Trump is the Angry Father who Arrives to Take his Daughter Home from the Orgy

in #trump6 years ago (edited)

Obama was a fantasy. We imagined he would stop the wars but he did not. We imagined he would create a kinder attitude toward minorities. He did not. We imagined he would engineer health care for all. He did not. We imagined a better economy under Obama. It did not happen. But the press perpetuated the fantasy, hence the term “fake news.”

Trump is reality. The corruption that has abounded under the last 5 or more administrations has resulted in overlords instructing underlings. Has resulted in smoke screen distractions (ISIS, engineered weather catastrophes, engineered epidemics including obesity, stupefied children) while the overlords plundered our tax dollars, our social security, our environment, and all along raised the cost of living to the point that millions are now homeless, without hope, yet big banks lived to plunder again.

Trump is the reality that comes after a drunken party. Trump is the cop that arrives to survey the mess and determine the owners of the trashed premises. The cop who ends the disgusting behavior.

The press has been so enmeshed in illusions it does not know HOW to report on vomit-covered sidewalks, on misbehaving “adults,” on liars in high positions, on confusion at every level, including its own. The press wants to appear to know what is happening and yet is clueless. The press blames Trump for errors committed decades ago and the hung-over public allows this narrative to endure. It is a lie. Trump is the adult. Trump is reality and reality is often not pretty.

We Americans need to stop this resistance crap and start to discard the pieces of false narratives. Trump needs time and space to continue the vital swamp-draining. He needs our help, not “resistance.” Our country cannot heal until corruption at every level: Judicial, Law Enforcement, Financial, National Security, Immigration, Defense, State Legislature, Election Oversight, Federal Regulation, has been made transparent. We cannot heal until the corruption has been exposed and the culprits have faced justice.

Who else but a Trump can face this task? Hillary Clinton was one of the queens of this very corruption. That is why over 30 states elected Donald Trump. People are not nearly as stupid as the politically motivated, corrupt media would have us believe. Nor is the media as smart as they would have us believe.

If the press cannot handle reality, then replace them with honest reporters of real news. I do not care about their opinions on Trump or their absurd sadness over Clinton’s loss. We have a mess to clean up and the hung-over public and its media outlets need to stop whining and focus on our very real problems.

Trump’s job is huge. A job not one of us would want, when looked at through clear lenses. The swamp-draining has begun, despite the distractions and lies, despite the snivelling and name-calling, and that is where it must begin. “Bought” politicians are not representatives of our people, they represent only overlords. “Bought” reporters report only fake news.

The truth, however awful to some, is that Trump is our only hope. It is time to drink some coffee, get off of the floor, and join him in putting our country back together, however distasteful it seems to wake from illusions. Trump is the angry father who arrives to take his daughter home from the orgy, ground her, see that she dates nice guys in the future. LET HIM DO HIS JOB!!!!


Good work 3dogs. But then you are singing to the choir with me.

Well put!!

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