Trump's Work is not Finished

in #trump4 years ago

Trump's Work is not

Some have called me a
Trump apologist, and with good reason. I have no interest in adding
to the persecution of the one person who is trying to hold our
country together, and thus the rest of the world along with it.
Seriously, who would want that responsibility? Who COULD stand up to
the arrogant control freaks in the CIA and FBI who have pulled the
strings on EVERY president since JFK?

What needs to happen and
why do I think Trump is our only hope at this particular time in
history? We need a gradual but purposeful dismantling of the federal
government, with increased decision-making returned to the 50 states'
citizens and their courts, with the goal of Rule of Law coming from
frequent elections to enact laws and remove unconstitutional laws.

There is no need in the US
for corrupt politician-corporate-sponsors claiming to “represent”
constituents in Washington DC when, in fact, they only represent
their own greed and that of their benefactors. They should go home,
cv19 or not, and just stay there!

The draconian lockdowns
and unconstitutional mask ordinances in the US must end. Governors
who have usurped their powers, taking advantage of a frightened and
confused populace without a solution other than to wait for a dubious
vaccine, those governors must be relieved of duty immediately and
perhaps prosecuted for physical, financial and emotional destruction
of their fellow humans and their children. People who consider
reelecting these charlatans are suffering from Stockholm syndrome.
They confuse abuse with “security.”

Trump has fired a large
umber of misanthropic bureaucrats, for which I am grateful. Some of
his Neocon appointees, such as John Bolton, Mad Dog Mattis, Gena
Haspel, Mike Pompeo and Anthony Fauci, were for the express purpose
of putting them on display, like Rhett Butler sending Scarlet O'Hara
to Melanie's party in her red dress. If and when they choose to
continue their interventionist behavior, for all to see, then Trump
can send them away without criticism.

We have seen the failures
of the CDC, the FDA, the EPA, the Dept. of Education, the State
Department, the Pentagon, the IRS and the Federal Reserve. Do we
need these bloated monsters and their minions controlling lives while
becoming wealthy in mysterious ways? (Literally trillions of dollars
have been lost and unaccounted-for by the Pentagon alone.) Or worse,
do we really want international agents of a clandestine, wealthy
elite, such as the International Monetary Fund, the UN, the WHO and
the World Bank governing our lives, quite literally determining how
many people should be alive, how they should live (austerely) and
what medicine they must use? People seem to believe the “carbon
tax” invented by other international schemers, would solve the
climate crisis but it would do no more than enrich the
already-wealthy and force higher prices on the rest of us, pollution

By stepping back from the
Paris Agreement, the UN, the WHO, NAFTA, TPP, Syria and Afghanistan,
Trump is heading toward the decentralization of power that can save
humanity from the tyranny
of all Globalists' dreams.

Trump has also stayed in
direct touch with his citizens on a daily sometimes hourly, basis.
In doing so he has reduced the credibility of the biased mainstream
media known as “fake news.” The Tweets and the ongoing
declassification of the internal political schemes of the previous
administration are causing certain bad actors' and their media
puppets' heads to explode.

So, yes, we need Rule of
Law but we do not need a tyrannical federal government. Whatever
steps are necessary to further drain the swamp, including another
Trump presidency, I am willing to support.

We want security and
comfort and a country in which everyone has enough of life's
necessities, for all to feel what it is to relax, to give of one's
time with joy, to appreciate nature, to learn any subject freely.
But how can a deep-thinking person believe that more “government”
will bring happiness, at the expense of the very freedom that is our
human right? Socialism would have every neighborhood crawling with
overseers (surveillance) and enforcers. Such enforcers/regulators
would be no more benevolent than any other regime, only more
expensive and perhaps more deadly.

Trump IS draining the
Swamp, though deeper layers keep presenting themselves. I am in
favor of the continuation and even escalation of that process.
People at the top of the US government and economy have participated
in heinous acts against Americans and people throughout the world. A
good example would be the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
chemical experimentation (a/k/a vaccines and genetically modified
seeds and the accompanying herbicides and pesticides) on Africans,
Indians and South Americans. These experiments have killed,
sterilized and crippled hundreds of thousands of people. This must
be stopped and the perpetrators must face justice, very much
including the pharmaceutical labs that produce these neither safe nor
effective witches brews.

Should big ag be allowed
by the FDA and EPA to destroy our soil and destroy our bodies with
poison in the process? Should anyone ever be forced to use
medication, very much including fluoride and vaccines? Is this not
the medical equivalent of rape? Should manipulation of world
governments, by inciting internal unrest, be the focus of planetary
relations? Should we seek to outsmart Nature by spraying toxic fumes
into the sky, the particulates eventually rendering our lungs and our
forests weak and brittle? NO! Brotherhood. Nature's Laws. Clean
Food and Medicine. Community Gardens. Decentralization of Commerce.
Freedom to barter or trade Freedom to worship or not worship.
These are human rights that must not be interferred-with. And, if
life in America has beome too complex to consider such values, that
is even more reason to find a simpler, smaller path that can benefit
everyone. The elimination of pollution and stress alone would cure
many diseases caused by poor nutrition and/or poisons and anxiety.
The cries for “health care” would die down in a short while if we
were breathing fresh air and drinking clean water.

The US needs to find its
center, to demonstrate its Core Values of respect, honesty,
fairness and freedom. If and when this country follows the
Principles professed in our founding documents, the Declaration of
Independence and the US Constitution, and necessarily shuts down the
bureaucratic and corrupt agencies and their controlling interests
that have become far too invasive into people's lives at home and
abroad, then perhaps we can proceed toward the shared goals of Life,
Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. The sooner we return to our
roots, i.e., ALL HUMANS ARE EQUAL, the sooner the world will take
notice and follow suit.

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