My mushroom experience!
Hello, mortals! Yesterday was a special day, because my friends, my girlfriend and I decided to take magic mushrooms. This wasn't my first time trying them so I knew what to expect when the shit would hit the fan. We took 14 grams, which we split into 4 parts, so we took 3.5 grams each. We had a great time: we laughed, we talked, we had visions and hallucinations - it was amazing.
I don't support taking drugs but if anyone wants to have an interesting experience alone or with friends, I highly recommend shrooms, as they are really awesome. For those of you who want to take this trip to another level, you can take 3.5 grams, be alone with your thoughts, and have an deep and interesting journey into yourself. Just be careful when you do this, because some times the darkest and scariest place in the world is in our heads. That would be all my crazy Steemians, if you had a crazy experience, leave a comment below. As always, stay strong :)