RE: cognitive switch! And a corrupt medical system!
Nice to see you bro, and yes yes yes, you are correct.
Then add in the awkward "fact" that medication for depression states "may lead to a want to cause self harm" and bingo, you see who is running the medical side!.
"Every year, more than 253 million prescriptions for antidepressants are filled in the United States, making them the second most prescribed drug class in the United States (second only to cholesterol-lowering drugs).4 This includes use among children, where in the U.S. kids are getting three times more prescriptions for antidepressants and stimulants, and up to double the amount of antipsychotic drugs than kids from Germany and the Netherlands.
But how effective are antidepressants in alleviating the symptoms of depression?"
Most the people I seen who claim they help are one's who join therapy groups and find themselves a boyfriend. Is it the new boyfriend or the anti depressants? lol
Without research and with bias I will say the boyfriend lol.