Blast from the Past

What I was doing before I retired.
My Truck
(I named it Troglodyte)
nother truck coming in.
They staged us at the bottom of the hill
and another one.
on top of the hill.
being unloaded by the crane.
(up close and personal)
and I'm gone..
back DOWN the hill
Kinda Pretty up here idn't it?
No more time for SightSeeing
Pay Attention
BIG BOY coming up the hill
(or get squished)
by big I mean
Six Axels
and that's just the tractor
The Trailer
(a Snobble)
has six more.
holy moly sir! giant, longass loads, wow. did you guys get paid more when it was something so big? and do you miss driving?
yup...the bigger the load the more it paid.
the more it cost.
Oddly enough I find that I don't miss driving at all.
wow sir that last sentence surprises me. because you love steemit so much that it's what you want to do now?
when I started driving it was fun
then came ever increasing regulation
at the end it was no longer fun.
yes sir that makes perfect sense to me. It seems like everything gets ruined by excessive regulation and taxes.
wow thats a big heavy monster truck. bravo for driving it. you are a true hard worker. salute
Whoa I just love seeing your truck
hauling photos @everittdmickey!! :-)
Nice the shots coming around the corner!
Where was this beautiful area?
Congratulations on your new home!
Missed your news while you were away!
They off-loaded a bunch of blades from a ship to a dock in Muskegon, Michigan. They were installed up north. Renewable energy is great, but nobody who supports it is willing to put one of those monsters in their view or backyard. From all I know converting sunlight to electricity is the way to go. However, efficiency was (last time I checked) under 15%. With a space race-like focus we could improve efficiency to get more power from smaller grids. Excess elctricity during the day can heat salt pits that then drive steam generators at night for electricity when the sun doesn't shine. An at-site generator would be used in case of system failure or extended bad weather. No hurry though at last count we have about 100 years of fossil fuel left and most of the world has yet to be checked for oil reserves.
what about mechanical storage?
consider a grand father clock
weights going up and down??
I read where they are looking at filling caverns with compressed air during the day and driving wind turbines with it at night. In Ludington, north of where I live they fill a huge man made lake with water at night and then let gravity take it through turbines during daytime peak demand. They kill a lot of game fish though especially the yellow perch considered a delicacy. Using excess energy to push railroad cars filled with rocks during the day up a mountain and then let gravity bring them down while turning car mounted turbine would be mechanical and like the clock you mention. They can also use the tide with locks to trap water to drive turbines.
Very interesting. Thanks for sharing some details from your past. Nothing better then pictures to tell a story.
those things are wild, I saw lots of turbine parts going over the road when I was driving cross country and they are impressively massive.
Pretty sweet! I used to ride along with my dad when he went on shorter trips.
Looks like a nice carbon transfer that you have going on,sir..
😂 😂
I just happened to see a documentary last night titled Dynamic Salt. There is quite a bit of research in progress right now in the US and Europe to develop large scale test systems. Simply put when salt water meets up with fresh water the salt seeks to migrate into the fresh water and when it does it produces electricity. This migration is called osmosis. I've used it in curing my hams and bacon. You coat the outside of a piece of meat with salt and in a few days it goes all the way through the meat. The fresh water coming out of rivers into the ocean would be likely locations for power plants. This osmosis is why humans need salt as it migrates through the body it takes nutrients with it. It produces electricity in our bodies as well. That is why "grounding" is becoming a big deal in health. The technique is called "blue energy" production: