A day of mass confusion 1-5-2021 Distract and Delay

in #trump4 years ago (edited)

I believe that I can articulate an intelligent point of view about the situation that happened in Washington DC.
on December 5, 2020. Hindsight 2020

Pennsylvania Election Fraud

The whole point of the March in DC was to protest against the election fraud that was happening before the election during the election and after election and continues to this day. The complaints of fraudulent activity in the election process was ignored by the powers of each state which allowed whistleblowers to be ignored and hidden from the public.

Arizona Election Fraud

Blatant Election Fraud

More fraud in Arizona
Banned on Twitter


I was lectured by facebook for posting a video oh Alfo D'urso an Italian Advocate attorney who filed an affidavit stating that an individual helped switch the votes from Trump Joe Biden.

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Facebook said it was false information and Reuters staff were the fact Checkers. The same people who called the election. This means they were illegally influencing the election while at the same time silencng my voice.

Facebook silences shockleftmedia


Here is the video which is, in actuality, an affidavit. That is a legal statement of fact by a witness in another country. Who is Reuters to judge this affidavit? Are they triers of fact. Are they propagandizing the American people while at the same time slandering the names of those who expose the truth?

So as of today, I am working with nationsinaction.org to try and clear my name and my character. Reuters and Facebook have slandered me and made me to look as if I am a liar. To the contrary, I will expose Facebook, Reuters, and their fact checkers as liars.

Here is more evidence of election fraud I saw on December 5th 2020 by the epoch times

So at this point in time, one month before the Senate the House of Representatives were schedule to count the electoral votes, nformation regarding election fraud was hidden from the public. Whistleblowers were silenced and slandered by the technical elite.

The next video shows president select Joseph Biden admitting to assembling the greatest election fraud organization in the history of American politics.

Here in this following video, we reveal the hypocrisy of the Joe Biden Kamala Harris ticket. When black lives matter was tearing Up Chicago and the rest of the country, Kamala Harris supported those organizations and she said that they should continue past the 2020 elections. So what this researcher must do is find out what she is saying now in 2021 about the protesters in DC on January 5th 2021.

This is the only thing I can find about Senator Harris' fraudulent march to the vice presidency.


We only hear praise for BLM and their protests while conversely, Trump is responsible for the actions of criminals without any investigation.

So, Hindsight 2020 has shown us delay and distract in effect. There was no effort to arrest BLM protesters nor were they admonished by Democratic leadership for the destruction they caused last summer. Eight months later, something, according to Harris, now must be done.

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In the meanwhile, not a word about election fraud from the Democrats and so the videos I have placed on the blockchain in this post are supposedly nonexistent or are the protests just distracting from it?
So going into the election of 2020, we were told by the the CIA media that there was close to zero election fraud. To the contrary, I have shown at least eight or nine instances of election fraud but my voice has been silenced. On the other hand, the blockchain is immutable an uncensorable- at least that's how I look at it.

Now let's look into election fraud. I was an election judge for the 2019 mayoral primary and run off and I was also an election judge for the national elections in the 2020 primary where I was introduced to the brand new Dominion voting systems machines and their components.




One of the things that I didn't like was the fact that the Sharpies markers were bleeding through the ballots causing the election machine to reject them. When I tried to tell the supervisor that this is not right he told me to be quiet and don't worry about it. So when I worked my last election during the primaries, there were many ballots rejected because of the Sharpies bleeding through and also the Privacy sleeve held on to the ballot causing the ballot not to go through the counter and then I had to pretend as if I was unable to see the vote that was cast.
It was easy to see that this was purposefully done and nobody had a clue besides me. When the election was over, I walked downtown to my old job at the Grand Lux Cafe to see what was going on over there and maybe give them a little trouble. When I got downtown to my old job, everything was closed. It was a ghost town downtown. No one had told me about the Covid shutdown. So after that, I did not renew my commission as an election judge. I made the decision to run for Congress. Not that I felt like I was going to win but I had to begin to understand what it would take to be a part to become a candidate and also to put pressure on the incumbent congressman, Bobby Rush.


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So let's get back to January 5th 2021
I knew something was going to happen at that march. I just didn't know what. So I was going to do this on that day.
I was going to do an American Intellience Media Marathon watching these videos below, to get a clear understanding of this whole election fraud hoax staged coup d'etat. The American Intelligence Media n had all the indictable evidence and none of this had really come out really until now around this time. So that's a delay tactic. Somebody delayed all that information and we know who it was. So I collected a set of the videos that they had done about the election rigging process. I was going to try to explain them but look at all that's been going on since January 5th 2020. Therefore, I will instead let you, the reader, take a look at these videos while I try to explain something new.

It turned out that there was mayhem at the Capitol and I was watching these videos trying to get this report out on January 5th 2021. Congress had a recess so as I was trying to finish this post and researching on the internet, details about the riots started to come through about how the Capitol Police allowed rioters inside the building. It was a false flag.

The moment we realized that this is a staged psyop pic.twitter.com/Ckk4XtMeWB

— MpD (@IndigoLeo10) January 6, 2021

Then I started hearing about violence and trespassing. I had been warning my followers on Twitter and Facebook about the dangers of 5G mind control prison monitoring full spectrum dominant systems and its partner Chemtrails or strategic aerosols injected into the sky, so I know how the two, when coupled together, gives it the ability to mind control. But since the officials that are responsible for the implementation of 5G anti Chemtrails are not giving us the full facts we must speculate. My speculations are based off of thousands of megabytes of indictable evidence (a term I got fromthe American Intelligence Media) I'll leave it at that .
As we move closer and closer to the inauguration, there's mass confusion on both sides. The the left side does not know anything about the election fraud and are gloating over their victory while the right side had so much hope and is still trusting the plan. The Democrats have changed their tune and now are condemning the violence and rushing to judgment against Trump by trying to impeach him with less than a week left to go in this presidency. Trump has been impeached for the second time. We must look at things from more than one perspective in order to see the whole picture, so now I'm going to pivot from this confusion and point out what happened to the Maga protest.
We will call the conspirators in this conspiracy theory 5g and chemtrails. We will see how these two culprits manipulated the Maga cult protestors and mind controlled the protesters, the police, Alex Jones and his wife, and the Congress.
Here is an in depth review on the dust

I see that Chemtrails can be easily identified using the light of the Sun and that the mind control technology has already been patented. From this premise, I study the true leader of the march, Alex Jones, to see if I can spot Chemtrails and 5G. Guess what? That's exactly what I saw. So I took screenshots and I'll show them to you now and try to explain what I know about 5G and chemtrails

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As I said earlier, I usually am able to identify the Chemtrails coming down from the sky using the light of the Sun or even lights from street lights.


I first discovered Chemtrails after being aware of 5G and I was studying the poles and every time I looked up at the the 5G Towers I would continuously see chemtrails planes leaving their lines.


Well, I spent the whole year of 2019 chasing Chemtrails around trying to spot them as they reach the ground.

As I continue to hunt down chemtrails, I began to notice that my vision started to get blurry because the Chemtrails were falling into my eyeballs.


At the time, I was not wearing a mask because the covid hoax hadn't hit the city yet but I was out there pointing out the Chemtrails and talking to people about them
During 2019 I collected thousands of pictures of chemtrails and I've collected the dust as it enters my apartment through the screens and from when I open the door. It gathers like a big spider web only it doesn't look like a spider web looks like a scaffold or something building of a new building

So I joined banned.video to try and catch up with Alex Jones because he was being heavily censored on YouTube and lo and behold Alex Jones was talking about 5G Towers even though he didn't really didn't talk about it. This was my chance to prove that they were being manipulated by 5G and chemtrails


Now, I have now isolated chemtrails through the camera and the Sun and it shows Alex Jones and his wife being covered in Chemtrails. The light shines right on it and it differs from the other people that were with Alex Jones at that particular moment.


The 5G system was state-of-the-art. To me, it looks monstrous. Right about now, I really don't know how to describe it. It eas way bigger than any 5G pole here in Chicago. It was massive.


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So even though Trump wanted the peaceful rally and told the people that were listening to him that they were going to be peaceful, interlopers were ready to make the Maga cult look like black lives matter/ antifa


You can usually tell phony clouds are chemtrails by observing the straightness of the cloud lines that they call condensation but if you look at these pictures you'll see the same lines only they're just spreading out dropping down on to the protesters


This is my opportunity to pound my message into the heads of the readers that would follow me because I tell the truth. Chemtrails are exposed by sunlight because the light reflects off the Nano fibers. The 5G or the microwave / milliwaves resonate with the nano fibers. As I said before, we are not being told the truth about these issues so we have to speculate and study and research and come up with our own conclusions

These pictures useda much better camera than my raggedy Android that I'm using to do all this writing and reading and everything else. they take much better pictures and so when you blow up the pictures and look at them and then if you want to you can take a picture of it and blow that picture up agan and then you will start to see what the dust is. You will see the characteristics of the dust then once you know the characteristics of the day you will start to recognize them in the studies


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Serious Mass confusion and mind control and surveillance and censorship it's all being orchestrated by the 5G microwave chemtrail dust and the people are program to run away from anybody who says the word because they are mind control that filled with Dustin at microwave all around them watching their phones being manipulated by the social media program and so on and so on
and so I feel as if Trump and Alex Jones has let down the medical because they haven't done their research on the subject at least I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt of being ignorant instead of complicit you always giving each other past and you're always letting the bullies get away and it doesn't make any sense to me so basically they are part of the mass confusion process and they're wasting time delaying and distracting and not getting to the real point of genocide is happening because of these full-spectrum dominance Weapons of Mass confusion


and as you see from the pictures that dust is all in Alex Jones wife's face Alex Jones to everywhere everywhere just look carefully you will see what I see.



These guys know everything we don't need Biden or Trumphttps://t.co/3nPsEgX0T7

— Abdul H. Muhammad (@KRLUV9) January 6, 2021

. we learning about Victoria Nuland and Biden's son Hunter in Ukraine and 4.5 billion a million-dollar something like thatm Who is Jonathan Wine

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Ukrainian corruption report it was due long before zielinski got elected Alexandra chalupa Ukrainian election fraud John Kerry what he do usaid money

Eric Holder Fast and Furious Gabriel just predicted that Trump will not get impeached Gabriel was wrong however he had all the facts


Looking about today, ialso had to do some research on Victoria Newman soon as I heard them say it and that's when I found out that Reuters said that is going to hire nuland for a cabinet position so I guess I might as well put that in this post


facebook silences shockleftmedia here is the video which is, in actuality, an affidavit.

That link is censored

In this post, there are 10 instances of blatant censorship by YouTube captured by SHOCKLEFTMEDIA on March 17, 2022

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