Speech By Donald Trump That I Think Everyone Needs To Read Or See Before Judging Him

in #truth8 years ago

It's not good to talk bad about someone that doesn't know the truth.  And, this is what he said in his speech here.

"The political establishment will not do, no lie, that they won't tell, to hold their prestige and power at your expense and that's what's been happening.  The financial establishment and the financial and media corporations that fund it, exist for only one reason, to protect and enrich itself.  The establishment has TRILLIONS of DOLLARS and stake in this election.  As an example, just one single trade deal they'd like to pass, involves TRILLIONS of DOLLARS controlled by many countries; corporations and lobbyists.  For those who control the levers of power in Washington and for the global special interest, they partner with these people, that don't have your good in mind.  Our campaign creates an existential threat like they haven't seen before."  

As the crowd cheers, because he was right - and we all are a threat to the globalists plans.  He goes on to say, "This is not simply another four year election, this is a crossroads of the history of our civilization, that will determine whether or not we the people reclaim our control over the government.  The political establishment that is trying to stop us, are the same group of people responsible for our disastrous trade deals, massive illegal immigration, and economic and foreign policies, that have bled our country dry.  For them, it's war, and for them - nothing at all is out of bounds.  This is the struggle for the survival of our nation.  This election will determine whether we're a free nation or whether we only have the illusion of democracy, but are in fact only controlled by a certain special global interests rigging our system and our system is rigged."

Tell me about it, you can't say that it isn't rigged with the ways that people are all cleaning up the messes that these people make in our lives, and anyone that can't see these things as fact are unmistakably - wrong, because we're being railroaded in this country for lack of better words.  He then proclaims, "This is reality!  They know it, I know it, and pretty much - the whole world knows it.  The establishment and their media and neighbors will control over this nation, through means that are very well known, and anyone who deems to challenge it's power is deemed a sexist, a racist, a xeno-phob." (Which means that they have and intense or irrational dislike or fear of people from other countries.)  And, goes onto say, "...and morally deformed.  They will attack you.  They will slander you.  They will seek to destroy your career and your family.  They will seek to destroy everything about you including your reputation.  They will lie; lie, lie, and then again they will do worse then that.  They will do whatever is necessary.  The Clinton's are criminals - remember that - they're criminals.  Our America and across this great nation and across the civilized world," pauses for a second,and then states, "has come upon a moment of reckoning.  We've seen it in the United Kingdom, where they voted to liberate themselves from global government and global trade deals and global immigration deals that have destroyed their sovereignty, and have destroyed many of those nations.  But, the central base of world political power is right here in America, and it is our corrupt political establishment that is the greatest power behind the efforts, at radical globalization, and the disenfranchisement of working people.  Their financial resources are virtually unlimited. Their political resources are unlimited.  Their media resources are... unmatched.  And most importantly the depths of their immorality is absolutely unlimited."

If you don't believe Trump is trying to do the right thing, I so disagree and don't think that you're reading from the right kinds of media outlets, because it's all over everything.  It's all over the dictatorship and control of Facebook, Twitter among other news organizations that have corrupted our internet and bled out lie after lie after lie to make themselves more accountable then the people who are sitting back and really observing these outcomes, but who are trying to take a stab at the global power in this country.  And, this country is sick.  These people are sick.  I've talked about it many times throughout all of my media, in my facebook and on steemit with the gangstalking and organized harassment and covert operation that are taking over the world today.  And people are tired.  So tired, that they don't know now, how to get up and fight for their loved ones, their own families and friends and relationships as they are being destroyed.  

The people want, and should want a country government that stays out of our way and lets us become people and build our families and stop hurting them, and stop pretending as if they are there trying to help when they are clearly not.  And we continue to play the janitor in the courtrooms of today - wiping up their messes that they bring over us all the time, and work over on us all the time and we have to become a nation that is built by the people, for the people, and not by globalist pigs all in favor of enriching themselves.

It's not news anymore and no one covers real stories, unless you're talking about covering it up with a rug, because that's all these people do, and work to silence you, and not allow you to be heard.  Keep fighting, and keep writing and keep on doing what you love to do, and never let these people silence you, or stop your good hearts from achieving the good old American dream that you were taught to have, because it's coming, and it can come still.  They can't silence us forever and it can't rain all the time.

Please feel free top watch the video here, and thanks for reading my words and Trumps speech.  This is a good man that I see trying to actually clean up the messes that these people have made through covert attacks on your sovereignty, so please stop all the chaos and just try to help people live decent again.

Thank you

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Have a good day, and God Bless!  Let's make our lives GREAT AGAIN!


americanism not globalism

it is a new world order through western occultism, but some of western comes from everywhere else too. Just like pedophilia and rape.

i going to post a great video from infowars with this speech

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