Dear old Democrat Friend, Compulsive Anti Trump Poster~(PUBLIC RANT)

in #truth7 years ago

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The way YOU see it, Trump doesn't do anything right. The way I see it, He is draining the swamp. I am hoping for the truth to be exposed (biblical), and for the GOOD to overcome the EVIL that has been reigning in this society since Adam and Eve. The two paths we can travel? Looks like most of this world- the RULERS of this world- have chosen the path of EVIL. Self is priority. Let’s remember, Donald Trump isn’t taking a paycheck, and is actually exposing much evil- CHILDREN ARE BEING BOUGHT AND SOLD FOR SEX AND ADRENOCHROME. For real… some research. There's talk of Barbara Bush being the Daughter of Aliester Crowly. Please look into this yourself. If all this is true, then we can really see the generational effect of the influx- permeation- attempted coup- of Satan to OVERTHROW God on this EARTH. ... Just saying'...
We all believed in the system- I believed Hillary and Bill would save the world! Same for OBAMA, bringing people together. Well- how’s that working out? Such a tangled web, indeed. It's incomprehensible- and runs very deep... SO…. The OTHER road, God’s path- has people LOVING ONE ANOTHER and Taking CARE of each other, SELFLESSLY. His plan has everyone contributing to the betterment of their society. The media does NOTHING to push the GOD agenda forward. Maybe sprinkled with good ideas…but overall? We are sexualizing our children, convincing them that they can decide what sex they are….. (physiologically impossible to be TRANSGENDERED…with the complicated hormonal activity running the sexes)…. Televised Murder is de sensitizing our people where they ACCEPT the UNACCEPTABLE, until it touches THEM PERSONALLY….THEN, it is reprehensible. Media is NORMALIZING what is reprehensible in Gods eyes- the list is very long…. BRAINWASHING us into submission. Lets start with the emasculization of MEN. Men, who are ordained to be the LEADERS in their families, are being emasculated.…and the WOMEN are being touted as able to handle everything- especially single motherhood. BREAKING DOWN THE FAMILY UNIT. Personally not being judgmental, it is not an issue of MORALITY, but an issue of NATURE- and what GOD INTENDED for his creation to be successful. ARE WE SUCCESSFUL AS HUMANITY RIGHT NOW? We are so manipulated by the media.
We The People Have Been Bamboozled. Do you want to continue to contribute to the NEW WORLD ORDER AGENDA? In fact, DO you even KNOW about the New World Order Agenda (AKA Agenda 21, Agenda 30….)
Do you know the meaning of a FALSE FLAG? How about that declining birth rate? Fits right in with the DEPOPULATION agenda. WHY DONT WE TEACH MEDICINAL BOTANY IN SCHOOL? SURVIVALISM? Our kids are suffering at the hands of the parents buying in to the current trends- in technology, in our food, in the LGBTetc. agenda…. seriously.
Cant wait for faster downloads with 5G? Please research this. It is NOT a good thing.
In conclusion of this truly never-ending story, do your due diligence research. If you do not have a clue where to begin, here are some well researched sources who most likely can provide you with the clarity you need to see this as it is.
Up until now, the powers that have been, have been all about their own WEALTH and “POWER”….. Check the discussions surrounding the CLINTON FOUNDATION. Just for starters….. NOW, as we are Biblically in the END TIMES, ALL TRUTHS WILL BE REVEALED…as they are actually coming to light. How about that 911 situation? Please google George Soros, and his role in taking over countries. YES. He has been working here with our leaders for decades. When John F Kennedy sought change in this country, he was murdered. As have been MANY, MANY, “powerful” people who have seen the light and attempted to shine it for us to see.
YOU TUBE INFO SHARERS: (just to name a few)
Blackstone Intelligence
SGT Report
Titus Frost
JustInformed Talk
The Honeybee
The Still Report
Really Graceful
Other Sources of Clarity: (5G issues)

(1984 Full Movie)... (there are audiobooks as well)
In all seriousness… the GENERAL PUBLIC needs to know the truth. Trump may not be perfect, but he is getting the job done. Hopefully.
This WOULD be a LONG series exposing the bamboozlement, if I had all the time and patience in the world… (not much there, either)- however, some people consider all this truth BULLSHIT. SO- research for yourself. They tell you what they want you to know. You don’t look any further…since of course its true it in the NEWS….please.
If we loved our neighbor as ourselves, did unto others, love God and heed the teachings…. it would be quite a different world. Free will, misused, all around. God Bless the Researchers, and those working diligently to bring these truths to light.
If there is a question of the validity of these statements- add to your list of fact checking, these few of many topics to look further into…
GLYPHOSATE…. honestly, the list is never-ending as well.
False Flag Events
Media Spin
Balfour Doctrine
Check the YOU TUBE list- these people find and research so much. There is SO MUCH going on, and has been going on. Plans to "Take Over The World"! This article? Just a tiny snippet of what has transpired over the decades.

Be a TRUTHSEEKER, Plan, Prep, Survive- and BE INDEPENDENTLY HEALTHY……. Share, the way we were intended by God, our CREATOR, to behave as humans- the keepers of all on the planet. Time for RESET. Part of Gods Plan. Hmmmm…. Ive been struggling with “Gods Plan” lately, as my sister in Christ died fighting tooth and nail Stage Four Metastatic Melanoma… and all the unfair, horrendous acts being perpetrated in this realm….(then theres CERN)…. As writing this article, it is becoming more clear….. God does have a plan, to have us come to the realization as humanity, that HIS way, IS the way- depicted in Interfaith-fully….. Im sure Buddah teaches good. Thats a research project in itself…. but we are TOO BUSY PAYING BILLS to do research for knowledge sake. ALSO, part of the plan.
CLOSE to the bottom line lies this truth.

Are YOU feeling alone? Sometimes, the knowledge and the info share can leave you in a self imposed seclusion. Listen to this: For all my info sharers.....

Some Sources:
WHO OWNS THE MEDIA? (who controls what you see and perceive as true or acceptable)
Can a person REALLY be BIOLOGICALLY Transgendered?
Barbara Bush Images
Marvin Pierce Images
Aleistar Crowley Images

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The process of researching takes time. Time, and thought. To my boisterous, unyielding Anti Trump expressionists..... if you were aware of the information coming forth on these topics, and the depth to which we have been played... I am certain, there is nothing Trump could do , that would match in reprehensibility than what has been going on for decades. Centuries. Really? We are where we are today because of the past year under Trump? The EPA issues? Flint, Michigan? Get real.

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