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RE: The Fake Government & Big Business Green Energy Revolution: Power To The People!

in #truth6 years ago

Wow very informative! I had no idea about the beginnings of WWF, really eye opening.

"every new house was designed (and existing houses funded) to become energy self sufficient, each household would then pay an inflationary capped rental on the household meter and an insurance for a skeleton grid."

This would be awesome and the way I'd like to set-up when it comes time for me to build my first house. In NZ if we create our own energy via wind, water or solar and we have surplus we can sell it back to the grid. Couldn't this cover the insurance for the skeleton grid that you propose?

"Conversely, when we compare these crops to hemp we can see that they stand in the shadow of this mighty plant. Hemp is extremely hardy and thus kind on the soil, within numerous and varied environments it can produce 1000 litres of oil per acre."

Ive been trying to educate people on the versibility and utility of hemp for a some time (even just wrote a blog on hemp for steemit a couple of days ago)
Theres nothing this plant can't do, it could single handedly wipe out many more harmful industries that are currently in place today (cotton, fuel, dairy, medicines etc) Hemp has a super low environmental impact and even creates its own pesticide and fertiliser, amazing plant.

"mining aspect behind the electric cars components, nickel, lithium, cobalt etc etc."

This is very valid today and I have often heard it used as an argument against electric cars. These minerals are mainly required at the moment to produce the battery packs that go into electric cars. Although lithium-ion batteries have very little lithium in them these days, mainly just cobalt and nickel etc. Battery technology, especially these high out-put battery packs that are needed in cars are still in their infancy in terms of development and innovation. As with any new technology with capital interest, rapid innovation will occur. If you take the first combustion engines for example, they were way less efficient and far more polluting than they are today. The same will happen with battery technology. And isn't it important that we focus on an energy source thats renewable? I understand that not all electricity is made from renewable energy but it's still infinitely more than petrol/diesel cars which are 100% non-renewable.

We have a huge fusion generator in the sky emitting more than enough energy to power the whole planet, I say lets use it!


I think you just found yourself some new followers, lets see if we can give you some help in rising up the reputation ladder, nice to meet you also.

If this comment was directed at me thanks so much, if not thanks anyway :)

Hey my friend,

Thank you for taking the time to read my post and leave such a thoughtful comment.

This would be awesome and the way I'd like to set-up when it comes time for me to build my first house. In NZ if we create our own energy via wind, water or solar and we have surplus we can sell it back to the grid. Couldn't this cover the insurance for the skeleton grid that you propose?

Yes I believe that the excess probably would cover an insurance cost, but equally some form of nominal insurance could act as a sweetener that could get the ball rolling. Equally I feel an insurance could cover unforeseen circumstances and large scale damage to the grid system and equally go some way to ensuring that those who maintain it (the workers) are paid a good standard of living.

Ive been trying to educate people on the versibility and utility of hemp for a some time (even just wrote a blog on hemp for steemit a couple of days ago)
Theres nothing this plant can't do, it could single handedly wipe out many more harmful industries that are currently in place today (cotton, fuel, dairy, medicines etc) Hemp has a super low environmental impact and even creates its own pesticide and fertiliser, amazing plant.

Yes it's such an amazingly versatile plant and I feel it could quite literally save the world. In a way this kind of also answers your next question, in relation to electric cars yes I think you're right in that over time and with the correct expenditure and innovation the methods of extraction will become less polluting. That said they will still use finite rare earth minerals, which suggests a finite answer to a long term and infinite problem. Equally as highlighted, even without coal fired plants .. the production of renewable energy has its own inherent problems. I'm also concerned about the whole narrative behind electric cars, privacy, plus concerns around the over-saturation of EMF's slowly creeping from the work, home space and increasingly into the car. I believe it is a false premise sold as environmentalism that will be increasingly used to monitor the population.

Equally, Henry Ford originally designed a car that was built from and ran on hemp oil .. realising that it was a cheaper and cleaner alternative .. the oil giants were so concerned that it would steal their thunder that they were instrumental behind banning it's industrial use and the demonisation of cannabis. In recent times, the car maker Renew has designed several Canna cars and released the below statement (which after spending a few years looking at hemp as an alternative energy source I very much believe) the cars are built from hemp and can run on hemp ethanol.

The CANNA 100 & 130 models have a Lifetime Carbon Footprint that’s 10% lower than the average new electric vehicle, while the CANNA EV model drives 22% greener than the average electric vehicle, ranging from 80 to 400+ horsepower.

Like you say a few more years innovation and who knows what they could achieve with hemp vehicles?

We have a huge fusion generator in the sky emitting more than enough energy to power the whole planet, I say lets use it!

Amen that that my friend, indeed among the 5000 plus patents held by the US patent office I very much believe the answer to our energy woes is already there. Thanks again @bengiles

No worries @perceptualflaws it was a pleasure to read :)

What the oil giants did to Henry Ford, reminds me of William Randolph Hearst and his bullshit propaganda to try and villainize hemp. Pretty sure he was the first guy calling it 'Marijuana', and tried to spread the misconception that hemp makes you high and loopy just for his own personal gain. So sad!

Anyway thanks again, I'm just a new steemian so my vote is not worth much.
But upvoted, followed and resteemed! Looking forward to future posts :)

Oh yes .. just like how President Nixon initiated the whole drug war to demonise his opponents (Black Panthers etc etc) .. a tangled web that has claimed tens of millions of lives! Thanks again @bengiles

Amen brother! speak the truth @perceptualflaws

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