Trump Rally Crowd Launches Into ‘Send Her Back’ Chant Over Ilhan Omar
We now have a new gross Trump rally crowd chant to replace “Lock Her Up!
Published 07.18.19 3:59 AM ET
We now have a new gross Trump rally crowd chant to replace “Lock Her Up!”During President Trump’s Wednesday night rally in Greenville, North Carolina, he took aim at Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN), one of the Democratic congresswomen of color he told to “go back” to where “they came” from.“Omar has a history of launching vicious anti-Semitic screeds,” the president said.The MAGA crowd knew just what to do next.“Send her back! Send her back! Send her back,” the audience chanted as Trump soaked it in for a few moments.Omar is a United States citizen. She moved from Somalia as a child and gained her citizenship as a teenager.
By the Daily Beast
Well, you certainly make your bias plain.
'gained' suggests she earned it. she did not.
She had to leave her own country and was helped by Americans to get out, else she and her family would have been dead.
She and her family stayed in Kenya, but the camp was overcrowded and many suffered or were killed. Finally the Americans showed they still care and took many tens of thousands of Somali refugees to America and gave them a new start, with a home and other free advantages (education, health etc) - plus the choice to belong to the greatest democratic nation on Earth.
An important point is that she was not voted in by American (origin) citizens, but by fellow-somali refugees who have taken over an area and thus with a small number of votes she became a congress woman. Sje knew America is a Capitalist country (and owes its success to that) but she wants to destroy her 'adopted' country and force communism on all the people there. Yet, she thought America is that wonderful, that she just had to get her brother in, so she married him (illegal even in South Africa, isn't it?).
Legally she should not have been allowed to take a seat in Congress. It was the law, that to be sworn in, an oath of allegiance had to be given, with specific words and with a hand on the bible. The Dems presured for a change - sort of like Cape Town making concessions so that an enemy of South Africa can be voted into parliament.
She is openly pro ISIS, so she is an enemy of America, and President Trump was right to tell her, 'go back to your own country, since you do not like ours - and correct all that is wrong there.'
The fact that you are not willing to examine all the facts, but only use rhetoric to find fault with anyone who is different from you, it sure does not speak well of you and I imagine you are not a hard working person creating anything...just a person happy to destroy, bringing everyone down to the lowest common denominator, where you feel comfortable.