"Ok then, so whats the solution, huh?!" This is!

in #truth2 years ago (edited)


Dear reader, you have been brought to this page because you dare to ask one of the most important questions that one could ask? What is the solution to humanity's current situation?

You either asked this because you genuinely want to know what can be done about humanity's plight of ever growing tyranny and enslavement or you asked it as a way to get the person you were talking with to shut up because to you all they ever do is point out the problem and not the solution.

OR you are a contrarian that just enjoys to argue with people for the sake of arguing and are just looking for yet another chance to argue back and fourth with someone and arent actually interested in the solution.

Regardless of how and why you were sent here that fact is you are and let me just say the following 2 things first:

1 This IS 100% THE solution to EVERYTHING that humanity is facing in regards to tyranny, unless humanity understands and aligns their behaviour with this, everything will continue and get WORSE!

2 You will initially have an adverse reaction to the solution, be it because you find it to be too simplistic, chaotic, unbelievable etc you will most surely go back to whomever sent you this page to argue why this cant be true, but regardless of whether YOU agree with it or not this IS the solution and I will explain why, and here it is:




Abandon the ONE thing keeping humanity enslaved and held tightly in our current state of tyranny, the beLIEf in "authority" aka statism/government.

This tyrannical system is being held up SOLELY by the continued collective obedience and compliance of the public masses. You and everyone else have been programmed, indoctrinated and brainwashed from a very young age via the school system, parents, and the media into believing that obedience is a virtue.

You have been taught that if you obey a perceived "authority" then you are a good human being and if you disobey then you are some sort of extremist. THIS belief was deliberately put there by the ruling class so that you would maintain your own enslavement. This belief system is known as statism, the belief in so called "authority" aka government, the belief that some people are MASTERS who have the RIGHT to control how everyone else is allowed to live their own lives, whilst in turn everyone else are SUBJECTS who have a moral OBLIGATION to OBEY these so called "masters".

This is NOT freedom, it is SLAVERY and thats exactly what government is by its very nature, thats what this system is, that is what's allowing all the tyranny and madness to continue, all held up by humanity's collective belief in "authority" and obedience to it.

The very notion that some people have the RIGHT to tell everyone else what they can and cant do with their own lives and threaten them if they disobey is not only illusory and illegitimate, it is downright immoral.

I dont have the RIGHT to tell you what you can and cant do with your own life, you dont have the right either, NOBODY does and yet we have been trained to believe there are a subset of people who supposedly DO have this right to tell us all what we can and cant do and that we must OBEY and COMPLY!

This MASS indoctrination into the master-slave relationship is the sole reason everything is the way it is. All of the tyranny unleashed onto humanity would never be possible if the people weren't programmed into being obedient and compliant with what they believe to be their masters.

If the people didnt obey, the lockdowns would have never happend, the wars would have never happened, none of the restrictions of our rights would have ever happened because it is the PEOPLE and their obedience that is driving this whole thing, that includes everyone that votes for a master, everyone that goes along with every decree from the so called master and also the ORDER FOLLOWERS - police and military that blindly and obediently carry out the wishes of their "masters".

Once one has been made aware of the illusion of authority and has abandoned such a belief system, it is then their responsibility to help others make the same journey.

In other words, speak this truth to others, tell people about this, create and/or share content, Just GET THE MESSAGE OUT THERE.

Once enough people truly understand the illegitimacy of so called "authority" then stop obeying and complying with it, thats the end of all the tyranny and madness plauging our world right now as it is created by the ruling class and then held up by US and our compliance.

In short, this all ends when enough of us DISOBEY!!!!


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