has invested lots of money in a coin / ICO is going to find it easy to be truly objective when hearing this information, but I recommend that you try to look at the presented facts objectively and really contemplate them before you decide what conclusions to take from them.

I wrote a previous post on EOS some time back. I wrote the post long before the now infamous Jon Oliver video covering Brock pierce and EOS, and long before it was clear what a disaster the handling of the EOS ICO was. My view at that time was only based upon the symbolism of EOS and how this is deeply related to Luciferianism. However, it appears that much of what I wrote was quite prescient in relation to what we've found out in the meantime about EOS. Let's therefore do a recap as well as provide some new information.

Some symbols of Luciferianism and how it relates to EOS adverts

Most of you have seen supposed "Illuminati" symbolism with lots of one eyed advertisements, but this isn't really Illuminati symbolism but rather Luciferian and Freemasonic symbolism that references the Egyptian Sun god Horus losing an eye to Set, the god of Chaos. Yet, what is really being implied is a Luciferian duality where good and bad / light and dark are interchangeable as required. This is also based upon the Luciferian motto "Ordo ab Chao" or "order out of chaos." It essentially means the use of both good and bad as required to reach a specific end goal called "The Great Work" which is also known as the New World Order or NWO.

As you can see from the EOS advert above, those that have constructed the advert know full well this Luciferian good / bad dualistic symbolism. This is shown in two ways. One way is the shining light of Lucifer emanating from just one eye of the head of the serpent, but the second method is the use of the serpent at all. The serpent represents the tempter in the Garden of Eden that encouraged Eve to taste the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. In this case, EOS is even the head of the serpent, and is very clear symbolism that the EOS is offering those that understand the symbolism, Luciferian "knowledge" and "freedom" just as the serpent in the garden offered Eve the same.

I won't get into all the details of the EOS Chestahedron logo in this post. You can have a look at my previous post for this information. However, what I will say is that the Chestahedron was by no means chosen by accident, and although the EOS guys can make up whatever BS they want about it, it's intended to represent Lucifer as well. It has a strong alignment to the Sigil of Lucifer that you see in the logo at the top of this post. I'll leave it at that and you can check out my previous post for more.

Eos, the Greek Titan goddess of the dawn and her son Eosphoros or Lucifer

Most have heard the expression "titan of industry", but probably have never thought of why this term was applied to the Gilded Age industrialists that were essentially the de facto royalty of the US in the late 1800s and early 1900s. The reason that this term was applied to them was because they saw themselves as Titans or god-men. Furthermore, certain Titans were synonymous with their belief in the dawning of "a new day" or "new age" with Lucifer as their leader. The name Lucifer in different languages can being roughly translated into either "the morning star" (think "Morgenstern"), "the star of the dawn" (think "Golden Dawn"), or the "light/fire bearer" (think Statue of Liberty, the goddess Columbia, Prometheus, and the Victoria Memorial in front of Buckingham Palace.)

Now of course these incredibly wealthy industrialists could not publicly declare their Lucifer worship so they needed to do it symbolically instead. They therefore used the many symbols that I've referenced above. A number of researchers regularly call out this symbolism with the Titan Prometheus representing Lucifer as seen at Rockefeller Center in New York, but what is regularly forgotten is the use of dawn symbolism for Lucifer as well. The name of Lucifer in Greek - Eos-phoros - literally means the "the dawn's light." The reason for the use of the dawn or twilight symbolism is again the dark / light or good / bad duality symbolism of the dawn. These industrial titans saw themselves as god-men that were/are beyond the rules of good and evil and therefore are ready to break any of these rules. (e.g. Thelema's "Do what thou wilt" law) They are also therefore proud to telegraph their Lucifer worship "concealed in plain sight" through symbolism such as that of the Titan goddess of the Dawn - Eos in the Greek and Aurora in the Latin.

This "new age" / "new dawn" theme becomes readily apparent if you take a visit to the Gilded Age mansions of Newport, Rhode Island. Three of the most famous mansions there, The Breakers, The Elms, and Marble House, all have massive ceiling murals of Aurora or Eos, goddess of the dawn. Two of these mansions were owned by the Vanderbilt family, the same incredibly wealthy family that Anderson Cooper of CNN comes from. This Eos / Aurora / Lucifer worship was also reflected during the time period within the Theosophical Society and their essentially public worship of Lucifer. They even had a newspaper / publishing business they called Lucifer. You can read more about that in a previous post here.

(If you want to go further down this rabbit hole, then also ask what the word "steem" means and you'll find at at Wiktionary here that it means both "A gleam of light; a flame" and "value" - a very typical Luciferian word play. You can draw your own conclusions about the founders of Steem and Steemit from this..)

The DEN story of Brock Pierce, the key founder of EOS and block.one

Now that we've had a bit of a lead in to the Eos / Eos-phoros background story and the Luciferian symbolism involved, it's time to have a closer look at the key founder of EOS and its parent company block.one. I suggest that you start with having a listen to John Oliver in the video above at 18:40 in. This will give you an initial sense for some of the backstory that got Brock Pierce publicly pushed out of the EOS project even though he basically founded block.one as well as groomed and put in place the current block.one CEO Brendan Blumer.

Yet the story with Brock Pierce is far deeper and far uglier than is presented by John Oliver in the short clip. The video just below the one from John Oliver goes into much greater detail on the background of Brock Pierce and his close friends and business partners that were involved in the now infamous Hollywood pedophile scene / internet entertainment startup called DEN or Digital Entertainment Network.

After Brock Pierce got done with his child actor roles in films like "The Mighty Ducks" and "A League of Their Own", Pierce teamed up with Marc Collins Rector (31) and his boyfriend Chad Shackley (15) to start up DEN which included the internet-based show/series called Chad's World which was about the life of a number of young homosexual boys and young men. Chad's World was described by some as a "gay pedophile version of Silver Spoons."

Investors and attendees of the now infamous DEN pedo-parties at the Encino mansion known as the M&C Estate included not just the three DEN founders, but also close investors like Byan Singer (of X-Men fame) and David Geffen (of Geffen Records.) Of course no one but the kids seem to remember the drug-fuelled child sodomy going on,, but you can get some of the disturbing child actor testimony in the documentary "An Open Secret." posted to D-Tube by @ura-soul. (@ura-soul also makes some interesting observations on Brock Pierce's "boy scouting role" in his accompanying post here.)

Eventually the whole DEN IPO and pedo-scam started to unravel and Pierce, Shackley, and Collins-Rector (also sometimes using the clearly Luciferian pseudonym Morgan von Phoenix) fled the country to Spain. They were eventually caught but only Collins-Rector was prosecuted for transporting minors across state line for sex. There were however other civil lawsuits that were settled out of court by all of them. As per usual, most everyone just got a slap on the wrist and none of the big Hollywood names involved were ever prosecuted for anything.

(If you are not easily offended, you can also find here a very offensive, DEFINITELY NSFW, but funny video spoof of DEN in the style of South Park's Terrence and Phillip show. Just don't blame me if you are offended.. it's definitely meant to offend..)

Brock Pierce next moves into IGE, Tether, and Bitfinex

After Pierce slipped out of the DEN debacle, he just happened to find his way into other child-related industry - video gaming. Pierce started a company called IGE or Internet Gaming Entertainment that focused on producing virtual currencies from playing World of Warcraft. You probably heard at some point about Chinese prisoners being forced to play World of Warcraft to earn virtual currency with it.. well that was IGE. At some point, Brock Pierce got interest from some much bigger fish than the Chinese correctional system. Of all people, Steve Bannon (yes, Trump's Steve Bannon) of Goldman Sachs got all the necessary investors together to take IGE public. Furthermore, it was also Steve Bannon that himself bought IGE from Brock Pierce so that he made enough money to start up Tether, invest in Bitfinex, and then eventually found block.one and EOS. (By the way, I don't think any of these connections are just a coincidence..)

There is an excellent Steemit post that I can highly recommend on the larger Brock Pierce story by @fortified and can be found here. @fortified suggests that Pierce Brock may be involved with the CIA considering a lot of strange factors that he outlines. Well, he certainly is associated with the Clinton Global Initiative, he certainly has a lot of Hollywood and pedophile friends, and he certainly has a very close relationship to Steve Bannon who, through Goldman Sachs, Cambridge Analytica, SCL (Strategic Communication Laboratories), and Breitbart, has very close ties to Mossad and MI6 (even Jesuits) just to name a few intelligence agencies. (I will definitely come back to this story later for a much more detailed look at it.)

So Brock Pierce, now with tens of millions to his name, starts his investing in the next wave of cryptocurrencies and is a co-founder of Tether and also very likely involved in the web of questionable connections between Bitfinex and Tether. I won't get into all the issues surrounding Tether and Bitfinex. I will instead leave you the above video from @dougpolkcrypto as well as the one below to explain how Tether is supposed to have as many dollars in a fund as the Tether that exists, but appears not to be able to show this money anywhere despite numerous ongoing requests for independent audits of the fund. So in other words, they are making millions out of thin air every day.. At least the banks that do this are regulated.

Following Brock Pierce's heavy involvement in these major crypto projects, Pierce also got himself elected as the Director of the Bitcoin Foundation. Typically such organizations are not easily upset by new leaders unless something is seriously wrong with them. Well, a lot of members saw something extremely wrong with Brock Pierce as well. Enough so that even long time and incredibly trustworthy Andreas Antonopoulos dropped out of the Foundation soon after Brock Pierce joined.

Both block.one and Brock Pierce have that "intelligence agency smell" around them

Of course, finally at the end of this Brock Pierce saga, Pierce makes his way to block.one and EOS with enough money to be the core founder of block.one. Now I won't bother trying to cover all the issues of the ICO and its ridiculous, scammy structure that screwed loads of people. I won't get into how they have been manipulating the Ethereum price with the billions of dollars in ETH they've collected. I also won't get into the fact that loads of people will never see their coins in what is essentially a coin burn for those that weren't smart enough to claim their coins in time. And I won't get into the fact that there are still loads of code issues and that many of the platform promises appear not to be fulfilled.

What I will however mention here is that Brock Pierce has found his way from one suspicious business and potential scam to another and finally to EOS with all its Luciferian overtones as mentioned at the beginning. I will also mention that the block.one CEO Brendan Blumer was groomed from a young age by Brock Pierce himself and started his involvement with him in Hong Kong back in the IGE days with World of Warcraft. I will further mention that Brock Pierce has "the smell" of being a potential intelligence agency asset, considering his very sketchy background and his typical ability to get out of every debacle relatively unscathed. I will also bring up the person that no one wants to ask any questions about because "he's only the blockchain genius", Dan Larimer. I will point out that Dan is the son of a Military Industrial Complex engineer from Virginia named Stan Larimer. (Potentially from somewhere near Langley?) I will also mention that Dan Larimer certainly isn't so dumb so as to not know what kind of people that he is working with, and that this therefore raises questions about his motivations and connections. I will lastly mention that intelligence agencies love to be involved in in all major computing technologies and now, digital currency projects. They also love to use all the Luciferian symbolism that has been called out above.

Finally, the question will come up of "how could EOS be a threat?" Considering that EOS is open source, the immediate assumption for many is that corrupt players and/or intelligence agencies "supposedly" wouldn't want to be involved in such a project. It is a FAR too simple an assumption that because EOS is open source, it must therefore be a "freedom tool". In fact, this assumption is TOTALLY wrong and you only need to watch the video below to understand this. EOS is rather a big crypto con that is designed to allow extremely centralized control of the EOS platform by a very few number of players and is further designed to ensure these few players can keep this centralized control running indefinitely while they continue to profit massively off the platform.

If EOS is behind the scenes intended to act as a core crypto infrastructure platform in the future just as companies like Facebook, Microsoft, Twitter, Google, Amazon, Palantir, PayPal, Intel, and Apple act as core computing and information infrastructures today, then it is clear also why corrupt players and intelligence agencies would also want to be involved with it. Unless you are as thick as brick, you can very easily see that that all the "Silly-Con" Valley companies were to one degree or another CIA and NSA creations that have been exploited so that intelligence agencies could fully control the incredibly powerful computing and information industry. Some of these behemoths are simply CIA front companies and nothing more. EOS is potentially no different. So regardless of whether EOS is open source or not, if it has been specifically designed to allow a very few corrupt players / intelligence agency actors to fully control the crypto space, then it is clear why EOS was developed, why it has been the largest ICO to date, and why it has the heavy Luciferian symbolism that has clearly been applied to it.


Thanks for the post. I'll be honest I havent read all of your post, but will do when I get chance.

I think I get the jist of what you are saying, but wanted to point one thing out. At the end you mention Dan and more importantly Stan Larimer. If you look at Stan content on steemit and YouTube, i think its pretty clearly he is a Christian not someone who follows Lucifer.

Thanks for the heads up. I'll have a closer look at Stan and his beliefs. I can't say at the moment, but I'll certainly dig into it.

Yeah, I listened to this interview a while ago and I have to say he made a lot of sense. Still—Air Force, Project Camelot—the usual suspects. It doesn't always matter whether a person is a willing agent or just a useful idiot, follow the grammar:

Thanks a lot. I will definitely have a listen.

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Thanks for the post. I'll be honest I havent read all of your post, but will do when I get chance.

I think I get the jist of what you are saying, but wanted to point one thing out. At the end you mention Dan and more importantly Stan Larimer. If you look at Stan content on steemit and YouTube, i think its pretty clearly he is a Christian not someone who follows Lucifer.

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