America is at a historic crossroads. Choose wisely Patriots, our very survival as a nation depends on it.

in #trump7 years ago

This is not a revolution that will be fought with guns, but one that will be fought with votes. This revolution is an uprising across America crossing all race, ethnic and gender lines to bring back the republic that true American Patriots hunger for. We were starving for a leader who loves America as much as we do. The fact that Trump would even consider stepping forward to save this Nation, is a MARVEL in itself. He has to be a brave soul to face war on all fronts, knowing he is putting his life in such danger.

Make no mistake about it, there is danger ahead. I do not know what all DC is hiding, but it must be even a heck of a lot more than even we feared. In my opinion,we need Trump, even more than we thought. With Trump as President the machine in Washington that has controlled our lives and slowly stripped us of our liberties will come to a grinding halt and as it is dismantled we will see all the bad parts that need replaced.

All of the corruption will be over......that is what is scaring DC........that, and getting found out as being corrupt. We have nothing to loose with Trump......We, the American people, have everything in the world , to gain. We must remain steadfast in our resolve. DC, obviously intends to continue the same policies , that only acknowledge immigrants, while ignoring American Citizens....Military Superiority.....Veterans......and American Senior Citizens. They obviously are trying to keep us lowly Americans as their new "slave class", with heavy taxes, and no representation.

We must gather even more tightly, around our President , and reach out to other Patriots to join us in this historic moment. It is a moment that , "We The People" will look back on for decades , possibly Centuries, as the moment , We either lost or saved our American Independence!

AMERICA IS AT A CROSSROADS right now and which way we turn will determine whether America as we know it will cease to exist or whether America will once again begin to shine that light on the hill that everyone sees and want to be a part of. Political Correctness has helped to destroy the very fabric this nation was built on.

We can TURN LEFT again and watch as America is destroyed from within by the socialist liberal left PC group made up of radicals that are left over from the 60s and the 3 generations of Americans that have been indoctrinated in our schools (not educated) to believe that America is the problem in this world and only by destroying our Constitutional Republic and replacing it with Socialism (a system that has failed all over the world) will America be saved from itself. They will pit brother against brother, race against race, rich against poor, Christians against non believers until America withers away in social decline and chaos, even Anarchy.

We can GO STRAIGHT ahead with the current policies, party's and system that has brought us close to 20 Trillion dollars of debt, millions of Americans out of work, declining social values, loss of the middle class, millions living in poverty, great cities destroyed by social unrest and violence and death of the American Dream. This will lead us to a 2nd American Revolution as people are getting fed up with the ruling class in America (Politicians) that lie to get elected. ignore the needs and wants of those that elected them just so they can fill their pockets with money from big business, lobbyist and just plain theft. They will continue to gut our military (once the greatest and strongest) and by projecting that strength our enemies feared us and our allies trusted us. A strong American Military prevents wars. Our men and women were proud to serve but are tired of being ignored once their service is through.

Or we can TURN RIGHT and if I have to explain to you how this will make AMERICA GREAT AGAIN then you are part of the problem and not part of the solution. You are happy with the world because you are getting free stuff from hard working Americans, given to you by a government that wants only to keep you dependent on them so they will have your vote. You are slaves to the system and don't want the American Dream. Or you are just so darn pleased with yourself because you feel good speaking out for the disenfranchised, the down trodden, the poor animals that feed us. Life is all Rainbows and Unicorns and if we just love each other and sing Kumbaya in a circle there will be no wars or poverty and gee wizz all will be right in the world.

WAKE UP PEOPLE... We need to TURN RIGHT NOW. We need to restore our economy and the security of America. We need to support our new leader that for all his bombast and ego is a great businessman. America is the worlds largest business and I want a business man in charge of it. I want someone that can sit across the table from Wall Street Bankers, Heads of State and power brokers around the world and make deals that are good for American workers not greedy politicians. I want a President that is not afraid to call a spade a spade. No more PC in the White House. No more social experiments with our military. No more foreign policy that leads from behind. No more divisive speech that tears the heart out of Americans of every color and class.

We have Donald Trump to speak for us now and we can get America Great Again. Trump will get our economy back on track and that alone will solve so many social ills in America because the American Dream will once again be sought by everybody.

They called the warriors of WW2 the greatest generation. I think if we act now and restore America so that our friends love us, our enemies fear us and our people are proud to be called Americans then we will be considered the greatest generation because we took that RIGHT TURN at this moment in history and changed the world for the better.

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