"Anarchists" that "quit"

in #truthlast year


With election year around the corner you are GOING to see certain people claiming to be anarchists/voluntaryists reverting back to being statists, "im not an anarchist anymore 🙁"

This happens every 4 years, the weak give into their fear of a certain potential master whilst simultaneously give into temptation of another potential master and then they make announcements on social media about "quitting" anarchism.

It happened during the previous election when certain "prominent" individuals put down the black flag, gave into fear and temptation and then put on a maga hat instead, quite literally in their social media profiles.

To be clear, this is NOT a personal attack on any one specific individual, this is a thing that happens when voting season approaches without fail, the weak and/or the fake throw in the towel and reveal themselves to still be advocates of slavery in the form of government.

These "ex anarchists/voluntaryists" didn't really understand what it ACTUALLY meant to be one and YES there is such a think as a TRUE anarchist (wearing the label is not the same as understanding the principles). Either that or they gave into their own fears and decided that a specific slave master would be better than having the opposing one that is running for office.

Anarchy literally means NO RULER,
It is to understand that having a ruler IS slavery and that the very nature of government is not only illegitimate since NO ONE has the RIGHT to ruler another human being but also that government IS SLAVERY by definition and slavery is ALWAYS immoral. The degree to which one is being enslaved or who by doesn't matter.

So to say "I quit being an anarchist" is to say that " im no longer against slavery, I am now in fact PRO slavery, just a specific type of slavery though be it blue, red, yellow or whatever. I advocate for the enslavement of my fellow human beings where I didnt before" in the words of Arnold Schwarzenegger "SCREW YOUR FREEDOM" screw the freedom of all mankind.

And so since its that time again get ready to see a few known "anarchists/voluntaryists" beat their chest about quitting because they are scared of what the "left" or the "right is currently doing and thus those people claiming to have been morally principled until now will throw that out the window because of their FEARS of what will happen if a specific would-be master and their party are "in power"

It equates to "i WAS against slavery, however, if THAT particular slave master and their party go into power then that will be bad so instead of being against ALL slavery I will now be in favour of the supposed opposing slave master to the one I dont like.

Its sounds stupid but thats exactly what this is, it means that either:

A) The individual claming to be an anarchist/voluntaryist didnt actually understand the moral principle of why a ruler is slavery and thus inherently immoral in which case they were never truly principled anarchists/voluntaryists to begin with.

B) They DO understand but have given into the FEAR of a specific FLAVOUR of slavery and would rather abandon being against ALL slavery altogether if it meant they can stop that particular flavour of slave master going "into power" by choosing the opposing one.

C) They wore the label and mask of Anarchist/Voluntaryist whilst it was "convenient" until the time came when they had to actually do anarchist stuff such as STICKING BY YOUR PRINCIPLES when tempted and scared into wanting power over your felllow man via the state.

The latter group are Boromir from Lord of the Rings, who on the journey to eliminate the dangerous ultimate power that the ring represented got tempted along the journey thinking that the said power could be "used for good"

Thats every so called Voluntaryist who "quits" and goes back to advocating for slavery in the form of government.

Inb4 "HEY LOOK, hes speaking bad about anarchists, shit like this is why I quit being one"

If you being against the enslavement of humanity was contingent on others with the same position being "nice" to you then as I stated above you didnt understand the principle of being against ALL SLAVERY including people you don't like or those who aren't "Nice".

Being anti slavery thus anti government has nothing to do with how kind and nice others with the same position are to you so long as they do not support yours or anyone else's freedom being taken away from them via the state.

I myself know quite a few people on who are anarchists that I dont particularly like either, some are outright assholes. However, I understand that my position has nothing to do with them or anyone else being nice, it is about not being an aggressor, it is about not supporting the enslavement on others regardless of whether I like them or not, thats it.

I will not revert back to advocating for humanity to be enslaved by a ruling class just because some anti slavery people were assholes, what a stupid position to have.

Don't let the state scare you back into supporting it. And for those that do, leave them and continue on the path of advocating true freedom for all.


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