Chances Are You Are Wrong About Climate Change
What if the money grabbing CO2 Global Warming narrative was put out to distract the public and cause a divide so that no one would be looking at the real destruction that has been taking place for decades

There is money to be made in an ice-free Arctic I have told you about this before
In scientific analyses, “ice-free” does not necessarily mean “no ice.” The definition of “ice-free” or sea ice “extent” or “area” varies across studies. Sea ice “extent” is one common measure, equal to the sum of the area of grid cells that have ice concentration of less than a set percentage—frequently 15% - Changes in the Arctic: Background and Issues for Congress, page 17, footnote 51
The destruction of multi-year ice might be too far gone

I think we need to remember that we don't know everything, and that manipulation and playing both sides to control the story is a real thing
