How do you think what are the advantages of professional farms in front of the home?
As more cryptocurrency miners join the industry, the difficulty of mining keeps increasing. All the mining rigs in the whole world are already consuming more power than the country of Iceland – can you imagine that?
Miners have to improve their performance in order to keep up with the growing complexity of network. In other words, they are forced to upgrade their equipment on a regular basis. One can’t implement it at an easy rate due to high prices and complicated logistics of freshly released mining gear.
To sum up, the best days of independent mining enthusiasts are long gone. A homemade rig is now just a trinket, not a substantial source of income. The industry becomes more and more centralized. Cloud mining companies and big farm owners are now the chief stakeholders in the field of digital currency.
Terraminer is aware of these tendencies. That’s why we decided not to make a shift with our already operating farms, although they are extremely profitable. This fall we launch a new efficient farm in Shaoguan, China, where the mining process will be conducted by means of INNOSILICONE A4+ chips that can perform at as high as 3,8 Mh/sec.
You can join us by purchasing the TRM tokens at the POST-ICO stage of our project.
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