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in #trivium4 years ago

Cognitive Distortions = Mind Traps

Cognitive distortions or mind traps are things that keep us in the dark. It also causes misunderstandings.
Image by 3D Animation Production Company from Pixabay

Mind traps are things like LIMITING BELIEFS or LOGICAL FALLACIES.
Logical Fallacies are statements that might sound true or reasonable while they are actually logically flawed or even outright dishonest.

Our scripture for today is (Joh 8:32) And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

You have probably seen that some devious politicians use them all the time, haven't you? That is one reason why people distrust politicians.

Anyway, when readers detect logical fallacies, the fallacious statements backfire, on the person making them, by making the audience think the speaker or writer is either (a) stupid, naive or unintelligent or (b) deceptive, dishonest or lying.
If readers fail to recognize the errors and believe it, they spread rumors, half-truths or full out lies without knowing it.
Thus, it is very important to use good logic and avoid fallacies in your own arguments.

It is also important to be able to spot them in others' arguments so that a fallacious line of reasoning won't fool you. Think of the list of logical fallacies as a tool for accurate thinking. Something you can show the other person to help free their mind of mind traps. Let the truth set you free.

How Do You Allow The Truth To Set You Free?

There are many things you can do and here are a few. Please comment with your favorite things to do to ensure you grow more towards accurate thinking.

  1. Reading religious text, like the Bible, could help if the translators didn't mess with the text. By studying logical fallacies you will be able to spot where translators messed with the text, anyway.
  2. Join a group that helps you learn and spot logical fallacies like this one: https://www.facebook.com/groups/PEIEnglish
  3. Follow a page that frequently posts examples of logical fallacies so that you can download and study them. A page like this one https://www.facebook.com/Learn-English-In-Charlottetown-PEI-Canada-103953394459639/ or
  4. This page https://www.facebook.com/MessianicSingles/ that also lists examples.


Image by 3D Animation Production Company from Pixabay

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