Why Don't We Just Declare Trump Legally Insane?

in #trump8 years ago (edited)

Here we go again.
Apparently, the fall back tool for the establishment
to get their way is to label someone crazy.
The 25th amendment is now being floated
as the way to keep Trump from taking office,
by saying he is mentally incapacitated.

It seems to happen every time the
establishment aren't getting what they want.
Suggesting the arrest of global warming “deniers”,
promoting the rounding up of
“mentally ill vaccine deniers”, and now, Donald Trump is crazy,
so he can be disallowed from taking office.

Since the invention of psychology and psychiatry,
people who do not agree with or conform to social norms
or authoritarian dictates have been declared
mentally ill, incapacitated, or insane.

Soviets did it, The Nazis did it, and now
it continues to be used over and over in our society
for the stupid and the vicious to get their way.

The intelligent and informed have always been seen by the
stupid and the ignorant as scary and magical.
When the correct information is put together
by a keen and informed mind,
what appears to be wild leaps in intuition occur.

Basic deduction appears to the ignorant mind to be
mystical and unfathomable.
This is one of the reasons the founders of this nation
argued so often against democracy.

One out of two people is below average in intelligence.
Genius has been portrayed in media as unpredictable and insane.
What appears to be erratic, by the lesser of intelligence,
is just that, an appearance.

Your failure to understand something does not make it insane.

Feck, arse!

G. Edward Griffin—Psychiatry as a Political Weapon: Punitive Psychiatry

images: vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net and c2.staticflickr.com
video: www.youtube.com


Trump has actually accomplished something in his life.
Perhaps we should look at those in washington who have NOT first.
people who live in glass houses should not throw rocks.

addittionally, the 25th amendment applies to a sitting president in regards to what he has done IN OFFICE.
habeus corpus you know?

Those bitching might improve on their reading comprehension a bit.

All I can do at this point is shake my head in disbelief anymore.
Just when u think things cant drop to a lower level of stupid you find out there is a basement of stupid still waiting below you.
You need people to be skeptical in all forms of science or nothing would ever progress. So this climate deniers getting arrested thing is the top of ignorance.

Might be time to start acting only stupid in public, they always kill off the intellectuals first.

don't get caught reading any book without pictures, or wearing glasses.

books at all.
fahrenheit 451 style

This whole "fake news" ordeal just proves the level of propaganda imo.
Its only coming from the dying main stream media. they try to push a false narrative and the independent media proves it wrong with facts and the people pushing the false narrative yell out, "lier! your telling lies." and they think no one notices.
The last 3 days I have been feeling like we are living in upside down and backwards land.

Liberalism is an incurable disease that breeds hypocrisy and fosters the continuity of ignorance...all those who suffer from it should be put out of their misery...

or they should be put out of our misery. thanks for the comment.

People do this all the time to all types of people, its just a reaction to not being able to understand why someone is doing something, and attempt to get the collectives attention, claiming that no sane mind would act this way. It's just discouraging people of their own group to act out of line like this and to disregard personal opinion, if hating them doesn't work then start discrediting their thoughts on the bases of sanity

Mm, there really is no worry from this article, its just another thing that'll further alienate the left if they take these sort of claims to the extreme (as they always have in the last 3-5 years)

As we already saw with that Twitter thing where Rosie O'Donald asked if Trumps son had autism, any rational person already is seeing this play out and its going to be quite entertaining.

it's easier now to just let them discredit themselves. all i have to do is point at it. it is QED ridiculous.

That sums up the Liberal response mechanism perfectly...when they have no argument and are incapable of finding facts to support a point of contention during a debate...they mislabel those they are speaking to and immediately deploy the "shame game,"...in an attempt to get those they oppose to distance themselves from their core beliefs.

I'd say its not even a completely liberal thing to do, but they are indeed more likely to make these sort of studious claims in this time. they are trying to explain what they see as absurd, imagine how alienating it must be to be in the echochamber. to be told your going to win the election, then a orange man with good honest humor who is supported by a cartoon frog wins the vote. Yes, that is quite insane but only because they can't point to themselves and blame themselves for this result and they can't admit the key mistake of going with Hillary. You are completely right that they do have a mechanism to work by, and I believe they are aware of it but know that there really isn't any way to speak outside of this system, as doing so likely risks you being alienated by the last few that are still human to them.

Mostly because of "science": a person is not mentally insane just because of opinions, a condition must be validated in terms of the DSM. Which is not a political document, is more about "science".

the DSM has nothing to do with science. the disorders are voted on by the people who compile the manual. look it up. they do it by consensus. science is not done by consensus. it is done by data, and experiment.

Well, being you better than the actual psychiatrists , of course you may suggest some better alternative than DSM, right? Could you please state such an alternative? If there is no better alternative, then this is what you have. And yes, it is science, until you do not have something better. I suggest you to read something about a guy which named Kuhn, describing such way science is progressing. for more information: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Kuhn

yes, i do have something better, and no, psychiatry isn't science.

try learning the classical trivium, and then come back and take apart this statement that you have made. i think you will be ashamed that you ever put something like this into the permanent blockchain. i'm not picking on you. logic is the standard when i say, this makes no sense.

So basically, you are proposing the Trivium, something which was obsolete in 1300 After Christ, being born BEFORE of Galileo and Popper, as an alternative for science in 2016. Wasting time to read about it is just a tax for having been lazy during the high school... by the way, I studied about Martianus Mineus Felix Capella during my Gymnasium. And I studied it in latin. This can only impress people with a poor education, and people which aimed to find a place as an academic, AND FAILED. And no, there are NO experimental evidence at all this is "better". Just in terms of logic "makes sense to me" and "better" are not always the same..... This is just the poor man skills, good for people which has no skills valuable in 2016, and still claims to have skills. Take your degree in applied cactus , if you like. Then you will still struggle to find a job, and the match is over. Of course we will find some academics supporting it, and, guess what, we will find how poor was their publishing story...

What do you even intend when you use the word science? Are you speaking of the scientific method, or are you speaking of your word from some neoplatonic acheteur that has declared psychiatry to be the ideal of the demiurge, to be applied without understanding? Reasoning by analogy is the totality of the basis for psychiatry. This is not the accurate use of the term and terminology of science.

If you understood grammar, which from your writing it is clear you do not, and logic, which again, you are clearly deficient in, then your rhetoric would, at least be coherent, which it is not. Appeal to novelty is not an argument.

Without the classical trivium, your understanding of science cannot be of any merit whatever. The classical trivium is not an alternative for science, but a basis, without which, the use of the scientific method is scarcely achievable. If you studied the classical trivium, and not the trivium method, It is clear that you did not understand how to apply it. Your writing is barely coherent, and filled with fallacies, and misapprehension. It is apparent that you studied the Prussian model, and are continuing to strive toward the organic unity. You attack, rather than reason. Yes, I studied the Latin as well, you are not the only person who can read. your "Gymnasium" and the neoplatonist, Martianus Minneus Felix Capella is what gave you away. Please go back and study the classical version, before it was dismantled, and turned into a slave training exercise, by the neoplatonists, and further by the Prussians. We are striving for understanding, not dogmatic indoctrination.

Appeal to novelty, strawman, false dilemma, ad hominem, ex silentio, These are what I see at first glance. Insult, though it is fun, is not reason. so, we can play the Dozens, or we can strive for understanding, but we cannot do both. I leave it to you to choose.

I love the post bro...Hate the picture :)

Bruce Campbell or Father Jack?

I dont know who they are, but the fucked up looking, blood splattered, insectiod decepticon type thing that is the first picture.

that's Bruce Campbell. the picture is the character Ash from The Evil Dead 2. i wanted someone who looked really crazy. this was one of the first horror/comedies i ever saw.

Lol. But I don't think trump is crazy.

i don't think so either. let's hope he's at least not Evil.

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