To my fellow human beings
A vote for neither is Not a vote for either. Instead of voting for who you believe is the lesser of two evils, expose the evil of both sides. We are not here to assist evil in any way. At this point we don't know who has been selected.
However, we should know by now that they have been and are selected. With that knowledge we should understand that the election process is a fraud and expose the liarz. I will not be a part of the selection process.
My write in campaign is not to win an election. It is to make my fellow human beings aware of the situation as it really is. When you take every conspiracy theory and look at them as a whole, the endgame of those selecting our tyrants is the murder of most of us.
Any time somebody ridicules and denigrates another human being because he wants answers to unanswered questions the question becomes why.
Rothschild has interest in both sides of all conflicts. Everything we see happening in our lifetime is financed by Rothschild. Not one individual Rothschild but a dynasty. All roads lead to that dynasty. This is an opportunity to expose them and not be a part of their evil. It's that simple.
We learn what our tyrants have done and hold their feet to the fire for their wrongs. Mostly we must acknowledge our own part in the tyranny and atone. I voted for Obama and All Gore and John Kerry. I was wrong. Forgive me God for I was foolish.
I will atone by exposing the crimes of those politicians who fooled me. I will atone by speaking truth to power. I will educate myself in scalar fashion to oppose scalar lies and mass genocide.
I willl expose technocracy as a criminal enterprise.
I will discuss the scourge of cocaine and heroin as a fearless warrior ready to do battle against impunity and addiction.
I will expose as inept the communist dictatorship that IS the Senior Executive Service.
I will defeat 5G Trump and Hail Hitler Biden. Iwill expose those who allow jet planes tospray us like roaches. I am the Living Martyr because I use this technology and this platform at the expense of my cellular structure so that I may warn my human family to Awaken and resist the genocide taking place in slow motion and in plain view.
Thank you for responding my fellow human being. You are appreciated.