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RE: Trump vs Media - Fire and Fury TwitterStorm Warning

in #trump7 years ago

Thanks for your thoughtful response. I'm glad we can talk about these things rationally without drama and emotion. We disagree on the part about being proud to back a reckless narcissist. But further, it cannot be denied that Trump is an authoritarian, just like Bush, Obama, Reagan, Clinton, Carter....History has made it clear that the position of President is a figurehead position. The money masters behind the scenes have been there for a long long time.

I'm sure that, if Killary would have been "S"elected, we would see the same jobs numbers and the economic outlook would look similar. Why? Because mere presidents don't control such things. They are there to give the appearance that they control such things to keep the people in the system of voting for the chains of their own oppression.

Do I want candidate A (heavy chains, intense whipping and more money stolen) or do I want candidate B (lighter chains, less intense whipping and a smaller amount of money stolen?)

Just like Hillary, Bush and Obama, Trump is a warmonger. Further, putting a Goldman Sachs guy (Mnuchin) in charge of the Treasury is hardly "draining the swamp."

As far as following presidents (rulers), and not thinking full bore anarchist (no rulers), if we keep doing what we've been doing, we'll keep getting what we've been getting.

More money stolen through the IRS
More people caged through the DEA
More groping courtesy of the TSA
More spying via the CIA
More dishonesty from Washington's District of Criminals
More transgenerational debt slavery (via the national debt)
More of the same from the Federal Reserve....

.....need I go on? Peace my friend.

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