How do you feel about Trons Mainnet Launch ?
Trons Mainnet Launch is not so far anymore. Only 6 days remaining until the ERC20 Token Tron(TRX) will become an independent Blockchain for its own.

Recently Justin Sun twittered a Guidance for Users & Developers for the Mainnet Launch on 5/31/2018.
Step will be the Mainnet launch on 5/31/2018 in less then a week.
The devs are allready doing an entire function testing of the mainnet followed by a complet wallet product testing and block explorer product testing. Until the Mainnet Launch this task should be done.Step will be the Mainnet Test phase where the devs will check if everything works fine with the blockchain. The Test phase will be from June, 1st 2018 until June 24th 2018.
Step will be the GENESIS Block creation and the Coinswap or better said Token Migration. This will happen on June, 25th 2018.
For the Token Migration later next month you should put your TRON ERC-20 Token to a Exchange that supports the Coinswap.
The Following Exchanges Support the Token Migration / Coinswap:
- Binance
- Bittrex
- Bitfinex
- Upbit
- Bitthumb
- Bixin
- RightBTC
- BitPie
- Coinnest
- Zebpay
...there will be alot more.
So hopefully there will be no issues with the Token Migration. Me personaly, im fine with Justin Sun and his dev Team. I feel their vision on an new decentralized web and will support them as good as i can.
How do you feel about the Mainnet Launch and the Token Migration ? Do you think we will see another ATH this June?
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