YOU are the solution and heres why.

in #truthlast year

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If you understand the truth about whats really going on in the world right now and WHY, that puts you in a position of responsobility to share that knowledge to others so that they can wake themselves up to the truth too.

The more people that wake up to the truth about our world, the more people can begin to disobey those that are keeping humanity enslaved through our induced brainwashing and slumber, but this can only happen if enough people are speaking the truth to others to wake them up.

The solution is to WAKE UP and then to DISOBEY those trying to keep us asleep, and that starts with you.

So the question then becomes

ARE you doing the great work?
ARE you speaking the truth to others
ARE you putting information out there for others to wake themselves up to the truth?

Where's YOUR page?
YOUR group?
YOUR blog?
YOUR website?
YOUR collection of knowledge that you have gathered?

Its not enough to just consume information and then just sit on it saying to yourself "I know it, screw everyone else". No, once you obtain and understand the information it is then down to YOU to spread that knowledge to others so that they too can go and do the same.

If you have great knowledge that could change the world for the better if you told people, but you dont, and thus the world continues to get worse, it does so because of YOU! Your silence allows it to continue.

One person cannot change the world but one person can spread the message that will change the world. And that person is in the mirror!


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