If you legalize drugs it wouldn't be so profitable, and also it is all tight knit, just the elite few have access to the huge earnings, the minnows make peanuts.
If you legalize drugs it wouldn't be so profitable, and also it is all tight knit, just the elite few have access to the huge earnings, the minnows make peanuts.
I don't know man. I've always been against drugs, but from a economics standpoint I feel that it makes sense to legalize it. If people made or grew that crap in the USA it would provide jobs. You could tax the sales. An open market might reduce the hold that cartels and other sketchy groups have on the industry. Perhaps government regulations would create products that were more safe to consume...
I'm not for it. But it's always sounded like a cash cow to me.
if you want more of something...make it profitable.
what's the best way to do that?