Reality vs. Anarchy and Trump's Tariff War

in #trump5 years ago

Today was another doom and gloom stock market headline: "Trump's tariff war with China is going to tank the economy" was plastered all over social media. People have short memories. These were the same headlines a couple months ago when the US and China hit each other with tariffs or threats of tariffs . The stock market nose dived and the liberal media went into a frenzy. A couple weeks later both sides were back at the negotiating table, the stock market came back and zoomed past the point it was when the whole kerfuffle started. Leading the charge on my person feed was my brother, Austin @intothewild He is a political anarchist who believes that taxation is theft. In many regards I agree with him.

In a perfect society the theory of everyone doing what they want with no middle man or government interference is great! However, our current political structure, at least here in America, is not built that way. We are a government of elected officials and have rules created that society is expected to follow. Is it perfect? No. Is it better than any other government forms in the world? I would say yes. Austin, however, would say he didn't agree with this form of government and should be able to opt out. If he can find a way to do so I would listen. I suggested he take up arms and start a revolution if he feels so strong about the issue. That's about the only way aside from colonizing his own hermit kingdom on a deserted island.

Trump's tariff war with China has really got him going lately. I tried explaining to him about the WTO (World Trade Organization) and how there are rules in play between the nations involved that set fair trade practices. China was allowed into the WTO back in 2001 and has brought about a boom to their economy. They were allowed in based on the assumption that they would follow the rules. China thus far has not been following the rules and all our leaders up to this point have let them skate by because they are making millions off Chinese investments . China manipulates their currency allowing them to undercut much of the competition when it comes to manufacturing. They also have no respect of intellectual property. An American company can invest thousands if not millions of dollars inventing something and getting a patent. China can swoop in and steal the idea, produce it for less and bankrupt the original patent holders. These are not fair trade practices and President Trump is finally standing up to China letting them know this isn't going to happen anymore.

Am I a big tariff guy? No. Do I feel this is Trump's best weapon in fighting this economic war with China? Yes. I am not a big fan of killing and bombs either, but I see them as necessities when fighting actual wars.

So what is my brother's beef? He looks at the tariff as a tax, which it is, but he hates any taxes. He thinks if American companies have agreed on prices with Chinese companies Trump's tariffs are interfering with their arranged agreement. He would also be right, but leaves out that they are not following the rules across the board hurting numerous other companies trying to compete.

I am living in reality. I view these issues in the context of what they are currently under. He tried to spin his points in anarchist theory. In his anarchist utopian world everything he says makes perfect sense. Unfortunately for him that is not reality. I love my brother, but on this issue he is out of his lane. I welcome him back to the real world whenever he is ready :)

What is your take on this current situation?
Is Trump making the right moves?
If he isn't how would you suggest he hold China accountable for their unfair trade practices?

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