The Capital Value of Truth - based on steemit trends

in #truth8 years ago

Just looking at the trending tags on steemit and I see that, according to the stats, we're nowhere near as interested in truth as a species, as we are in other, less mentally demanding pursuits.

Truth currently ranks 193rd on steemit trending tags, followed by cats at 194, and dogs at 196.

Today, truth is out-ranked by money 11, food 12, science 18, love 55, sex 131 and a boat-load of other, less stressful topics. 

So apparently we don’t care if our lover is being honest, as long as we have one. Nor do we care if they made their money ethically, as long as they have lots of it. We don’t care if the science is ethics-based or evidence-based, as long as the consensus says it’s correct, and we don’t care if our saffron is Crocus sativus or Croca-shite, strands of dyed gelatin or corn silk, as long as the menu says it’s in our dinner.

I'm guessing we can't rely too much on this specific metric alone though, because I'm damn sure most people care more about their cat or dog, than the truth. But my point is, truth seems to be a tiny fish, in a big ocean of bullshit. Truths’ capital value, according to steemit “trends”, is currently 9,493.162 SBD. I wipe that much SBD from my eyes every morning, it’s nothing.

It just isn’t fashionable. It’s uncomfortable, messy, smelly, and makes people feel all oogy. They don’t want it spilling on them, because it never, ever washes out.

Sure, they think they care about the truth, but when you present them with facts that make them uncomfortable, like, "The government may not be working in your best interests at all times", suddenly you're a conspiracy nut, and outcast, an over-thinker, or just plain crazy.

And for sure, they have every right to their opinion, but it’s one usually based on zero research to counter an argument, and backed only by the belief that everything they've ever known, is the only way the world can be, always will be, and don't you dare try to teach me anything different.

I understand where they're coming from too. I was lucky enough to have a heart attack early in life, and being curious, did some research about the 6 medications they gave me, that I had to take for the rest of my life; according to them, the “experts”.

Being the inquisitive type, I wondered how, up until the heart attack my body had functioned, albeit not optimally, without those 6 medications, for the preceding 42 years.

So I researched them, and found to my amazement that a lot of the research was dodgy, unethical, false, corrupt or corrupting, or a combination of all those things combined. 

(Begin soliloquy) 

Holy shit! You mean the medical profession isn’t actually 100% trustworthy? Like I’ve been led to believe my whole life? You mean people actually fake data, to sell products they know are dangerous, cause your “All cause” mortality risk to double, or it’s just plain shit?

You mean to tell me that western medicine is (on the whole), just a big-ass money-laundering business? Holy shit grandma, you fuckin’ LIED! So you’re saying cancer is a business model, not a disease? Yes in-fucking-deed. That’s what cancer is. It’s a big ass business. Ignorance is the disease.

(End soliloquy)

Subsequently I discovered alternative ways to clear my arteries, and change my diet, such that I now take none of the prescribed medication, and miraculously, I'm still not dead. Could it be that I didn't need any of those medications in the first place, but just a re-education? Maybe I just needed a good kick in the ass to open my mind to the possibility that, not everything is as it has always seemed, and there’s a much better, freer way to live.

And all I’d discovered was the Truth. Warts and all, wrinkles and scars, a bit smelly for sure, upsetting as fuck, often depressing, lonely at times, but 100% straight-up honest, no bullshit, take-it-or-leave-it Truth. Truth doesn’t care what you think about it. It’s a hard-core, ass-kicking, take-no-prisoners battle-scarred, in-your-face son of a bitch. 

And it’s building. If you sit quietly, you can feel it. If you talk to people, you can hear it, and if you’re one of those “elites” trying to hide from it, give up now, save yourself the trouble. People are getting fed the fuck up, and when enough of them realise how screwed-over they’ve been, they’re gonna’ take back what’s theirs. Truth is unstoppable. Truth is priceless, and the tide is turning. Get your floaties ready.

Shout out to Sean from  @sgtreport  SGTReport  on youtube. Your mettle is steel Brother. I hope your kids know how hard their Dad is working to make their future better. You're one of a very small few, and you've inspired me to start sharing the truth with the world too.


Currently life (in ranking 2) is valued at 2,581,536.980 SBD, which gives truth a percentage value of %0.3677329464403024 of life. We have a way to go, but with compounding interest, I think we’ll get there.

And for those in “elite” circles, please note:

Anarchy (in position 26), is worth 223,995.733 SBD, while Freedom (46) is worth 109,727.332 SBD. Combine them with Anarchism (36) 160,621.887 SBD, and you get 494,344.952. These 3 trends combine to a percentage of %19.14924929721518 of the life (2) SBD value. You see where things are headed right?

I’m out.

10 June 2017


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