
Yes, to a degree, but not extensively. I think this is mostly a red herring, and it's not as big of a deal as it's made out to be. Intermarriage was always part of building a familial empire with noble families. This doesn't mean there's some major mystery to it. I know all the Icke stories as well, and I think the reptilian bloodline stuff is total disinfo BS meant to Pied Piper people down dead end alleyways.

I was not hinting on the Icke stories. The Dutch royals created Bilderberg, nowadays heavily promoting blockchain etc etc

Sorry for inferring otherwise. Yes, certainly there are very old money families that are leading the NWO plan and organizations like the Bilderbergers. The Windsors and the House of Orange Dutch royalty have lineages that all reach back to the Venetian oligarchs / Black Nobility. The Venetians were in fact an old outpost of the Phoenicians (that were before that the Canaanites) that ran the largest competing empire to the Romans (including Carthage) across the entire Mediterranean and the British Isles. These were also the Baal worshipers that sacrificed their (and others) children to Baal.

No need to say sorry my friend. Misunderstandings in communications, they happen :) It seems you know your “history” even better then i do. And i’m sure, i can not tell you much new here. But, we can exchange opinions. Sometimes, i look at the state of the world/society, and it seems like ‘the basics’ around these families, did not change at all in hundreds of years, it still functions the same as it did in the middle ages. They divert & divide, and try to make us focus on petty little differences between you, me and the rest of humanity. All to stay in power, and keep ‘us’ dumb. But, there’s a tiny, but shiny light at the horizon, (at least i tend to believe so. But i also try to keep believing in the good nature of mankind and maybe i’m just a dreamer, i’m aware of that, but still .... ) and the shiny light is the fact that more people are opening their eyes, and really see trough the bullshit, we have not reached criticall mass yet, and it seems like tptb are becoming more aware of this. That’s why we have the crackdown on free speech. If you look around the headlines of WW MSM, at least in the western world, you can see the same legislations being rolled out. Different names, same targets. So the fight we are facing, is still going to be huge, and with me, the knowing is draining so much energy, so, it is very good to talk and change opinions with likeminded people. So thanks

Thank you too! It's always great to find like minded people that care about getting the truth out and work to wake the sleeping masses. Often when I look around I think that our world is so dumbed down and psy-oped that we don't have a chance left. Pretty much the only thing that gives me hope is to see more and more good people waking to the reality of the world around us. I don't know if there will ever be enough of us to stop the multi-century slow motion train wreck we are in, but I keep trying to wake whoever I can because I know that's pretty much the only real thing I can do. Glad to know I'm not alone on this journey..

You’re not, we do the best we can, with the tools we have, and it’s working, because you see on online fora, more & more people talk and bitch about the hypocrisy. But, there’s still a long way to go.