Womp. Womp. The judge denied Meadows' request for removal to federal court.
Trump was apparently waiting to see what happened to this before making his own request. I assume he won't make a request at this point, but who knows he may just do it for the sake of delay.
Meadows arguably had the best case for removal, so this bodes poorly for others with similar requests. I have to admit I didn't see this coming after the judge's recent comments. Though from what I gather the law was on the side of denying the request (albeit this area of law isn't too full of case law).
Here's the heart of the judge's denial of Mark Meadows' removal request. He found that Meadows was acting on behalf of the Trump campaign and not as chief of staff. Note the denial doesn't rest solely on a violation of the Hatch Act, but it didn't help the matter. The judge only found one overt act was in Meadows' capacity as chief of staff, and thus denied the request.