Blaze Economy | Tron DApp
Blaze Economy is Tron's first platform that blends luck and strategy to reward the active Dapp player. Blaze is NOT an auto mining/pump and dump casino. We instead deliver unique, fun content that goes beyond simply collecting dividends. In Blaze, you can capitalize on profitable scenarios as a gambler, trader, or miner. Which will you choose?
Blaze games
The Blaze Team will continue to develop different types of games that all fit perfectly into the Blaze Economy. Our ability to deliver new content will allow for the ever-growing Blaze platform to remain unique and always offer players fun, profitable situations. See the Roadmap section for more details.
Blaze Machine
The first game in The Blaze Economy is called Blaze Machine. In this game, players roll to get a provably fair, Lucky Number between 0 and 97. Players can predict whether their lucky number will be high or low. If 'High' is selected, more points are awarded for a high lucky number. If 'Low' is selected, more points are awarded for a low lucky number. Selecting 'High' or 'Low' has no impact on the odds. Low numbers will always be shown in Betting History as red and high numbers shown as green.
• When 'High' is selected: Points earned = Lucky Number * Bet Amount * 20
• When 'Low' is selected: Points earned = (97 - Lucky Number) * Bet Amount * 20
Blaze Kings
Our second game is PvP style and gives players the ability to earn passive TRX and BLAZE! The game is simple. There are three crowns players can claim, and each takes a different amount of TRX to challenge. The crowns are: Bronze (250 TRX), Silver (1000 TRX), and Gold (2500 TRX). When challenging a King, the player places a bet equal to the value of the crown they select. In order to become King, the player must roll a 300 or higher (on a 0-400 scale). If the player fails to roll at least a 300, they lose their bet and the current King remains. If the player rolls 300 or higher, they dethrone the King they challenged, and get their bet back minus the standard roll fees (see Fees section). The Kings earn BLAZE per second (BPS) and 75% of each failed challenger bet against them. There is no cap on how much TRX a King can passively earn! Gold: .015 BPS up to 45 BLAZE + 1875 TRX from challengers Silver: .005 BPS up to 15 BLAZE + 750 TRX from challengers Bronze: .001 BPS up to 3 BLAZE + 187.5 TRX from challengers
Kings Jackpot
3% of all King bets go towards a jackpot that pays players that roll a 0 when challenging either of the Kings. This Jackpot will automatically grow with each King bet and has no limit to how large it can get! The Jackpot payout is based on which King was being challenged when the 0 was rolled. Players earn a portion of the Jackpot as follows:
• Bronze King - 10%
• Silver King - 30%
• Gold King - 80%