Eleonora Kabloutchko's Desire: A Vampire's Tale. Part 6

in #true7 years ago

Chapter 11

Shake Down

 Her shower over, Eleonora Kabloutchko towels off while standing on the dry rug between the bathtub and the sink. She runs the towel over her curvy smooth female skin around her wide hips and around her abundant firm breasts along her arms and down her smooth long legs. She has long brown wet hair that she wraps up in a towel and then lets hang down her back midway to her ass. She finds another large towel from the closet and wraps it around her body above her breasts and tucks it in to hold it in place.


She digs through the drawers and finds a brush and begins to run the brush through her hair until she hears the sound of a doorbell coming from the other room.

“Fuck,” she thinks to herself and puts the brush down on the bathroom sink counter.

She pushes the door open slightly and looks into the front room where the television is running and the lights are all on. It is the middle of the night and she has no idea who is at the front door, but can hear the scratching and whimpering of dogs on the other side.

A quick look at the clock and it reads 3 am and she thinks for a second that maybe the people on the other side of the door will give up and go away if she doesn’t make a sound.

Then the doorbell rings again and this time she hears barking and muffled sound of mens voices behind the door. She knows it’s hunting season, and that harboring vampires indoors is a felony and that by law she is required to allow any hunter into her home to search and inspect at will at any time day or night. If she doesn’t answer the door, it may come crashing in at any moment because the dogs must have hit on her scent and now she has to think fast. On the counter lie her freshly laundered clothes stacked neatly in a pile. It has been too long and she is afraid that if she makes the men outside wait much longer they will become suspicious and break their way in so she pushes the door open clothed only in a towel and walks over to the front door and pauses for a moment.

She unlocks the door and opens it wide enough to peek outside. “What can I do for you?” she asks timidly.

“Ma’am,” the lead hunter states like a police officer. “Our dogs have hit on a scent and we need to come inside and take a look.”

Eleonora Kabloutchko hesitated and thought for a second and then slowly pulled the door open allowing the men outside to see her standing in her towel with wet hair.

The cool breeze from the fall night gave her the chills and she motioned the men to come inside. “Not the dogs” she said. “I don’t have to allow the dogs.”

The two men tethered the three hunting dogs to the railing and made their way into the farmhouse living room where Eleonora Kabloutchko stood next to the fireplace. The second man shut the door and walked over next to his partner who was facing Eleonora Kabloutchko shivering in the cold. “Are you harboring vampires in this house?” Randal Scott asked gesturing with his arms.

“No, take a look if you want, I have nothing to hide,” she replied with a nervous lie. Her shivers were as fake as the decorations on the fireplace as a vampire, she was already as cold as the wind that blew upon her skin. “If you don’t mind, I’d like to finish getting ready for bed.”

Randal and his partner Ed looked at each other and back at Eleonora Kabloutchko and nodded their heads. “Sure, you go right ahead, we’ll take a look around.”

Eleonora Kabloutchko, needing to stall for time had to think fast, this wasn’t her house, and she didn’t need these guys doing a search right now. She had a cover and for at least now it was working so what could she do to stall the men from peering where they shouldn’t be?

Then it hit her, what do all men like? She took a step towards the bathroom and let her towel slip off and fall to the ground. She took and unusually long time to turn around and scoop it back up off the carpet allowing both men to get a good look at her large breasts as they hung down from her chest. She slowly wrapped the towel back around her body and said, “Sorry guys, I didn’t mean for that to happen. Maybe you two could wait for me hear and I will give you a proper apology when I get my hair dried.” she said with a sexual come on.

The men thought for a second and wrestled with their thoughts trying to keep focus on the vampire hunt. “What do you mean by “apology?” Randal asked.

Eleonora Kabloutchko walked over to Randal and opened her towel and exposed her naked body to him and rubbed her breasts up against his jacket. “I don’t know for sure, maybe you could think of something while I’m in the bathroom.”

“I don’t care if your hair is wet,” Ed said with a smile. “You can apologize to me right now if you want.”

“Are you going to let him talk to me like that?” Eleonora Kabloutchko asked Randal with a sly smile.

“You should stand up for a lady and tell him he can wait.”

Eleonora Kabloutchko wrapped her body again and walked away from the men towards the bathroom keeping an ear out to hear if they were following her. She made it to the bathroom door and opened it and slowly, seductively slid inside keeping an eye at the two horny men standing in the living room. “I’ll just be a little while,” she said.

“Have a seat and let me dry my hair.”

The men sat down on the couch and pondered what was going on. Were they there to hunt or get laid? And why was this lady so willing to have sex with them in the first place? Something didn’t seem right and then they heard the hair dryer turn on and for a moment they settled back down and thought about how hard it is to get laid versus finding vampires and maybe they could take a break from the hunt for a while.

In the bathroom, Eleonora Kabloutchko quickly put on the clothes that were neatly stacked on the counter and looked around thinking of an escape plan. It was a small bathroom with one door and one window and no other way out. Not even a panel in the ceiling to get through. She moved over to the window and tried to open it but found it painted shut.

She pushed and pushed and the window refused to move at all so she looked into the brush drawer to find something she could use for a tool. She found a curling iron and wrapped it with a towel and decided it was worthless.

Again she looked at the window and decided there was only one way this was going to work so she wrapped the towel around her elbow and with one fluid motion, bashed the glass into shards that fell to the floor with clinks and clunks. She used the towel to cover her hand and pull out the rest of the remaining shards of glass keeping on in her hand that she used to cut the screen on the outside. With a swift tug, she pulled the screen apart and made enough room for her body to slide out. She laid the towel over the bottom of the window to keep any other glass she had missed from cutting her and looked for a stool to stand on to allow her access to the window. She used the trash can, turning it upside down and in a flash she was up into the window and outside the house a free vampire.

Back in the house, Randal and Ed were getting suspicious but could still hear the hair dryer so they didn’t know what to do. They didn’t hear the glass break or the sound of her climbing out the window so for as much as they knew, she was still in the bathroom.

“I think we should take a look anyway,” Ed said looking at Randal. “She can do us both either way, but I’m not sitting here all night.”

“I think you’re right,” Randal replied and both men stood up off the couch and checked to make sure they had all their hunting gear in line. “Let’s go down the hallway,” Randal said pointing past the bathroom door. He motioned for Ed to be quiet and together the two men slid past the bathroom door and walked down the carpeted hallway to the open door at the end that led down a flight of stairs to the basement. Looking back to down the hall, the men decided to take a chance and head on down to see what they could find. The stairs were old wood and only a single sixty watt bulb hanging from a frayed wire lit up the path down to where they were headed.

Randal took the first step and grasped onto the side railing making sure

the steps could take his weight. With a creek and a groan, the steps held his weight and he took another step down the stairs until he was half way down and bent over taking a look at what was in the basement. From his point of view, he could see an old washer dryer pair, a water heater, boxes of Christmas decorations and a bench filled with tools and books. Next to the bench was another door leading into another room which was also dimly lit and from the looks of it filled with garbage.

Randal motioned for Ed to follow and together the two men stepped down the stairs until they stood upon a cement floor covered in dust, oil and trash. Ed pulled his flashlight and peered around the room looking for anything out of the ordinary taking notice of the spider webs all along the pipes on the joists in the ceiling. “What a shit hole,” Ed said and stepped towards the work bench aiming his light at the books stacked in a mess all along the back side of the railing. “Looks like an old encyclopedia and some text books from the forties.” Ed said poking and prodding the pile. “These tools look like something my grandpa had in his shed from when I was a kid.” Ed added.

“This is storage all right,” Randal stated. “None of this stuff has seen the light of day for years. The date on this encyclopedia is 1972.”

“We’re not running some pickers show here you know,” Ed said jokingly.

“We’re here for the trophy I’m gonna hang on my wall when I get what I came for.”

“Let’s try the other room,” Randal stated pointing at the doorway.

Ed took the lead and with his flashlight lit up the path into the doorway allowing the men to step over the trash on the floor. The next room was actually lit much better due to a second light bulb at the other side of the room that lit up the beheaded remains of the homes true occupants who had been killed hours earlier by Eleonora Kabloutchko.

“What the fuck?” Ed said pointing his light on the head on the floor.

“They do this so that they don’t turn every person they drink from into another vampire.

It’s their way of keeping the population down. If they didn’t, the whole world would eventually turn into vampires.”

Then the lights go off and only the light from the flashlight fills the room. “She killed the power,” Ed said trying to get around Randal so he could go back into the other room.

“No she didn’t.” Randal replied. “I accidently tripped the breaker,” With a flick of a switch the two dim lights came back on as well as the light from the first room.

“Dumbass,” Ed said and scurried over to the stairs where they had come from. “We need to immobilize her first and if that doesn’t work, get the dogs,” Ed said to Randal and together they ran up the staircase, back into the hallway and over to the bathroom where the door was still shut and hair dryer still running. Ed opened the door and saw the hair dryer sitting on the bathroom counter and the open window with the towel hanging over the edge and a trash can on the floor set up for her escape. “Get the dogs!” Ed yelled and both men ran back to the front door and opened it to find their three dogs lying on the porch silent. There was no outward sign of trauma, but the dogs were not breathing and lying on their sides motionless.

From the shed next door, the sound of a quad cycle burst onto the scene and out shot Eleonora Kabloutchko driving the 4-wheeler from the doorway heading towards the open field behind the house. It was dark, and her lights were off, but they could make out her image in the moonlight heading off down a path towards a grove of trees surrounding a large pond.

Both men took off to their truck and jumped inside, Randal started the engine, turned on the lights, and put it into gear and took off after Eleonora Kabloutchko who had a long head start in the darkness of the back country.


Toolshed the ogre saw the light from Crystals phone, bent over and smacked it out of her hand. “I think she just sent a text,” Toolshed said to his half brother and fellow ogre Allan.

“Look at the phone and see what she sent,” Allan replied.

Toolshed walked over to the phone, now lying in the grass and picked it up with his huge fingers. He poked at it and nothing happened and the lights didn’t come back on.

“I think I broke it,” Toolshed said in an oops like fashion.

Allan looked at Crystal and addressed her ogre to woman, “What did you send and who did you send it too?” Allan asked

Crystal, still sitting on the ground holding her hand from having her cell phone knocked out of her hand looked up at Allan and said, “Fuck you.”

With that, Allan signaled to Toolshed and his half brother picked up Dan and put him over his shoulder and turned and walked back towards the tree line that surrounded the pond.

Allan then looked back down at Crystal and said, “Your wish is my command baby,” and dropped to his knees and grabbed her by her shirt and tore it off in two quick motions.

“What are you doing?” Crystal asked as she yelled at the ogre stripping off her clothes.

“You told me you wanted to fuck me, I’m giving you a hand,” he stated smugly and tore her bra clips apart with a tug from his massive hands. Her bra fell to the ground exposing her small yet firm breasts and she tried to scoot away when Allan grabbed her by the waist band of her pants and tore them apart. He then flopped her up and down by the cuff of her pants pouring her out of her pants until he realized her shoes were still on and that’s why her pants were stuck around her ankles. “Fucking shoes,” he grumbled and pulled them off one by one as Crystal struggled to get away. Once her shoes were off he grabbed her bikini panties and tore them off with ease leaving her naked on the ground under the moon light yelling for help.

For a moment, Allan watched Crystal squirm and realized that she may have more spunk than he expected and might get away if he didn’t come up with a plan. With his left hand firmly wrapped around her right ankle, he used his right hand in a hammer fashion to come down and smash her right ankle rendering her incapable of running away. He smiled at what he had done and her screams now turned to muffled sounds of pain as she rolled back and forth absorbing the agony.

“You came out here to fuck didn’t you?” Allan asked with a grin, so let’s fuck he stated pulling off his pants exposing his huge three foot long penis already erect from the arousal he felt stripping the girl.

Crystal looked up at Allan and saw his huge member and gasped for air realizing what was about to happen. “Get the fuck away from me!” she yelled kicking at Allan with her good leg.

Allan the ogre, grabbed her by that leg and then by the other and spread her legs far enough apart that she felt her pelvis pop. He leaned in and centered the tip of his penis over the opening of her vagina and shoved until he felt the hole widen and give enough that he could continue in dry. Crystal screamed in pain as the huge penis traveled up her vagina, into her uterus and tore up into her intestines into her stomach where the lining ruptured allowing her stomach contents to spill and his penis to enter her esophagus.

Crystal, almost unresponsive and lying on her back, was now penetrated through most of her upper body with the three foot penis of Allan the ogre who was now raping the shit out of her. She was alive, but Allan didn’t care, he had a mission and began to pump in and out watching her eyes as he fucked her. In and out and in and out Allan went until he felt the pressure and intense feeling welling up from his impending orgasm. In a flash, the ogre shot his load up Crystal’s esophagus and out her mouth spraying Allan in the face with his own load. Crystal gagged a little and then went unresponsive as the now pissed ogre pulled out his penis and wiped his own cum off his face with her clothes.

He sat there for a moment and looked at the girl he raped and probably killed and with a sense of satisfaction stood up and took her by the foot, dragging her across the grass towards the pond. When he reached the edge of the water, he picked her up with both hands and threw her as far as he could into the water landing with a splash. It was still dark out and the ripples from the moonlight cast circles from where her body now lay face up in the dirty water.

Allan bent over and cupped some water from the pond and used it to wash the blood and feces from his penis. When he decided it was clean enough, he turned back to where his half brother was and could no longer see him or Dan who were well into the trees by now.


Eleonora Kabloutchko, now driving on a what looked like a back farm road lined on both sides with trees sped as fast as she could away from the truck following behind her. At this point she had to turn on her headlights so she could maneuver through the trees and brush and not fall into any gullies that were lining both sides of the make shift road she was on. The quad cycle made almost a chainsaw like buzzing sound as it sped down the road and was the only noise she could hear in the night.

From the truck that was following Eleonora Kabloutchko, Randal and Ed tried their best to keep on the road following her blinded by the dust picked up by the quad cycle illuminated by the trucks headlight beams. It was bounce after bounce and turn after turn trying not to fly off the road and land in the trees or gullies on either side.

“Slow the shit down!” Ed yelled at Randal who was doing his best to keep up.

“I’ve got this,” Randal said as he plowed bumper first into Toolshed who was crossing the road with Dan over his shoulder. In a flash, Dan’s body flew through the windshield and pinned both Randal and Ed to their seats as Toolshed bounced forward with the momentum of the hit and landed far enough away for the truck to run into him a second time. The wheels of the truck came to a stop as the truck high centered over Toolshed’s body and the heat from the exhaust pipes burned into his skin. Still very alive, Toolshed tried to push the truck off, but even as strong as and ogre is, he was still unable to move the truck off his body and began to suffocate under the pressure of the weight bearing down on his chest. In a panic, Toolshed tried to rock from side to side finding a way to expand his lungs, but the truck had broken enough ribs and a few holes in his lungs were working against him and he began to fade into the blackness of death. It didn’t take long for the ogre to suffocate and die, along with Dan who had broken his neck on the windshield frame before he broke the glass and ended up in Randal and Ed’s lap.

Chapter 12

The Hotel

 Kent Koperski stood at the entrance of the hotel room with his flame thrower ready to burn the place down and kill his cheating wife and boyfriend when he had a change of heart after seeing Shandy sitting on the bed. When he actually saw her with Mike, both naked on the bed he realized he couldn’t take another persons life and leaned against the wall looking at Shandy with her cell phone now in her hand. She looked up from the message on the phone and over to Kent across the room. “It’s Crystal, she says she needs help,” Shandy said coyly.

“Who the fuck is Crystal?” Kent asked shaking his head in disbelief.

“She works in the same building I do,” Shandy replied. “We’ve been friends for over a year now.”

“Why is she texting you at almost 3am asking for help?”

“I don’t know, I’m not a mind reader,” Shandy replied.

“Where is your car?”

“At work.”

“How did you get to this hotel? Did dip shit here bring you?”

No reply.

“Where is this Crystal?”

“We left her out in the country with Dan Cooper.”

“Is Dan Cooper her husband?”


“Does Crystal have a husband?”


“What kind of fucked up swingers club are you running hear Shandy?” Kent asked. “You are married, your friend Crystal is married and both of you are out banging other men?”

The room was silent as Shandy looked over her tits to the floor in shame.

“I’m sorry,” she said knowing full well she wasn’t. “How did you find me?” she asked meekly.

“None of your fucking business,” Kent replied tipping the flame thrower up in her direction. “All you need to worry about is what I’m going to do with you.”

Mike turned his head towards Kent and asked, “Can I put my clothes back on?”

Kent took a step closer to Mike and pulled out the Glock 40 mm pistol he had at his side and aimed it at Mikes face. From fifteen feet, it would be an easy shot.

“What?” Kent asked.

“My clothes,” Mike said sardonically, “I would like to get dressed if you don’t mind.”

Kent, shocked at Mikes smug attitude lowered the gun for a moment as he thought and then raised it again as if he had a new idea. “Who are you?” Kent asked.

“Mike Reed, glad to make your acquaintance.”

“How long have you and my wife been hooking up?” Kent asked.

“I don’t know, maybe a month now.”

“A month? Jesus, how did this happen?”

“You’re wife fucking hates you dude. She says you ignore her, says you don’t do anything around the house and that you’re a selfish pig.”

“And fucking you isn’t a selfish act?” Kent asked. “What a fucking hypocrite.”

“I’m just relaying what she told me. She says her whole family hates you, and that you never support her in anything she wants to do.”

“Is that right?” Kent replied sardonically looking over at Shandy who was now in tears.

“Is this how you show me support honey?” Kent asked his wife of twenty years.

From the window of the hotel room, flashing blue and red lights began to paint the walls and the sound of sirens began to get louder and louder drawing everyone’s attention to the window. “Don’t move,” Kent stated and moved around the room to a better vantage point and looked out the window to see several police cars park in the hotel parking lot with full lights and sirens. The sirens quickly were silenced but the lights continued to flash as officers gathered at a central point behind a trailer with the words “State Patrol Investigation” painted on the side.

“Now you’re fucked,” Mike said with a smile.

“Don’t be so quick shit head,” Kent replied keeping an eye on the action outside his window. “They may be here for anything, this hotel is on an interstate.”

Then the phone to the room rang startling all three in a panic. “Nope, I’m pretty sure they’re here for you,” Mike said jokingly.

Kent motioned for Shandy to move closer to the phone. “Pick it up,” he stated. “See what they want.”

Shandy, still nude, scooted her large ass over the bed and picked up the phone and said, “Hello.”

The voice on the other side asked if she was ok and Shandy replied “Yes.”

“We have a report of a man with military weapons in your room, can you confirm this?” the voice asked.

“Yes,” Shandy replied. “It’s my husband, I think he’s going to kill me.”

“Is it just the two of you in the room?” the voice asked.

“No, there are three of us,” she replied.

“Stay calm, we’ll get you out of there. Can you put your husband on the phone?” the voice asked and Shandy held the phone out for Kent to grab.

“You do the talking,” Kent said. “I need to keep my hands free.”

“There is a speaker button,” she said looking at the bedside table with the alarm clock and phone resting on top.

“Go ahead,” Kent said and Shandy poked the speaker button with her finger. “What do you want?” Kent asked out loud.

“I am police Sargent Stan McLean with the state patrol, we’d like to ascertain as to what the situation is in the room with you and your hostages. What are your demands?”

“Hostages?” Kent asked in confusion. “I’m not some criminal out looking to make a buck, this is my wife and her boyfriend out fucking behind my back.”

“I understand,” McLean replied. “We need for you to release your hostages as soon as possible,” the voice stated over the speaker phone.

“Didn’t you fucking hear me?” Kent yelled back. “There are no hostages, just a whore I call my wife and her lover who I caught red handed.”

“When can you send them out?” McLean asked.

“I’m still working on the details if you must know. If you hadn’t shown up, I may have let them go by now.”

“Are you serious?” Mike asked from the bed.

“I was thinking about it,” Kent replied. “It wouldn’t do me any good to kill you two, fuck I don’t own the bitch, if she wants to fuck up her life then so be it.

Would have been nice if she were up front and honest about it instead of sneaking around behind my back.”

“It’s not too late,” McLean stated listening to the conversation on the speaker phone.

“Let me chew on it a while,” Kent said and turned off the lights in the room so the snipers would have a more difficult time making a clean shot. He pulled up a chair out of view from the window and sat down with his pistol in hand and watched the flashing lights dance on the walls of the room casting harsh shadows of his wife on the wall. “I’ll get back to you when I make my decision.” With that said, Kent signaled for Shandy to hang up the call and she did.

Kent leaned back in his chair and tapped his foot realizing he had a lot of time to kill and at the same time remembered a story from his past he wanted to share.

“Hey Mike,”

Kent said, getting the nude mans attention.

“What?” Mike replied almost depressed.

“When I was in high school, I used to work at this hotel in the housekeeping department on the weekends.”

“That’s fascinating,” Mike replied coldly.

“Actually it is. There was this one time when I was cleaning a room when I came across a ladies purse buried under a blanket. I put the purse on the counter to try to find some identification when I noticed two thousand dollars in travelers checks and eight hundred dollars in cash in an envelope next to what looked like was two large bags of dope. Back in those days, I hadn’t seen that kind of money ever and wasn’t sure what was in the bags but I decided that I could use the money way more than she could and took the money and bags of dope out to my car before turning it into lost and found.”

“I never knew you did that,” Shandy said.

“I know you don’t think of me as the bad boy type, but I have done a few things in my day. Wearing a leather jacket and not taking a shower for two weeks doesn’t make you a bad boy, although you women eat it up like candy. Anyway, they call the lady and she comes to pick up her purse and flips out when she finds her money and drugs missing so they call me into the office to explain exactly what happened. Of course I lied my ass off and told her that I didn’t even look in her purse let alone steal anything out of it and she looked at me like I was the biggest liar she had ever met.”

“This is so unlike you,” Shandy said.

“It gets better. They make me empty all my pockets and open my wallet and find nothing. Not good enough for her, she wraps her fat hands around my pant legs and starts feeling up my crotch looking for her dope. She demanded that I strip or she would call the police so the manager told me to do what she said. I told my boss that I wasn’t going to strip for anyone unless I was getting laid and told them to call the police. Then fat woman has a change of heart and acts like it’s no big deal and me and my boss are standing there with our jaws dropped wondering what the Hell is going on.”

“How old were you when this happened?” Mike asked.

“Seventeen or eighteen I think. Back to my story, as soon as I walk out of the office she is standing by the counter and waves at me to come over. I took a deep breath and walked over to this fat lady and before I could say a word she asked me to come outside so we could talk in private.”

“Does this story involve a fat lady giving you a blow job?” Mike asked.

“If not, can you skip to the chase.”

“Unfortunately no blow job, she tells me that the bags in the purse were HIV infected kidneys she had bought from a back alley surgeon for a thousand dollars and was going to resell them to some voodoo doctor for double her money. She didn’t care about the travelers checks, all she really wanted back were the two bags.”

“What in the Hell would a voodoo doctor want with HIV infected kidneys?”

“Why do people shove gerbils up their asses?”

“Touche’” Mark replied.

“So I’m looking at her thinking that she’s playing me trying to get me to confess to a crime that I did commit, but waited for her to sweeten the pot.”

“Twenty eight hundred free dollars wasn’t good enough for a part time high school housekeeper?”

“At this time I thought I was the shit. I could do anything I wanted and was untouchable.

So I let her stand there and see if she would offer me anything else.”

“Did she?” Mike asked.

“No, and I wasn’t about to ask her for more because that would blow my cover and she’d know I stole her shit.”

“So you never gave her HIV infected kidney’s back to her?”

“No, I took them home with me after work along with the cash. I was going to open the bags and take a look for myself, but the thought of it grossed me out so I fed it to my neighbors dog.”

“You bastard,” Mike said.

“Didn’t hurt the dog any,” Kent replied. “Damn dog lived another ten years I think.”

“And what about the money?” Mike asked.

“I cashed in the travelers checks and used the money to buy my first car.

Told my dad I was making way more than I actually was. He bought it.”

“So it’s ok for you to lie to your dad but no ok for me to lie to you?” Shandy asked Kent.

“That’s correct,” Kent stated. “It only works one way and that’s my way.

You fuck me over and I fuck you over ten times as hard.”

“I think I just wasted five minutes of my life listening to that story,” Mike said. “I feel dumber for hearing it.”

“What else are you going to do? Play word games? We have plenty of time to kill.”

“Hey, take a look at that,” Shandy said pointing out the window. “Over there across the street.”

Kent pushed at dresser drawer set against the opposite wall so he could look out the window without being in the line of fire of the snipers outside. He squinted and made out the image of a game warden deputies’ truck and a fork lift operator placing a very large man in a power chair into the back bed of the truck. “You don’t see that very often,” Shandy said aloud.

  To be continued...   

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