Deleting Everything From My Youtube Account

in #truth4 years ago

Greetings Steemians,

This post is for awareness purposes. It will be brief, and no images or fancy editing.

Youtube recently started censoring me for speaking my mind regarding the pandemic we are currently facing.

I do not agree with the official narrative, and feel whatever freedoms we have left are quickly being phased out for good.

I suspect that I was censored for using the word hegelian dialectic.

Furthermore, 7 out of 25 of my personal uploads (which are me playing guitar and signing) were striked for copyright infringement. Covers, me sitting with an acoustic guitar, sharing my artistic expression.

I've had enough, and I hope the world wakes up, I fear it's too late already.

Please search for information outside of the mainstream sources. They are censoring people for a reason!
The information is there, everything is in plain sight.

Here's a great place to start (imo)

If you disagree, that is ok. You should have a right to say so, no legislation or person (one such as a human being, a partnership, or a corporation that is recognized by law as the subject of rights and duties) should be able to tell you otherwise. You're a human being first, and your person is merely your corporation, your role that you play. It's time for people to realize the true nature of reality, and why things are the way they are, otherwise, get used to being told what to do, what to think, what to say, ect ect ect...

Much love,


Did you already delete them?
You could put them on Dtube.

I boycotted Dtube for circle jerking and lack of support 😀

Yeah, they are gone. I was pretty pissed, now I need to delete all the comments and everything else.

Thanks for stopping by. I hope you've been well.

Not entirely sure why I'm not following yet. Fixed. (Until I see some religious nuttery or logical fallacy LOL) Man, I'm so picky. It can get in the way.

Anyway, sorry to hear about your YT channel. I've done 750 videos over 12 years, and I'm now losing about 2 per week. Some are old (silver, liberty, bitcoin, etc) and some are new (virus, cannabis, etc). Any excuse to take stuff down. Heard a scrap of a tune in the background, gone. Mentioned cannabis, that's encouraging drug use, gone. Questioning official narrative, shadowbanned. Speaking out for free speech, banned. I still upload, but I can't say what I want anymore. I can't say what I believe is true. I'm a puppet, saying what I'm allowed to say. I hate it, and it's not sustainable. Won't be long before they can be for good.

Nearly 3 million unique video views, not bad for the truth.

Thank you for the follow! I'm following you too :)

(Until I see some religious nuttery or logical fallacy LOL) Man, I'm so picky. It can get in the way.

Full disclosure:
On this blog you may see some nuttery from time to time, in the form of poetry .
You will not see any religious content here.
I try not to have logical fallacies, but I'm an imperfect human being. I do my best.

Sorry to hear about your YT channel too. Yes it's beyond ridiculous at this point.

I still upload, but I can't say what I want anymore. I can't say what I believe is true. I'm a puppet, saying what I'm allowed to say. I hate it, and it's not sustainable. Won't be long before they can be for good.

Yeah, people resorting to code-words to avoid algo detection, I tried altering some words in comments with special characters, .. insta-deleted.
I was hopeful for a long time that everyone (including the masses) would leave YT, but..
I recently got screamed at by a cashier at a gas station for not standing on a social distancing bubble mark on the floor. People love to be enslaved and controlled!

Oh yeah for sure, they get VERY comfortable with it... to the point that they attack you for not joining them.

I vented about the YT situation in the description box of my upload last night. Have a peek if you have a minute:

Poetry and other art makes me happy. I'm not very good at it, but I tend to like people who are. There's a lot of value in art, expression, creativity. Man cannot live on mathematics and logic alone! (And I've probably forgotten about half the math I knew.)

At the shop today the cashier (she seemed new) said she hadn't heard that shops, cash, and cashiers may soon be a thing of the past. I was going to tell her more about it, but didn't want to sound too crazy, lest she hit the silent "conspiracy theorist" alarm and the men with straightjackets appeared. Just kidding! (I think.)

Cannabis and art, helps me detach (and sometimes make sense of things), On a personal note, I was addicted to alcohol and cocaine for 10 years, sleeping under bridges in upstate New York.
After 4 trips to rehab, and knowing that cannabis helped me stay off the shit, one day it just clicked, that I was in revolving door institutions that benefited from my stay, of course they were not going to give me the tools I needed. (no fault to the counselors/doctors who truly believe they are doing a good thing, they just don't realize they are feeding verbal poison, and only 1 psychologist ever admitted behind close doors that I was spot on.) So I did what I knew would work, regardless of "labels." I've had a new life for three years now.

My logical argument to anyone who thinks rehabs are good.. Look up relapse rates. Pretty sure it's like 85-95%? I would call that an epic fail, if nothing else, but people will defend rehabs and AA meetings as being "the only way!" Smoke that weed and you're still an addict!!! 😂

I'm sharing that because I totally get it about the cannabis and art, and it's difficult to put into words really. I won't even debate it with naysayers. If someone is still in the "reefer madness program mindset", I won't even waste my breath.

I was going to tell her more about it, but didn't want to sound too crazy, lest she hit the silent "conspiracy theorist" alarm and the men with straightjackets appeared. Just kidding! (I think.)

🤣 Me, each and every day of my life..

I'll check out your video shortly here. Thank you for sharing :)

Hey @futuremind
Just thought I would share this new video by Ron Paul with you. You have a bigger voice than me so you may want to do a post about it?

Thanks a bunch @hone.heke!

Not sure how big my voice is. I used to write about this stuff all the time, and have a wealth of information to share, but I was never supported by the truth community, and became quite discouraged as a result.

I'll consider it, because regardless of any potential post rewards or community involvement, this is important, never more so than now, imho.

What do you think of this idea.
How about with everything on youtube we find that supports the mainstream narrative with regard to this virus and the upcoming vaccinations, we flag it as promoting terrorism?

I feel like I should comment a bit further lol.

To me the most important thing is spreading awareness. Regardless of what we do on the mainstream platforms, they control the platforms, and really I feel it's a waste of time trying at this point.

To me the solution is quite simple. Collective non-compliance to the system. It's very simple in my mind. The major problem is 99% of people are controlled by hegelian dialectic psychology methods, and there is a wealth of information out there to substantiate all this. All the crazy occult shit, holywood, Epstein, all up to what is happening, it's all connected and people don't get it. I feel like that's more of a fact than an opinion.

I very much appreciate the input.

I feel like that's more of a fact than an opinion.

I could not possibly agree with you more.

If I were to flag a video on grounds of promoting terrorism, it would not be done tongue in cheek. I would be 100% convinced that what they are doing is an act of psychological terrorism.
However I also agree with you in that, such flags could well result in reasonably harsh blow back form the State regardless of any protestations one may make.
I appreciate and enjoy your feedback

Thank you for further extrapolating your thoughts.
I am also appreciative and enjoy the conversation, regardless of the dire implications, it's refreshing to talk with others about the big picture so to speak, at least others who get it.

in that, such flags could well result in reasonably harsh blow back form the State regardless of any protestations one may make.

I should not have said I disagree with you, because in essence I totally agree. It's definitely a form of psychological terrorism, problem-reaction-solution, only now they are dismantling the stage.

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it's profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.” -Frank Zappa

It does feel like we need to "stand up and fight!"
but damn, if it's only 1% of the world who does, we'll be easily slaughtered, and nothing gets solved.

I need to do a little more research on 5G 60Ghz weaponized systems and surveillance grid. @maxigan mentioned something about the grid working optimally if we maintain distance from one another. That is interesting, I have not yet verified it, but it makes sense.

Also there are plenty of scientists who are speaking out and saying social distancing is an overreaction which serves no medical purpose, and the models that resulted in the "public reaction" were computed with basically ideas instead of real data.

Re 5G have a look at this link start at 5 mins if you want to go straight to the meat and potatoes regarding one on my major concerns. When you see this remember this was a year ago, the new system has not been fully rolled out just yet. Imagine how much clarity they will be able to achieve in any space once it is rolled out and everyone's phones are talking to each other all the time!

And yes I hear the same things about the social distancing. My first thought was they want that so they can produce more waves of cases.
Also there are numerous reports regarding the misreporting of causes of death.

I will check this out shortly. Thank you for the resource!

I'm working on my first Bitchute video upload right now. I'll be sharing it on Steem shortly. Just some music :)

Please drop us this link

I disagree with doing such a thing, because it is also a display of suppression of free speech.

Two wrongs don't make a right - or an eye for an eye. Which is the righteous path?

Infringement on one's intrinsic human rights on this planet, that is my concern. What difference does it make flagging anything if we all end up under legislative house arrest, with the threat of violence, incarceration, outcasted from society, or worse for non compliance?

I disagree with you, but because I feel you have a right to be heard, I will upvote this comment 100%

Thank you for your time and thoughts.

I am with you regarding the main stream narrative and gootube
What scares me is how many people are blindly accepting this bullshit as gospel.
Gates has stated very clearly for years that his agenda is to depopulate the entire planet with vaccinations. I have developed the habit of engaging people I meet in the conversation, asking for their opinion on the virus and any upcoming vaccinations. Its an interesting exercise.

What scares me is how many people are blindly accepting this bullshit as gospel.
Gates has stated very clearly for years that his agenda is to depopulate the entire planet with vaccinations.

Everything is so very eloquently outlined in that Corbett link. It's all been in plain sight, and this is only a cog in the agenda. He sources everything, and the majority of his sources are PHD holders in micro organisms, virology , ect.. The same "sources" the powers that should not be tell us to trust. Trust the numbers! Well numbers are only as honest as the person inputting the data, and "models" can be ridiculously inaccurate (in the words of professionals)

With everything that was coming out regarding Epstein and the sick bastards in power, it doesn't surprise me a single bit that this is happening. Seems like everyone went and forgot about that.. Right?

Gates has stated very clearly for years that his agenda is to depopulate the entire planet with vaccinations.

All part of the occult, must be in plain sight, going along with it is an endorsement.

I have developed the habit of engaging people I meet in the conversation, asking for their opinion on the virus and any upcoming vaccinations. Its an interesting exercise.

OMG me too!!!! Doesn't it leave you a bit slack jawed? In upstate New York, it's common to hear people saying they hope the lockdown increases. They really did a number with the "paid programming" didn't they!

Although it's reassuring that a very select few seem to get it, it's very daunting that what seems to be 99% has some kind of veil over their "vision", and with such a high number of people sleeping, it's difficult to be optimistic.

Thank you for your thoughts @asimpleman

Thank you for sharing!
I'm using Bitchute now :)

Uploading my first vid on there as we speak.

and a nice little disclaimer for the censorship

True. 🙏

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