Celebrating Trump for the Right Reasons

in #trump7 years ago

ZomboMeme 26022018224123.jpg

Every day, President Trump gives me a new reason to say, "I told you so!" From amnesty, to protectionism, to interventionism, to gun control, to suggesting that America have a President for life, he reveals his true nature, one that many of us were able to see through all the braggadocio of the campaign. Trump is the greatest trick that Democrats ever played on Republicans.


I suppose it's more accurate to say that Trump is the biggest trick that bankers ever played on America, but measured on that scale, he's chump change. Someone who worked intimately with Trump on his campaign in the early days who wishes to remain anonymous told me before the primary was over that Trump wasn't worth nearly what he said. No surprise, right? Instead of being worth $10b, he was ONLY worth a few hundred million. (We should all be so lucky!) But it's a really big lie that hides the important reality. It's true, Trump can't be bought. He's been owned by the bankers since the beginning.


I made the first meme in this post to point out the hypocrisy and absurdity of a man who has always been it for himself saying that he would intervene in a school shooting. Some of my fans jumped in to say that I shouldn't criticize Trump for the heroic act of draft resistance. The problem is that it's not heroic if you don't come out and stand on principle like Mohammed Ali and it's worse if you prove that it was completely self-motivated and unprincipled by spending your time as a politician blowing endless smoke up the butts of those who do violence on behalf of politicians. But hey, they work for him now, so why not be grateful?

Trump wants to have a military parade. We should have a party to celebrate draft dodgers instead. I don't think we have a chance to shock his conscience because I'm not sure he has one, but perhaps we can shock the American people into waking up from his spell. Or rather the spell of the bankers and other government profiteers and puppet masters who pull his strings. If Trump hosts a military parade, I hope there is a parade of freedom-lovers following it to celebrate the fact that Trump dodged the draft.

It's shocking that a serial liar can do what he's done. Have the American people so little respect for the truth? Are the comforting lies really that comforting? I don't think that's the case. The illusion is wearing thin. It's time for America to embrace the truth. The truth is that America is too good for this government, and really any government at all.


Let’s not forget the libertarians ran anti gun candidates. Let’s hope @adamkokesh can get the nomination

If elected president you have claimed that you would dissolve the US government. Do you have a plan on how you would accomplish this? I.E. Somewhere where someone can read how you would go about this?

North Koreans are forced to watch government propaganda parades, Americans watch them willingly.

so the bankers own Trump and that's why they direct their media to try to undermine him?

Controlled oposition! Trump is kinda like Emanuel Goldsten on my opinion!

For a while I assumed Trump and Hillary were in cahoots but then I read the pied piper memo and that explained what we were seeing from the media perfectly. The people who wrote the pier piper memo didn't really think about how that story ended.

They undermined him right into the White House.

Exactly, I have said for some time that the media is working in Trumps favor. Instead of talking about how he did not repeal Obamacare, or that the tax cuts he passed are going to be exchanged for a gas tax and tariffs which will cause prices to rise and hurt buisness, or his gun grabbing, the media is talking about Russia, or any number of other bs stories. Meanwhile we still bomb and enslave. I personally think that the wall was one of the dumbest things I have ever heard but he ran on it and his supporters want it. When was it going to built? Oh yeah never. He continues the policies of a century old plan that uses us against eachother to enslave us all.

Many years ago Donald Trump discovered how to benefit from bad publicity. There is more than a little irony that whoever wrote the pied piper strategy memo didn't really consider how that story ended.

Many on here are distracting away from the fact that Trump is still a Democrat, not that the GOP is any better. He is still proposing raising a gas tax which will affect the price on everything (delivery tricks need fuel) and he is passing gun control it seems like every day. He is bragging on China for having a lifetime president. Trump is nothing but a tool, and his supporters are lapping up his deadly coolaid.

Im told to always follow the money. And if i look at the news in Europe or USA, the money is all against Trump.

Thats why i dont believe adam's view on this one.

It's called controlled opposition, dufuses. Trump's been into hella debt of the banksters. He's filled the swamp with Zionists and Jesuits, not drained it. His circle is Jesuit trained. He's clearly by his own mouth and actions a hardcore fascist authoritarian. And now this. You guys must be new to the conspiracy, truther, and freedom movements. Because quite a bit of years ago what it was about was massive awakening and then consequent worldwide mass non-compliance, completely overthrowing this system with minimal violence by just banding together and saying "no more!" Now, with this supposed mass awakening that has happened since the last two years, the majority of "truthers" are now instead of this being deceived to play into the same fake left versus right paradigm, the same old Hegelian dialectic of opposition, and believing in the saviors this system gives us, instead looking within ourselves for the salvation. It is time to wake the fuck up and get your heads out of your asses because once once they have perfected and mass produced their AI and robotics the little window that we have for massive non-compliance will be over because they won't need us slaves anymore and will have little worry about exterminating, genociding all dissenters who will not go along with the brave new world. Adam Kokesh has been around for a long enough time to know this and that is why he and others like us never bought into this false Alt Right Trump Revolution from day one. It was a psyop from the beginning. There's no doubt. Few said it, most were deceived. But now, WE FUCKING TOLD YA SO!

Well said.

instead looking within ourselves for the salvation.

The collective unconscious is filled with deities that never forget a debt.

Not buying it, yet.

oh, come on. You, too, cryp? Can't you see the need for the "villain" in this worldWide passion play? ...Hegelian Dialectic 101.

controversy sells newspapers. duh. WWE-style staging. come ON, bobby51. Isn't it obvious by now? What are you missing?

newspapers sell controversy.

The media has been "undermining" him for well over 20 years now... It's because he has a big mouth and does not hesitate to say every stupid thing that comes to his mind.

There are more people against Trump than for Trump. Similarly, there is a lot more money in his opposition than in his support.

They have? Besides Vanity Fair, which is something I have never actually read in whatever doctor's office subscribes to it the media seemed to love Trump when he was a democrat, cameos in all sorts of movies, constant references in pop culture, his appearances on Oprah were all complementary.

he has plenty of pop culture references, and yeah hes done plenty of interviews lol... he was going to run for president with oprah also!

Before becoming president he filed for bankruptcy 6 times, switched political affiliations about 5 times, and threatened lawsuits against thousands of unpaid workers!

The media was making fun of him then too.. though obviously not to the extent of now, considering he is the president.

What I still don't understand is why people voted for him
Human beings can be very stupid

hanief: I voted for him because HELLary would have been the path to The Hunger Games, chock full of Drone attacks on our homes and churches for "hate speech"; Waco on steroids! But it turns out, with the GeoEngineered "hurricanes" and the D.E.W. fires in CA, we actually have worse.... And the LAST thing I wanted to see was the LP getting stuck with the indelible elephantShitStains of Johnson and Weld becoming known as "libertarians".

Wake up, Libertarian Party. Your chance is here and now. Imagine how easy it will be to run against Okra and The Donald. aaahahahaha. Adam would eat those two actors for lunch on that debate stage. Help us organize to get him there. [email protected] and I'll explain how. Anyone. Anytime.

I fail to see the differance gun control amd more taxes

and more spending... and more debt. Swamp isn't even being filtered, no less being drained.

I didn't vote for him but considering the alternative I can certainly understand those who did. It was either him or a woman openly calling to amend the first amendment and invalidate the second 5th and 14th.

While he had plenty of issues, the alternative was actually a libertarian leaning moderate known as Gary Johnson.

The first political candidate I ever sent donation to in my life. If you can do as well as he did you too may receive $50 my friend.

rotflmao, please, feel perfectly safe upping that to a hundred grand.

(I've already looked into the Libertarian scoop and Adam doesn't stand a chance in hell of getting the nomination)

I know but I like to be encouraging.

Then spend your energy encouraging good people. Adam is a con man taking the same advantages of people he claims the system is, playing it the same way, he is deceitful for his own gain just like the other political mongers.

It has to be expensive to gas up that RV. I don't know that he has the impulse control to be a conman. I have a lot of compassion for him, he is going through some tough stuff.


Nice info.He is a president of powerful nation but very funny pres.

B-b-but, he is uuu- SHUT UP YOU LIBTARD!!! proceeds to watch fox news!

This is all a part of the plan, the entire nation is divided. It is us vs them. Conservatives are made to feel like they are fighting against "brainwashed liberals", and liberals are fighting vs "stupid racist conservatives"...
In reality, there is no cnn vs fox, just look at fox, has basically the same owners as vox! All to divide the people. Divide and conquer!

what's the difference between American liberals and conservatives? Only what they want to force their neighbors into doing... or not doing.


Succintly put. Nobody wants to talk to anyone unless they share the same views, because in this day and age a difference of opinion means that both parties think the other are stupid, or malicious, or just assholes. I am not into that, nor will I conduct myself that way.

Sadly yes.

no. Usually both parties believe there are only 2 alternatives regarding the particular subject. Stupid? Yes. Both sides. Malicious? No. Not that often. Just lazy and "comfort zone" oriented... perhaps fearful. Assholes? Sadly a large portion are just that. ...assholes wanting to push their will by force or deception, onto our lives. That pretty much DEFINES "asshole" in my book... even if their intentions are, as they see them being benevolent.

Yeaahh.. And What type of leaders usually like to have parades in their honor too.

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