Another Auragraph with Reading...from Denver Craigslist Ad
I pulled the Mother Earth Card from my oracle deack -Which means you are destined for great things - to do with helping the earth and the environment and people in some way, by how you - live - eat - treat others - ... however:
In the drawing you are cradled in the arms of God/Angel/Higher Self - safe and protected "He" knows your path, "He" knows what you are to do next. "He" is Infinite Power and Wisdom- whatever you want to call it - but you see, that Spiritual Entity is your Guide - so you must seek "His" Will for you in order to find your way - not through your mental gyrations of your finite mind - you must gain access to the Right Brain and the INFINITE MIND.
You need to turn inward. MEDITATE. And PRAY for your next steps ... then LOOK for the answers that come to you through signs - chance meetings - and "coincidences".
You are trying to use your finite mind to "figure it out" and that just won't work. You have a a strong destiny of service but it will only come through your strengthening your connection to your Intuition and that comes by FOLLOWING IT.
Basically, you must start from where you are. MEDITATE, PRAY, LOOK, and then ACT and you can also HELP OTHERS in simple ways - with no agenda for how things will turn out.
Your life is a spiritual path, so you must get quiet within to hear the still small voice which will lead you and guide you to what you are supposed to be doing.
You have FEAR to overcome as well - which you will overcome through the practice I just gave you - and through LIVING your life - and making mistakes and following your gut.
Your aspirations are good - but which ones are FOR YOU - you will find out - You sound like you might be an air sign - a lot of good ideas but with little resources to follow through on them - YES - I understand - I too am like that - but I had to learn to go within to God, get quiet, ask for His Will for me, and then Look for the Miracles and the answers to prayer and wait - a lot of waiting is required - and then ACT once the right thing shows up- try it out - and you will make some mistakes in the beginning of living that way but it will be ok because you are TRYING to follow your Inner Power's Path for YOU - and even just trying to do that will be rewarded in so many ways.
You must follow the UNCONVENTIONAL path in order to be satisfied - it's hard because most people won't validate you on that path - they want to know boom boom boom what you are doing and exactly how but you are a FREE SPIRIT and you have to honor that part of your Nature that is FREE because that free spiritedness will bring back the very rewards you seek -
You are not the type who could follow the well-worn path - you may follow a path of that is overgrown or you may be out there with the machetti hacking out your own path - but in oder to DO THAT you need that INNER STRENGTH AND CONVICTION -that you will develop through silent meditation, prayer and following the signs.
If you have any questions and would like a talisman, let's come up with a positive statement of intention for your journey to wholeness.