Trump and Sessions are cowards
What is the definition of a coward? “ a person who lacks courage in facing danger, difficulty, opposition, pain, etc.; a timid or easily intimidated person.”
Donald trump is a coward. No two ways about it.
Donald trump doesn’t go after the money of a man who might be on the way to buy a second ferrari, he goes after the money a man would feed his family with.In the case of the ice rink remodel in 87 in NY he famously misled non-english speaking russian immigrant contractors to do the work, saying they would be paid “PRO BONO” which they thought meant “at the end of the job”. These aren’t rich developers. These are hard working immigrants, people who cant hit back. He goes after the retirement pension of a 21 year serving FBI agent, someone he knows will not be able to hit back, not because Mccabe is a pussy but because he is a patriot.
Trump goes after women with a vengeance often saying “hey if i get punched, I’m going to punch back” yet never once has he said that about a man who he has had issue with.
Maxine Waters, Oprah, the wife of a serviceman, etc... The list goes on and on. He gets NDA against prostitutes, porn stars and any other females he defiles, and uses the hands of filthy attorneys and aliases to try to cover his tracks.
In the case of Andy MCcabe, being fired by sessions, a known lying little fuck, i gotta call bullshit! Not because of Sessions ass kissing behavior towards Trump, Not because Sessions has proven himself a liar and not because he has recused himself from “all things Russian” but because it is wrong!
I heard a pundit say that “we dont need to worry about MCcabe, he will have book deals and publishers calling tommorow”. I wonder if they think anything other than a real prostitute, works their entire life for something, that at the end can be traded for some worthless money to replace the honest money they lost?
I guess that is the problem i have in letting this go or just dismissing it; We arent all just looking for the fast dollar. Certainly most of us wouldn’t trade a lifetime of ethical behavior for a few extra gold coins to ease our suffering. That is not a lesson i want my daughter to learn but it is the narrative she will hear from the media.
I have no love for law enforcement in fact the only thing i think less of are lawyers, that aside, the firing of Mr. MCcabe under these circumstances is an affront to our democracy. That compiled with the indifference of ethics and honesty in our personal and professional lives, by the words and actions of those in the MSM makes this an issue we all must call on to be looked at.
If someone would have said i would take a half hour of my life to write an article (this poorly as i am mad and tired) about the injustice of our system, being against a top person in that system, i would have punched them in the neck for the insinuation, but here i am with only myself to hit.
I think sometime in the recent past i have grown up enough to realize that wrong is wrong no matter to whom it is done, and that just wasn’t my nature or thought process. We have now got to a point in America where real cowards are in charge of a proud American people. These cowards don’t stand for American values and ideals, they stand for lawyers, NDA’s and for not getting in the fight but standing in the safety zone outside it and kicking whoever is down. People think MMA fighting is brutal but even they cant and don’t kick a downed opponent. Cowards are brutal because they have no limits on their actions. Cowards only hit those that cant hit back. Cowards like Trump and Sessions have no place in America unless we make room for those who share their ideals, and i don’t have any room for them in my country. What about you?
There was a great story about 5 years back when 7 judges in a room watched one male judge choke a female judge and not one of them intervened and not one could remember what happened or what they witnessed. Judges! The apex of our justice system. at that time I was saying what have we become where a man can choke a woman and no-one intervenes. This is what we have become: A nation full of people who know nothing about stopping the injustices we see and hear about daily. lets all get on the same page quickly and put an end to this.
I don’t know how we do this, and i’m not to proud to admit it. Anyone have any ideas im a good listener... I know im not alone in my thoughts and frustration about this, so hopefully someone has a third grader at home who can relay to me their sage advice of how us adults can fix the very system we broke... (I’m going to post it even though its the shittiest thing i have ever wrote, just too pissed off i guess)