Adult Coloring Page Sigil To Understand The Purpose of All Life In Nature
I made a new Adult Coloring Page Sigil Drawing for my store on Homesteader's Coop.
This Sigil states: “Every Sentient Being Has A Purpose in Nature which I can see and Know”
This would be for homesteaders who have unwanted creatures in their gardens and crops... a way to connect more deeply with Nature.
Here's the Sigil itself:
What Is A Sigil?
Sigils are visual, continuous prayer
How To Make Your Own Sigil
People Should Make Sigils Because They Work - And You Will Be Exercising Your Use of The 7 Spiritual Laws Which Govern The Universe, To Do So, Making You More Conscious And In Touch With Reality, Which, In Turn Will Help Turn The Tides.
Visit my store:
This is beautiful! I need to try making my own Sigil, I never have before.
you should!!! once you do it you will probably get addicted like I did. I was bored when I found sigils and now I am still making them 2 years later...
The still image in the post promo is lovely but when I open the post the moving-flashing is actually painful for my eyes and I have to scroll quickly past. I DO understand you do that to stop people just downloading it - makes me realize selling this kind of art isn't easy online. Watermarking maybe? Just a thought & some feedback. Lovely image.
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I did because I am experimenting with animation- it doesn’t hurt my eyes