Youtube is suppressing the truth

in #truth8 years ago (edited)

In my first post I wrote that the occult are ruling the world, they are the masters that pull the strings of the puppets that you see on TV and in the newspapers. I will write more about them in a next post.

“Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws”

Signs and symbols will stay the same, slight alterations can appear, though. The meaning of the symbol will not change, some new meanings can be added. But if you alter words, they will have a total different meaning.
The occult has been using signs and symbols for ages to show their members and insiders what is going on. The public doesn't recognize this because they haven't been taught how to see.

The masters and their puppets also own the biggest companies in the world, including all their less known (local) subsidiaries.
I will show why Google and Youtube are part of the club.

P.S. There is more to the symbols than I will explain below. I will write more about that in a later post.

(G=33rd letter of the alphabet)
(33=the age that Jesus died at, Freemasons read the bible but worship Satan)
(33=the highest degree of Scottisch Rite of Freemasonry)


(Pyramid=the top rules the bottom)
(Uncapped Pyramid=The Illuminati's work is never finished)
(All-Seeing Eye=The eye of Lucifer, the eye of Horus)
(Illuminated Cap=Enlightened ones, the 1% have the knowledge)

(All-Seeing Eye)

Google Play Music
(All-Seeing Eye)

Google Play Movies



Google Maps

Royal Arch Masonry apron

Royal Arch Masonry apron
(Pyramid with All-Seeing Eye in the background)

Revelation 13:18
“Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is
Six hundred threescore and six.”

Google Chrome

Google Hangouts

So why am I focusing on Google and Youtube?

Two days ago Youtube terminated the account of “Peekay Truth” because of copyright strikes by a certain Richard Gutjahr.
Peekay Truth showed in his video that Richard Gutjahr is a reporter for German national broadcaster ARD who was at the scene in Nice: the Bastille Day lorry killings in Nice (14 July), and Friday's fatal shootings in Munich shopping centre Olympia Einkaufszentrum (22 July).


What are the odds of being at the right place at the right time (for a journalist) twice in 2 weeks!

P.S. He was also the very first person to buy the IPad in 2010. He is truly the luckiest man!

Peekay Truth digged deeper, with help of his subscribers and other truthers, and found out the daughter of Richard Gutjahr, Thamina Stoll, was only 3 minutes away from the McDonalds-shooting in Munich at her grandma’s place! She turns out to be a journalist too, and she even went on a picture with Hillary Clinton.
You can see this for yourself at the (deleted) reuploaded video at Liveleak here:

Richard Gutjahr’s wife Einat Wilf was an Ex-Mossad agent (Israeli Secret Serivce) and member of the Israely Parlement (Knesset 18). As you can see on the picture below her army-experience has been removed on her Wikipedia-page. But on her own website it still shows she served as an Intelligence Officer in the Israel Defense Forces.


Wilf describes herself as a Zionist, as you can read on her Wikipedia.

Zionist-definition: “A political movement that supports the maintenance and preservation of the state of Israel as a Jewish homeland, originally arising in the late 1800s with the goal of reestablishing a Jewish homeland in the region of Palestine.”

Not every Zionist is a Jew, and not every Jew is a Zionist.

As you can read here Zionism is better described as Rothschild-Zionism to constantly emphasise the true creators of Zionism and its controllers to this day.

The Rothschilds are the most wealthy people (family) in the world. They are the true rulers of this world (and 1 on of the 13 bloodlines of the Illuminati). I will explain this in later posts.

So now we are back at the start of my post.
The people that rule, don’t want you to know what is going on in this world. So they are suppressing the truth and the people that are exposing the truth.

If you've read this far, I can tell you that the attacks in Nice and Munich were fake, they are hoaxes. Noone died.

Many truthers around the world are exposing the “evil families” and their puppets and they are getting more scared by the day. Richard Gutjahr (Goodyear) has been exposed, his goodyear is over and he is running for his life.

Democracies are about free speech, but real democracy and free speech don’t exist. Internet was going to be the real place of freedom, but even the internet is controlled.

I hope Steemit is the decentralized platform where we really have a place for free speech.



it is so sad that this group of evil people have gained control of this world . As very few of us realize no matter who is elected president of the United States they will be doing the bidding of this elite group or if the new president does not do as they are told they will not be long in this world.Also you should know i only call them elite because that is what they are known by .

I type elite but i changed it to evil families. I didn't want to give them credits and i didn't know a better wording since English isn't my native language.
I'm glad you are awake :-)

Why worry about it? Post what you believe uncensored here on Steemit and then share it with the platforms that you deem to be the enemy.

Keep up the great work @awaking

Hi! This post has a Flesch-Kincaid grade level of 8.7 and reading ease of 71%. This puts the writing level on par with Leo Tolstoy and David Foster Wallace.

Keep up the great work @awaking