Beljanica - White Stone Mountain

in #trip7 years ago (edited)

Hello folks, always the same greeting. :)
I'm trying to be on steemit as often as possible, how much time allows me and share with you photos from some travel or from mountaineering, which is my passion.
I was with my club on mountain Beljanica on Sunday. If it wasn't great, I wouldn't even write this post. :)


Beljanica is located in eastern Serbia. Even if you are not a fan of climbing, there are beautiful waterfalls at the foot of the mountain and some restaurants so you can enjoy the view.
For those who have not been hiking before and would like to know what they need , I will leave you a link below

So, you must cross 150 kilometers of road (from Belgrade) to get to the foot of the mountain. First thing we saw was this wellhead, named Krupajksko vrelo.



Then we started hiking. The weather was perfect for us, although the ice fell on the other side of the country.


Before the first rest, I did not arrive to photograph nature because we had a stronger pace of walking, but my brother photograph me as you can see. :)
And after maybe 3 hours of hiking, we made longer pause and my view through one lens was this


and through the other one



This photographs maybe doesn't have artistic value, but it's proof that grass is a different color on two hills and that is nature and not a photoshop.

The highest peak has an elevation of 1,339 meters. Mountain got its name because of the white stones that covered the very top.


And look at the view worthy of all the whims



You can see the other mountain in the distance, it's Rtanj. I was there in January and it was so cold and slippery, some girl broke her hand. So, my recommendation for you to go there in summer. I didn't feel my fingers for a while. This time, it was so sunny, but windy at the top. We rested half an hour, had some time for the view and a sandwich but everybody gave their half to this creature. We saw old couple at the top, they was watching flock of sheep and this dog was the boss and he had another helper, the other dog who was pretty fast, faster than bird Twitty. :)


We made group photo and started going down. First stop was "viewpoint", where everyone is photographed.





and this is the mountain from the other side and some girl told if she saw this at the beginning she would think about climbing . :D


Going down was so steep, the road was twice as short as when climbing. I had to use sticks so i couldn't take pictures.

Another waterfall in the bottom was like a cream on a cake.


And ofc at the end we had dinner and cold beer to get refreshed. You can imagine we slept like a babies on the way back home.

Hope that you enjoyed as I did and believe me it was magnificent, every step and crossing the swamps and sound of frogs and cricket and nature itself is the best music you can hear.


Beljanica, my favorite mountain! 😁 Bila sam odavno tamo, ali verujem da je i dalje prelepo.

zaista je divno bilo, malo naporno ali ne i nemoguce za ispeti. :) priroda je divna, jedino sto su poceli da seku sume, nije mi jasno zasto. malo je jedan dan da se nagledas. i kad vidis stado ovaca ili krava, dodje ti zaista ona recenica, radije bih cuvala ovce, sedis i uzivas u miru. :)

Веома ме занимају ови планинарски штапови, @divisionbell. Носиш ли ти то? Имам пар питања ако их носиш.

obicno ih nosim, nekada nisu ni neophodni ali uvek se naglasi kada je ipak pozeljno :) slobodno :)

За почетак @divisionbell… Колико је штап чврст? Може ли на њега слободно да се ослони особа од 90 килограма? Колико штап кошта? Има ли на врху навој за фотоапарат?

mozda je ovde bolje objasnjeno nego sto bih to ja uradila. ima ih zaista raznih, moji su recimo aluminijumski teleskopski, najprakticniji su. aluminijumski su stvarno izdrzljivi, vidim da ih nose i ljudi koji imaju preko 80kg. cena krece od 2300 dinara pa ide navise, ali ne videh da su vise od 7-8k. uh, nisam videla da postoji nesto kao navoj za aparat, kul ideja za biznis ako vec ne postoji :) bas cu da pogledam

Хвала лепо, @divisionbell, ако нађеш неки с навојем, обавезно јави :)

nema na cemu...obavezno, i ja bih da ih uzmem ako postoje :D

Fenomenalno. Hvala!!! Stavljeno na listu :)

hvala! obavezno, stvarno je tura za preporuku. :)

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