What is a RIGHT? Objective morality explained.

in #truth2 years ago (edited)

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To understand what a right is, what morality is, how it is objective and how it can actually be tested and observed in the real world, we must first understand what morality actually means.

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As we see above, morality is about that which is RIGHT vs that which is WRONG.

So, what is a RIGHT?

Firstly, it is not something that is given to us by someone else, for example by government legislation like many people currently believe. It is something that you have inherently by default as a result of existing in the universe.

A RIGHT is that which is true, fact, proper, correct, its RIGHT!

A WRONG is that which is false, untrue, incorrect, its WRONG!

We use the same meaning for all the above words. For example:

if you answer a question correctly you gave the CORRECT answer, you gave the TRUE answer, you gave the PROPER answer, you gave the RIGHT answer.

Likewise if you answer a question incorrectly then you gave the INCORRECT answer, you gave the FALSE answer, you gave the WRONG answer.

If for instance I say that: "I own myself and that no one else owns me" - this statement is TRUE, CORRECT, FACT, its RIGHT, therefore it IS a RIGHT since my body IS indeed rightfully mine not anyone else's.

If however I say that I own YOU and that YOU belong to ME, this statement is FALSE, INCORRECT, UNTRUE, WRONG, therefore it IS a wrong.

This is all about understanding proper-TY which is where we get the word PROPER - meaning RIGHT because ALL RIGHTS are PROPERTY rights. Its about understanding what's yours and understanding whats NOT yours.

PROPERTY is that which is yours: Your life, your body, your freedom, your consent, your labour, your property, your RIGHTS!

Now that we have defined what a RIGHT is, we now need to define what a right ACTION is.

A right ACTION is an action that when taken DOES NOT violate or infringe upon the RIGHTS and/or PROPERTY of others, i.e. their body, their life, their freedom, their property etc. Its a RIGHT action because the action in question does NOT violate PROPERTY which is NOT rightfully mine to do what I want with it.

A WRONG action on the other hand is an action that when taken DOES violate or infringe upon the RIGHTS and/or PROPERTY of others. It is a WRONG action because it DOES violate PROPERTY which is NOT mine to do whatever I want with it, because it belongs to someone else, NOT me.

In short, a RIGHT action does not cause harm, injury or loss to someone else but a WRONG action DOES cause harm, injury or loss to someone else.

We have now defined RIGHTS and RIGHT ACTIONS which are all about understanding what is yours and what is NOT yours. This is what a RIGHT is and thus what MORALITY is.


This now leaves one thing, how can morality be OBJECTIVE, can we test it? can we readily observe it in the real world?

Objective Morality is a NATURAL LAW, a Law that is inherent to the universe itself and was not made into existence by man as oppose to man-made "law" i.e. legislation.

Natural Law is not a theory, a belief system or any sort of mysticism. No, Natural Law is a SCIENCE, that means it can actually be tested and observed by ANYONE.

Just like we can observe gravity when we let go of an object to observe it fall down to the ground, we can also observe objective morality being in effect in our world, and like gravity it was not made into existence by man via writing down on pieces of paper like man-made "law". It is inherent, always in effect and thus we are bound by it.

Objective morality is also referred to as the SUM or LAW OF FREEDOM and works quantitively, meaning the amount of freedom that can be observed in a society is directly proportional to the amount of people in a society who's actions are MORAL, i.e. they are RIGHT, they do not violate the RIGHTS and PROPERTY of others.


If MOST people in a society are MORAL in their ACTIONS and that which they advocate and support, this will be reflected in that society in terms of how FREE they are, since most peoples actions (and support) do NOT violate other peoples PROPERTY and RIGHTS, you will have a society where MOST people have their RIGHTS and PROPERTY intact: Their lives, bodily ownership, labour, freedom, consent, etc. You will have a society where these are not being violated hence, one of freedom, one of peace, one of co existence, in short the society will be MORE FREE.

However, if MOST people in a society are IMMORAL in their ACTIONS and that which they advocate and support, this will also be reflected in terms of how LESS free that society is, since MOST peoples actions (and which they support) DO violate other peoples PROPERTY and RIGHTS you will have a society where MOST people DO NOT have their RIGHTS and PROPERTY intact: Their lives, bodily ownership, labour, freedom, consent etc. You will have a society where these ARE being violated, a society of violence, aggression, tyranny, oppression, coercion, theft, fear and slavery, in short a society that is LESS FREE.

In short as morality INCREASES in a society FREEDOM increases in that society
and as morality DECREASES in a society FREEDOM decreases in that society.

Now that we have the Sum (or Law) of freedom understood we can use this to observe anywhere in the world to gauge how free or how enslaved they are.

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Pick anywhere on earth right now, any society, any country any civilisation and ask yourself if that society is free or enslaved. The past 2 years from 2020 onward is a good way to help with this freedom measuring process. How many people complied and obeyed with the myriad of man made laws and restrictions that violated peoples rights, liberties and freedoms and what are those societies like now? Are they free or are they enslaved.

Even more so than the tyranny of the last few years the BIGGEST violator of human rights BY FAR is this belief in this concept called "Authority" aka "GOVERNMENT" the BELIEF that some people have the RIGHT to tell others what they can and cannot do with their own lives and also what they MUST do and that if they disobey then violence will be done to them. "Obey us OR ELSE!"


This is NOT freedom, this is SLAVERY, and right now MOST people on earth in almost every society, country and civilisation believe in and support this ideology known as STATISM. They play the game of politics and voting, the act of choosing a MASTER that everyone must then obey. To live under a master is to not be free, so right there your freedom is a PROPERTY of yours and everyone else's that has been violated, taken away along with every other property that gets violated when those calling themselves government use threats to tell everyone else what they can and cannot do with their own property and use ORDER FOLLOWERS i.e. police to enforce that threat.

So one only needs to look at the most statist governmental obedient societies to objectively see how not free they are VS societies that do NOT believe in this concept of "authority" aka statism/government and see how free THEY are in comparison.

Here is an example of a town that has abandoned the belief in government and is one of the few examples out there that is MORE free as a result of not subscribing to a belief system that violated other peoples PROPERTY.

Look at the world right now anywhere in which STATISM: The BELIEF in "authority" exists and ask yourself if that society is free or not.

By default If you believe in AND support government, you are immoral, you support immorality as government in itself IS slavery, therefore you support slavery!

If MOST people in a society support slavery (government/statism) you will get a society that reflects this, one of tyranny, loss of RIGHTS, loss of PROPERTY and societal enslavement and thats EXACTLY what we have as a result of MOST peoples belief in "authority", their compliance and obedience to said belief.

THAT is how you can observe OBJECTIVE MORALITY working in real time right now in any given society on earth. MOST people support IMMORALITY in the form of the biggest violator of RIGHTS and PROPERTY and therefore we have a world that reflects this. And anywhere that DOESNT have this (or any other) violator of RIGHTS and PROPERTY as a belief system supported by its people is MORE free as a result.

Once again:

As morality increases, freedom increases
As morality decreases, freedom decreases.

Here is a short summary of what a RIGHT is.


So now you know what a RIGHT actually is, what OBJECTIVE morality is and how it can actually be tested/observed in our world right now.


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